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sorry to bother you but i was
wondering if you would mind to review one of my decks i have
never played magic competively but would like to but would
like to be able to build competitive decks first. here is
the deck i would like reviewed.
20 forests, 2 harmonize, 1 overrun, 1 krosan grip, 2 avoid
fate, 3 thallid germinator, 1 molder, 1 verdant embrace, 3
search for tomorrow, 3 pendelhaven elder, 1 might of krosa,
2 sporesower thallid, 3 thallid shell dweller, 2 essence
warden, 3 evolution charm, 2 sprout, 2 thallid, 1 strength
in numbers, 2 fungus slivers, 2 savage thallid, 1 chameleon
blur, 1 mwonvuli acid-moss, 1 herd gnarr
thank you in advance
Well, it looks like Adam here is trying to build a thallid
deck that's competitive. I've always loved thallid decks, so
I hope to add a spin on this deck that Adam will like. First
off, 20/20/20 in lands, creatures and spells may look good
on paper but it hardly ever works in application. Secondly,
the time spiral block made some fungus support in both white
and black. I've always been a fan of green and black, so
that's where we'll go with this deck.
4 Thallid
4 Thallid Shell Dweller
3 Thelon of Havenwood
3 Savage Thallid
3 Deathspore Thallid
3 Psychotrope Thallid
This like up of creatures give you early plays and big
hitters later in the game. When Thelon hits the board, all
your fungus will start getting bigger and bigger. Savage
Thallid will provide a huge beatstick with regenerating
abilities for all your other fungus. Deathspore and
Psychotrope provide utility in the form of weakening your
opponents creatures and drawing you cards. Of course all the
Thallids produce a bunch of saprolings to weenie rush.
Spells: 17
4 Midnight Charm
4 Evolution Charm
4 Resize
3 Creeping Mold
2 Garruk Wildspeaker
Here we are going place more utility cards to help you swing
for the kill. The Charms net you a huge variety of stuff for
cheap. Resize is great in this deck. It nets you +3/+3 for 2
mana and you can get it back whenever a creature hits your
side of the board. Creeping mold can get rid of a variety of
permanents as well. Finally, Garruk Wildspeaker can give you
the win the turn after he comes out if you play it right.
You have enough saprolings out and they all become 4/4 with
trample. Ouch.
Land: 23
4 Mosswort Bridge
12 forest
7 Swamp
With this line up of lands, you should be able to do
whatever you need to do. I like the Mosswort bridge in this
deck because more often than not you will be able to acivate
the hideaway and play something for 1 green instead of
whatever it usually is. Well that's it for this deck. Try it
out and let me know how it goes.
V.L. Sigma