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The Pojodex
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This is PoJo's Online Pokedex:
"The PoJodex". If you have information, or scans of
Japanese Trading cards, send them along,
and we'll add them.
First, though please check out our SUBMISSION
TIPS page for help getting your contributions into the
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TCG Type.
g-l |
s-z |
Abra, #63
Aerodactyl, #142
Aipom, #190
Alakazam, #65
Ampharos, #181
Arbok, #24
Arcanine, #59
Ariados, #168
Articuno, #144
Azumarill, #184
Bayleef, #153
Beedrill, #15
Bellossom, #182
Bellsprout, #69
Blastoise, #9
Blissey, #242
Bulbasaur, #1
Butterfree, #12
Caterpie, #10
Celebi, #251
Chansey, #113
Charizard, #6
Charmander, #4
Charmeleon, #5
Chikorita, #152
Chinchou, #170
Clefable, #36
Clefairy, #35
Cleffa, #173
Cloyster, #91
Corsola, #222
Crobat, #169
Croconaw, #159
Cubone, #104
Cyndaquil, #155
Delibird, #225
Dewgong, #87
Diglett, #50
Ditto, #132
Dodrio, #85
Doduo, #84
Donphan, #232
Dragonair, #148
Dragonite, #149
Dratini, #147
Drowzee, #96
Dugtrio, #51
Dunsparce, #206
Eevee, #133
Ekans, #23
Electabuzz, #125
Electrode, #101
Elekid, #239
Entei, #244
Espeon, #196
Exeggcute, #102
Exeggutor, #103
Farfetch'd, #83
Fearow, #22
Feraligatr, #160
Flaaffy, #180
Flareon, #136
Foretress, #205
Furret, #162 |
Machamp, #68
Machoke, #67
Machop, #66
Magby, #240
Magcargo, #219
Magikarp, #129
Magmar, #126
Magnemite, #81
Magneton, #82
Mankey, #56
Mantine, #226
Mareep, #179
Marill, #183
Marowak, #105
Meganium, #154
Meowth, #52
Metapod, #11
Mew, #151
Mewtwo, #150
Miltank, #241
Misdreavus, #200
Moltres, #146
Mr. Mime, #122
Muk, #89
Murkrow, #198
Natu, #177
Nidoking, #34
Nidoqueen, #31
Nidoran (F), #29
Nidoran (M), #32
Nidorina, #30
Nidorino, #33
Ninetails, #38
Noctowl, #164
Octillery, #224
Oddish, #43
Omanyte, #138
Omastar, #139
Onix, #95
Paras, #46
Parasect, #47
Persian, #53
Phanpy, #231
Pichu, #172
Pidgeot, #18
Pidgeotto, #17
Pidgey, #16
Pikachu, #25
Piloswine, #221
Pineco, #204
Pinsir, #127
Politoed, #186
Poliwag, #60
Poliwhirl, #61
Poliwrath, #62
Ponyta, #77
Porygon, #137
Porygon2, #233
Primeape, #57
Psyduck, #54
Pupitar, #247
Quagsire, #195
Quilava, #156
Quilfish, #211
Raichu, #26
Raikou, #243
Rapidash, #78
Raticate, #20
Rattata, #19
Remoraid, #223
Rhydon, #112
Rhyhorn, #111 |
G-L |
S-Z |
Gastly, #92
Gengar, #94
Geodude, #74
Girafarig, #203
Gligar, #207
Gloom, #44
Golbat, #42
Goldeen, #118
Golduck, #55
Golem, #76
Granbull, #210
Graveler, #75
Grimer, #88
Growlithe, #58
Gyarados, #130
Haunter, #93
Heracross, #214
Hitmochan, #107
Hitmonlee, #106
Hitmontop, #237
Ho-oh, #250
Hoothoot, #163
Hoppip, #187
Horsea, #116
Houndoom, #229
Houndour, #228
Hypno, #97
Igglybuff, #174
Ivysaur, #2
Jigglypuff, #39
Jolteon, #135
Jumpluff, #189
Jynx, #124
Kabuto, #140
Kabutops, #141
Kadabra, #64
Kakuna, #14
Kangaskhan, #115
Kingdra, #230
Kingler, #99
Koffing, #109
Krabby, #98
Lanturn, #171
Lapras, #131
Larvitar, #246
Ledian, #166
Ledyba, #165
Lickitung, #108
Lugia, #249 |
Sandshrew, #27
Sandslash, #28
Schuckle, #213
Scizor, #212
Scyther, #123
Seadra, #117
Seaking, #119
Seel, #86
Sentret, #161
Shellder, #90
Skarmory, #227
Skiploom, #188
Slowbro, #80
Slowking, #199
Slowpoke, #79
Slugma, #218
Smeargle, #235
Smoochum, #238
Sneasel, #215
Snorlax, #143
Snubbull, #209
Spearow, #21
Spinarak, #167
Squirtle, #7
Stantler, #234
Starmie, #121
Staryu, #120
Steelix, #208
Sudowoodo, #185
Suicune, #245
Sunflora, #192
Sunkern, #191
Swinub, #220
Tangela, #114
Tauros, #128
Teddiursa, #216
Tentacool, #72
Tentacruel, #73
Togepi, #175
Togetic, #176
Totodile, #158
Typhlosion, #157
Tyranitar, #248
Tyrogue, #236
Umbreon, #197
Unown, #201
Ursaring, #217
Vaporeon, #134
Venomoth, #49
Venonat, #48
Venusaur, #3
Victreebell, #71
Vileplume, #45
Voltorb, #100
Vulpix, #37
Wartortle, #8
Weedle, #13
Weepinbell, #70
Weezing, #110
Wigglytuff, #40
Wobbuffet, #202
Wooper, #194
Xatu, #178
Yanma, #193
Zapdos, #145
Zubat, #41 |
If you have more information, send
it along.
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