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Pojo's Magic: The Gathering TCG Tips, March 2014
Savoring A Delicious Irony: Draw, Go for the Twenty First
Compared to the last few articles that I’ve written for this
site, today’s article is going to seem out of character.
There are a number of reasons for this. For starters, pretty
much anytime that I find the motivation to mash my dirty
little fingers into the keyboard, it’s normally to describe
a cheap, rareless deck that I’ve built for a casual format,
usually Peasant Magic. Not so much this time around, as this
article is about a Standard deck with over a dozen uncommons
and a whole quartet of rares. (Gasp!)
Another reason this article is going to feel a bit left of
center is that I usually tend towards decks that do not
reward patience. My archive of articles here at Pojo, and my
last four or so articles specifically, have pulled heavily
toward the red/black end of the color spectrum. I make no
apologies for this. Given a choice, I prefer to burn n’
slash my way to victory. Today’s deck, however, is anything
but aggro.
But perhaps the biggest reason it feels so strange for me to
be writing this article is because today’s deck is one that
I’m currently playing online. That statement in itself
wouldn’t be so strange, but for the fact that I’ve written
(on this very site) that I’m too much of a cheap-ass and
Luddite to ever play Magic Online. Well, the truth is that
I’ve had a M:tGO account since last spring.
So how did I get to this point? To quote a famous swordsman
from back in the day: “Let me explain. No, there is too
much. Let me sum up.” One of the first decks I started
playing online was the blue/red
Magic 2013
pre-con…I mean ‘intro pack’ Depths of Power. It was fun and
it could win games, but it didn’t win enough. Right, then.
Time to upgrade! Money was spent, cards were purchased, and
the red cards got pulled. At the end of it all I had a
monoblue deck loaded with Jace’s Phantasms, Nightveil
Specters (I bought these back when they were dirt cheap) and
counterspells that gave my opponents fits.
But then…tragedy! M2013 rotated out of Standard. Damn! I had
to go spend more money and purchase more cards. I did, and
ended up putting the red back in to go Izzet. Without dual
lands. (Because I’m a cheap-ass) The deck failed utterly.
So it was back to the drawing board. Asking myself what
monoblue was good at, the answer came back as ‘counterspell
everything.’ A quick search of the memory banks and I
recalled Randy Buehler’s classic “Draw,Go” deck. Joy! But
the deck needed a way to win, and preferably on the cheap as
I was sick and tired of spending money and purchasing cards.
Then I remembered that
Magic 2014
was available. And I beheld the rare artifact entitled
“Haunted Plate Mail,” and saw that it was good! Ha-lelul-lah!
And here we are. Which brings me to today’s history lesson.
(Standard format, circa 1998. Uncommons marked with one
asterisk, rares with two.)
1 Rainbow Efreet**
4 Counterspell
4 Dismiss*
2 Dissipate*
3 Forbid*
4 Force Spike
4 Impulse
3 Mana Leak
1 Memory Lapse
4 Whispers of the Muse*
4 Nevinyrral’s Disk**
18 Island
4 Quicksand
4 Stalking Stones*
1 Grindstone**
4 Sea Sprite*
2 Capsize
4 Hyrdroblast
4 Wasteland* (Technically uncommon, but you couldn’t tell by
the aftermarket price!)
Buehler’s original version of Draw, Go was a permission deck
heavy on the counterspells, running twenty one in all. It
also ran four Nevinyrral’s Disks and four Quicksands to wipe
out anything that got past the counters, as well as eight
card drawing spells to go looking for answers.
Its’ offensive capabilities were limited to the lone
Efreet and four Stalking Stones, a land that would
permanently convert to a creature once mana was pumped into
it. Even so, the deck was a contender, as Buehler himself
right here.
There were a few problems I had to overcome in building a
modern day successor to Draw, Go. The first was that I
didn’t have access to Disks or Stalking Stones here in the
Standard environment of 2014 A.D. (Yes, gentle reader, I
know all about Mutavault. But you’re freakin’ nuts if you
think I’m spending $120 bucks for four copies of ‘em!
Cheap-ass, remember?) Second, the countermagic of the
nineties was just plain better and faster back in the day.
These were the days when the average counterspell (like,
um….Counterspell!) cost two mana, not three like today’s
Cancel. The same can also be said for common card advantage
then and now; no more cheap and instant speed draws.
So how did I get around these obstacles? My take on Draw, Go
runs a few more counters and a few less lands & card drawing
than the original, and I’ve replaced the Disks and Stones
with the closest equivalents that I could afford.
DRAW, GO 2014
(Standard format. Uncommons marked with one asterisk, rares
with two.)
4 Aetherize*
4 Cancel
4 Dissolve*
4 Divination
4 Essence Scatter
4 Mindstatic
4 Negate
4 Stymied Hopes
4 Haunted Plate Mail**
4 Encroaching Wastes*
20 Island
3 Claustrophobia
4 Dispel
4 Disperse
4 Gainsay*
Let’s break down the deck card-by-card, starting with the
counterspells. The duo of Essence Scatter and Negate have
the traditional mana cost of two, but are more conditional
overall. Essence Scatter only counters creatures, while
Negate only counters other spells, making each one half of a
traditional Counterspell.
Stymied Hopes is an overcosted version of the original
deck’s Force Spike, albeit one with scry, an important
replacement for the lack of card drawing in this deck.
