Day 1 (continued)

Ok… by now I've wandered
around the first town and made my way into the grasslands a bit.
There seem to be a lot of different trees and there are giant plants
that seem to have some later purpose. They look a bit like Bulbasaur's bulb.
I was tempted, at first, only to catch Pokemon that don't appear
in the Red and Blue versions of the game, but I don't want to limit
myself later on in the game. Out of all of my random encounters I'd
say that the number of 'new' Pokemon and the number of 'old' Pokemon
are about equal. Plus, I'm very impressed with the new poses that
the 'old' Pokemon are in. |
After the
first few battles I'm stunned at how much better the animation is,
and the colorization is a vast improvement, well worth the
purchase of the Gameboy color, alone. Especially when my Metapod
evolved into Butterfree and the colored orbs went flying in all
directions -- awesome!
When you throw a Pokeball, it bounces around a bit more and then
turns a color if you've successfully caught the Pokemon you were
aiming for. This might seem trivial but I like all the little
details they've improved upon. Another great enhancement to the game
are the status bars that tell you how close your Pokemon are to
reaching their next experience level!
All of the Pokemon I've come across are designated as either male
or female. I guess there will be some sort of breeding mechanism
later in the game. Perhaps when I put two of the same Pokemon in a
box… something to try tomorrow! One interesting thought; if
Nidoran male and Nidoran female have different Pokedex numbers, why
don't Caterpie male and Caterpie female? Must be because the
Nidorans evolve differently?
And speaking of different Pokemon…
I noticed a picture of Pokemon Number 201, named 'Unknown', in the
Pojodex. Well, take a look at these two pictures of Pokemon Number
201. Weird?! |


The first
time I fought this Pokemon, in the underground ruins, I wasn't able
to catch it in a Pokeball. Then, after a couple more steps I fought
another that had the same number and looked DIFFERENT! By the time I
found the exit, I'd come across at least 6 different versions of the
same Pokemon!
At one point, I received a spotted egg from Professor Oak's aide.
It didn't have any Hit Points or attacks, but after carrying him
around for a while he seemed to hatch on his own. You guessed it… Togepi! His initial attacks were defensive only… until I taught
him (what I believe is) the Swift!
The buildings and townspeople are similar to those in the Red and
Blue versions but it's so refreshing to be lost (again) on a whole
new map. I have to admit I hope I find a bicycle shop soon! Another
interesting note; the Cable Club is now located on the second floor
of the Pokemon Centers and there are more booths. I think this means
cartridges make use of the IR port as well as the game-link cable.
By now, I've made it through three or four of the towns, passed a
few puzzle-levels, and even picked up my first badge. To earn it, I
had to fight a trainer who used only bird Pokemon. The badge itself
looks like a pair of wings.
At the end of the day I've caught about a dozen Pokemon, though
I'm not quite brave enough to explore the computer terminals. I'd
hate to accidentally let go of my electric sheep while trying to
trade him for one of the Pokemon in my backpack!
Phew! That's a lot to pick up in one day.
- Ron

On to Day 2
of Ron's Gold Journal.
Home Day:
1b 2
11 12