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Pojo's Magic The Gathering news, tips, strategies and more! | |||||
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Pojo's MTG
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Pojo's Magic: The Gathering TCG Tips,
Pre Release
San Antonio Tx
April 19 2008
1x Goldenglow Moth
1x Apothecary
1x Kithkin
1x Ballynock Cohort
1x Rune-Cervin Rider
1x Pale Wayfarer
1x Safehold Elite
1x Medicine Runner
1x Wilt-Leaf
1x Safehold Duo
1x Raven's Run
1x Old Ghastbark
1x Scuzzback
1x Tattermunge Witch
1x Scuzzback
1x Scuttlemutt
1x Blazethorn
1x Barkshell
1x Firespout
1x Giantbaiting
1x Spectral
2x Burn Trail
1x Gnarled Effigy
1x Wooded Bastion
5x Mountains
5x Forests
6x Plains
I do not follow
directions very well. I heard about the 'keep it to 40
cards' rule, but I always like playing with 41 cards.
We played in the
first flight of the day and they decided to run one big
one with over 120+ players. I probably could have made
my deck a little better, but I had my 9 year old
daughter with me and I was helping with her deck. She
had put together a okay deck but 22 lands for a 40 card
deck is a bit much. She did not win any games but she
had fun. If you want to know her card pool and final
deck let me know. Anyways, like I said my deck could
have been a little bit better, but it did ok. The rest
of the card pool will be listed below this report. The
flight we were in was 5 rounds of swiss, going 5-0 won
14 packs, 4-1 got 7 packs and everyone else got 1 pack
for just playing. We had 1 tournament pack and 2 booster
packs to make out deck with. I do not have much details
but here is how it went.
First round. I forgot
to write down any names for this so I am sorry, maybe
next time. This young man was playing a 3 color deck
with u/w/b. He played a little slow, but with a new set
and being the first round was understandable. First game
I won by having more creatures out and I just keep
attacking. He had some bounce but I did not see any real
removable. The second game he was stuck on 3 lands for
about 5 turns and I won with more creatures. He actually
scope the second game because he could not catch up.
Game 2-0. Rounds 1-0.
Second round was fun.
We sat next to this guy while we build our decks. I
don't mind people who try to help out with a little
advice, but he went a little over board. Nice guy, just
a little cocking. He had a good deck build, being r/b.
He had good creature removal and some good creatures. He
play this new Dragon and he gave it haste and hit me for
7 bring down to 7 life. Next turn I played Rune-Cervin
Rider and I said it had flying but I think he did not
hear me, becuase next turn he attack with he Dragon and
was surprise when I block it. My next turn I played a
Spectral Procession and pass the turn, he played a land
and pass the turn back to me with one card in had and
two creatures on the field, the big Dragon and a Gobling
to gives creatures haste. I decide to swing in with all
3 flying spirits created by the Spectral Procession and
he kill one with a spell and block the other with the
Dragon and took 1 going to 3 life. I played Burn Trail
targeting him and went to game 2. Second game went back
on forth on creatures attacking and getting killed. I
keep the pressure on and was able to get him down to 6
life. I drew my second Burn Trail and burn him off with
both Burn Trails. He was surprise to be burn off like
that, but I will take a win anyway I can. Games 2-0.
Rounds 2-0.
Round 3. I got seated
at the number 1 spot. Very nice guy who got back into
Magic about a year ago and use to play back when it
first game out. His deck was a very fast and aggressive
r/g deck. He drop a Tattermunge Maniac, a 2/1 that has
to attack each turn if able, paying either r/g for it. I
was able to stablize after taking a very good beating
down to 10 life. I was able to beat him down to 1 life
looking for a Mountain. I had a Burn Trail in my hand
waiting what seem like forever, a couple of turns. The
next game he stomp me into the ground. Third game I
tried to stablize but I misplayed a spell. I needed one
more land and I would have kill all of his creatures on
his side of the board but he had a 5/5 forest walking
fool entering the red zone every turn until I was gone.
He played well and the extra land would have saved me
but, he might still have one becuase he was a good
player with a good deck. Games 1-2. Rounds 2-1.
Round 4. Played a
young man with a u/w deck I think. His deck was okay, he
just did not play very well. First game was fairly easy
he scope when I had several creatures out and he only
had one. Second game he played his second Goldenglow
Moth. It's a Creature-Insect 0/1 flying. Whenever
Goldenglow Moth blocks, you may gain 4 life. So it took
me some time to beat him down from 28 life to nothing.
His deck was alright but just not enough removal. Games
2-0. Rounds 3-1.
Last round, #5. First
game went okay. But he had alot of removal and keep my
creatures of the board. He drop a Mossbridge Troll. I
forgot it could be regenerate and may a bad play which
cost me the game. Now the interesting part. His ride who
was ready to go was giving him a hard time to leave. The
guy I was play was so confident that he could beat me
that he was asking him for 10 more minutes. They had a 2
hour drive and the other guy had to be back by a certain
time, I did not catch what time they had to be back. So
the second game he screw up and keep a one land hand,
because he did not play a second land for at least 4
turns. After that game he ask if we could split. I told
him he can have the extra pack and I get the match win.
I kinda felt a little sorry for him, but that's the
price you pay when you rely on someelse for
transportation. Plus he was a little cocking and I did
not think he could have beat me. But I was happy with
the win. Games 2-1, actually 1-1. Rounds 4-1.
I know there is alot
of advice out there about playing sealed deck. Having a
good number of creatures is a must. Good abilities and
effects is a must. MVP is Medicine Runner and Scuzzback
Marauders. Creature removal is not just Instants and
Sorceries but creatures that when they attack they have
to block or they will be closer to zero life. I play
aggressive, but I do not play fast. What I mean is I
will hold spells in my hand for a little longer to get a
better board position. Like one time I played Firespout
doing 3 damage to all creatures, in response playing
Barkshell Blessing on my Blazethorn Scarecrow keeping it
alive and swinging for five bring my opponent down to 3
life. I had creature advantage but he was tapped out and
only had one card in hand. Next turn burning him off
with Burn Trail. We I hope you enjoy. I did not explain
all off my cards they will be spoil on the main Magic
site Monday, April 21st. And the set will be out May 2.
So far I like what I see. Enjoy.
Card Pool
Greater Auramancy
Elvish Hexhunter
Niveous Wisps
Strip Bare
Zealous Guardian
Parapet Watchers
2x Glamer Spinners
Ghastly Discovery
Prismwake Merrow Turn
to Mist
Kinscaer Harpoonist Aethertow
Deepchannel Mentor
Puca's Mischief
Black: Blue/Black:
Beseech the
Queen Memory Sluice
Plaque of
Vermin Gravelgill Duo
Plot Fate Transfer
Loch Korrigan Oona's
Ripper Wasp Lancer
Cinderhaze Wretch
Corrosive Mentor
Initiate Manaforge Cinder
Gale Emberstrike Duo 2x
Crimson Wisps
Power of Fire
Nurturer Initiate
Runes of the Deus
Toil to Renown
Mudbrawler Raiders
Gleeful Sabotage
Hungry Spriggan
Farhaven Elf
Blight Sickle
Revelsong Horn
Heap Doll
Elsewhere Flask
Wingrattle Scarecrow
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