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Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:05 PM
Update of green Monk deck by BMoor
Well, right before Betrayers came out, I built and submitted
a Monk tribal deck. I made sure to get it in before
Betrayers because I wanted the challenge of only one set's
worth of Monks to work with. Now that the whole Kamigawa
block is out and there's some more Monks to work with, I
figured it was only fair to try to rethink the deck.First,
I'll list the Monks in Betrayers and Saviors that I didn't
have access to the first time. I'll just skip the non-green
ones, if nobody minds.
Budoka Pupil: Not bad, but in a deck with so few Spirits
and/or Arcane spells, worthless.
Descendant of Masumaro: Really needs a full hand to work
Iwamori of the Open Fist: Raw power, pure and simple.
Okina Nightwatch: Another "wisdom" card, but a good one.
Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant: Finally, Seshiro isn't the only
Snake Monk. Sasaya's not too bad at all, and her essence is
Okay, there's only five new monks, but they all fit the Monk
deck pretty well. The only discrepancy I can see is that
Azusa and the Gardener both want you to empty your hand of
land, while the Nightwatch, Descendant, and Sasaya all want
you to hold onto it. Guess it's your decision to make,
depending on the game state. But I think we can make the
decision easier by replacing Sylvan Scrying with Seek the
Horizon, which increases your hand size. We can also take
out Adventurer's Guildhouse for Mikokoro, Center of the Sea.
It's much easier to obtain and to play, though it doesn't
increase your hand size relative to your opponent, which is
what the Nightwatch and the Descendant care about. It's
still pretty good, though. Commune with Nature can be
replaced with Enshrined Memories, and one more addition I'd
like to make to the deck is Gate to the AEther. In a deck
with almost all permanents, the Gate can be a surrogate
Howling Mine, and since your opponent probably isn't
expecting Dosan to restrict his instants, he'll likely have
more of them than you, resulting in more permanents you put
into play than him. This deck should be almost all creatures
and land, then. Now for a decklist:
4 Jukai Messenger
3 Budoka Gardener
3 Humble Budoka
3 Order of the Sacred Bell
3 Descendant of Masumaro
2 Dosan the Falling Leaf
2 Azusa, Lost but Seeking
2 Iwamori of the Open Fist
2 Seshiro the Anointed
2 Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant
Other Spells
2 Konda's Banner
3 Seek the Horizon
2 Enshrined Memories
2 Gate to the Aether
3 Time of Need
1 Okina, Temple to the grandfathers
2 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
19 Forest
This version of the deck has much fewer support spells to
make room for plenty of Monks and plenty of lands, since so
many Monks thrive on a lot of land. Some things to remember
if you ever play this deck:
Seshiro+Sasaya=Synergy. Don't worry about flipping Sasaya
too much, she's great just as a creature.
The reveal effect from the Gate is mandatory, but putting it
into play is optional. Don't worry about revealing a second
legend you already have in play, just put it into your hand.
Mikokoro gives EVERY player a card, so use it's ability
wisely. consider whether giving your opponent a card is
worth getting one yourself. At least use the ability at the
end of your opponent's turn, so hopefully you'll be able to
use the card before your opponent.
I really enjoyed this deck idea, and I hope you do too.
Send me an email at
to let me know what you think.