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zombie deck- matthew elmes- extended
From: Matt Elmes [mailto:matthewelmes86@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 5:53 AM
Subject: zombie deck- matthew elmes- extended
20 x swamp
2 x abyssal spectre
3 x maggot carrier
3 x severed legion
1 x sengir vampire
1 x carrion feeder
1 x soulless one
3 x nantuko husk
1 x carnophage
1 x carrion wurm
2 x undead warcheif
1 x gravedigger
1 x cackling fiend
20 x creature
2 x dark ritual
2 x dark banishing
2 x megrim
1 x last laugh
1 x duress
1 x rancid earth
1 x sever soul
1 x ostracize
1 x smother
1 x diabolic intent
1 x zombify
1 x unnerve
1 x shades form
1 x last caress
1 x corrupt
1 x waste away
1 x befoul
20 x other
As you can see my deck works best when I can quickly summon
smaller zombie-type creatures such as 'maggot carrier' etc
in the first one or two moves. At the start I am also trying
to pick cards which will be able to kill the larger
creatures my opponent is sure to bring out (dark banishing),
keeping their side of the table empty. I then try to build
up enough manna so that I am in a position to summon better
creatures who can deal direct damage to an opponent
('severed legion', 'sengir vampire'), all the while trying
to give the opponent as little chioces as possible using
discarding creatures such as 'cackling fiend' or socery
cards such as 'unnerve'. If I have one or both of my
megrim's out this works all the better. By the end if all
goes well I will have their side of the table clean leaving
me to use my direct damage creatures until they finally are
Matthew Elmes- matthewelmes86@hotmail.com