Dissolve also has scry, but otherwise functions exactly as a
Cancel. My previous griping about two versus three mana
casting cost aside, both are still good counters.
Mindstatic is a four mana counter that our opponent can
ignore if he pays for 6. This Mana Leak on steroids (shout
out to my boy A-Rod! Allegedly) makes for fine counter. In
today’s environment of huge Greek inspired monstrosities,
the other guy has a just a hard of time buying his stuff and
paying the sales tax as the rest of us.
One thing that bothered me when I started building the deck
was this lack of good, instant speed card drawing at common,
but Divination ended up being the only card drawing engine I
needed, thanks to scry.
Sadly, there is no real replacement for Nevinyrral’s Disk
that doesn’t involve dipping into other colors. I did
consider Ratchet Bomb, but decided that (at least in this
deck) it would be too conditional for use as a reliable
permanent killer. I settled on Aetherize instead, a great
way to neutralize my opponent’s attackers while giving me a
second chance to counter them again.
And that brings us to Haunted Plate Mail, the deck’s only
kill card. It’s dangerously vulnerable to both creaturekill
and artifact destruction, sure, but it’s easily defended in
this deck. You will only need one out on the field to win,
but you can equip one onto another in an emergency.
(IMPORTANT PRO TIP: when you equip one set of armor onto
another, it isn’t permanent! The Plate Mail that’s equipped
will revert back to normal equipment! You will not have an
8/8 on your opponent’s turn, but instead a pair of empty
suits of armor! This is a lesson learned in what I call “my
youthful exuberance” when first learning how to play the
deck, and it still chaffs my ass.)
One could argue the value of Encroaching Wastes in this deck
as it doesn’t deal with creatures. We are playing Standard
in a multicolored environment, so it’s useful for slowing
down our opponent’s mana base at inopportune times. As a
bonus, it also nukes Mutavaults. Good enough!
The sideboard presented here is not especially tuned to any
particular metagame. Rather, it includes general purpose
utility. Dispel is included to protect the Plate Mail
specifically against creature/artifactkill, while Gainsay is
included to deal with other permission decks. (Don’t
underestimate the versatility of this card in a
Ravnica-dominated format.) Disperse serves the same purpose
as Aetherize on a smaller scale, as well as providing more
defense for the Plate Mail. Finally, Claustrophobia is
included to deal with creatures that got past all our
The deck’s game plan itself is easy to summarize, but a
little more difficult to execute.
In general, you’ll use your spells to counter any
threat your opponent could possibly throw at you. Once
that’s done, it’s time to cast a Haunted Plate Mail and go
for the kill.
It’s important to remember that while you can counter just
about anything, you can’t counter everything. You will need
to prioritize. A standard tactic your opponent will use when
playing against a permission deck such as this is to cast a
spell he doesn’t care about as a decoy, letting you tap out
to counter it, and then casting the spell he really wanted
in play to begin with. Play smart, pay attention and just
accept that sometimes you’ll need to let a smaller creature
get past your defenses in order to counter the real threats.
(Likewise for enchantments, artifacts and planeswalkers.)
While you’re at it, don’t get overly concerned about your
life total when playing the deck. You will win some games
without taking a single point of damage, but other times you
will find yourself in the single digits before you get a
Haunted Plate Mail set up for victory. Regardless, don’t
panic! Few creatures can withstand a constant pounding from
a 4/4 like the Plate Mail, and we have Aetherize and
Disperse for the ones that can.
When it’s time to go offensive, timing becomes key. Ideally,
don’t cast the Plate Mail until you have enough mana to back
it up with a counterspell or two. (I personally find that
seven is the right number. Four for the Plate Mail, three
for a Cancel/Dissolve.) That usually means defending it the
very turn you cast it, but keeping the armor alive through
the whole game is top priority. Your opponent might not be
able to nuke it the second it hits the table, but they will
kill it at their earliest convenience. Stay on guard and
don’t let them do it!
The deck does have two weaknesses. The first are creatures
with hexproof or shroud. In theory, most hexproofers are
little guys that can be easily dealt with by blocking them
with the Plate Mail or zapping ‘em with Aetherize. In
theory. But the real problem children are Planeswalkers.
They’re all bastards! Miserable, heartless little bastards!
They’re also the bane of Draw, Go’s existence. The deck has
no way to remove them from play. If Jace or his ilk hit the
table, just scoop, sideboard Disperse (and perhaps Gainsay)
for game two and shuffle up.
In summation: when I’ve lost with the deck, it’s because I
got cocky & careless and ignored my own advice about playing
the deck in the first place. (What, me arrogant? Shocking!)
Don’t get cocky, but don’t panic, either. Draw, Go 2014 is a
good, cheap deck that takes some skill to play, but wins far
more than it loses.
Until next time, I remain…
B. Siems
P.S. One final word on cost: I priced out the deck using the
online site I use to purchase Magic cards when I can’t find
what I need locally. The most expensive card in the deck is
Dissolve at $0.99 apiece. There’s a four-way tie for second
most expensive as Aetherize, Encroaching Wastes, Gainsay and
Haunted Plate Mail each cost $0.49. The rest of the cards in
the deck cost between $0.15 and $0.25 each, for a grand
total of $22.85. I would not be shocked to find that the
deck could be built for under twenty bucks.
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