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From: Jonathan Chapman [mailto:necrom23@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 4:50 PM
Subject: Peasant Magic Deck - UR Arcane Burn
It was very nice of WOTC to make us a theme that could be
turned into a peasant magic deck.
4x Peer Through Depths
4x Reach Though Mists
4x Eye of Nowhere
4x Murmurs From Beyond
4x Consuming Vortex
4x Ideas Unbound
4x Lava Spike
4x Glacial Ray
4x Ire of Kaminari
3x Evermind (uncommon)
2x Eerie Procession (uncommon)
9x Mountain
10 Island
I'm not sure how much explaination is necessary. You bounce
and burn. Almost every spell is arcane, so you can use those
splices on nearly everything. You can stall until Ire kills
your opponent.