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From: Mirko Hrženjak [mailto:mirko.hrzenjak@os.t-com.hr]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:44 PM
Subject: Peasant Deck Green Weennie - Mirko
First of all let me confess that I'm rather new to peasant
magic. This is one of my first decks that I made for this
Ok, this is the decklist:
Trampling weaklings
2x Elvish skysweeper
4x Treetop scout
4x Siege wurm
4x Sakura-Tribe elder
3x Krosan archer
2x Druid lyrist
3x Krosan vorine
3x Elvish berserker
4x Fists of ironwood
3x Overrun (U)
4x Rampant growth
4x Scatter the seeds
2x Reclaim
1x Squirrel Nest (U)
1x Overwhelming instinct (U)
16 forest
2x Reclaim
4x Naturalize
4x Moment's peace
2x Nourish
3x Greater mossdog
The idea of the deck is to use cheap creatures to outnumber
your opponent and then play overrun for the kill. Deck is
accually faster then it seams. It has 11 one drops and 8 two
drops (including fists) so you can count on playing scatter
the seeds as early on turn 3. Siege wurms and archers are
here to help you late game if something goes wrong (like if
your opponent is even faster then you or if he has millions
of burn spells). Deck has only 16 lands so rampant growth
and sakura are your best friends. Never take a hand without
at least two lands.
Side is obvious I think except maybe Greater mossdog. He is
here to help you against black distruction and blue
counters, maybe even red burn (hmm, should I make him main
Deck is very fun to play and has the abilty to suprise
opponents with good starting hands. Hope you like it :)
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