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From: Jonathan Chapman [mailto:necrom23@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 10:42 AM
To: magiccrew@pojo.com
Subject: Peasant Magic Deck: B/W Control - Jonathan Chapman
B/W Control
(9) 1CC
3x Duress
2x Vendetta
4x Lose Hope
(9) 2CC
4x Ravenous Rats
3x Last Gasp
2x Diabolic Edict
(13) 3CC
3x Pillory of the Sleepless
4x Phyrexian Rager
4x Shrieking Grotesque
2x Loxodon Warhammer
(4) 4CC
4x Faith's Fetters
(3) 6CC
3x Phyrexian Gargantua
(22) Land
12 Swamp
10 Plains
This deck is very solid against a lot of the field. It has
efficient hand and creature disruption, as well as card
drawing to keep going later in the game. It also has
Warhammer to win the life race and to turn little creatures
into real threats. Gargantuan is also very good for a 4/4
and card drawing (mini-Necro anyone?).
Against aggressive decks, you use the early disruption and
stop them from taking your life total down to an unsafe
level. Lose Hope can just be amazing at times.
It kills River Boa, early elves, and goblins. It also allows
you to manipulate your deck (something rare for black of
white). After taking some damage (either from unblocked
creatures, direct damage, or
Rager/Gargantua) , you can come back with Fetters and
Warhammer - creating a horde of blockers until you can put
the pressure back on them. You have to know the right time
to switch from defense to offense (which is dependant on the
deck you're playing against).
Drawing multiple Fetters is always amazing when you're
getting the right mana. You can use Lose Hope and the Rager
to help draw into the fourth land. This deck has no problems
at all against goblins and elves.
Decks that play more burn can be a problem (as well as
random crazy God-draws with affinity), but don't forget that
in emergencies against burn you can play Fetters on a land
just to gain the life. The two cards I'm always concerned
with around my area are Blastoderm or Phantom Centaur. At
least we have Fetters for Centaur. Blastoderm can be a
Either you've got to discard, block it, or Edict it.
If you see a lot of the ole-fading-beatstick, then I suggest
you run 2 more edicts. I guess every deck has its weak-point
and untargetable beaters are this deck's. I've got a few
more decks coming in the future when I get time to post
Happy Gaming,
Jonathan Chapman