Day 3

Didn't travel very far today but saw a whole lot of interesting places.
using my CUT technique to get past a stand of trees, I came across my
first Pokemon Daycare. Inside, there are two people who watch over your
Pokemon (for a small fee). The old man will watch your male Pokemon and
the old woman will watch your female Pokemon. Since I was down to four
Pokemon I decided to try the computer system out. It wasn't so hard, the
menus are in roughly the same order as the Red and Blue versions. That
accomplished, I went back outside and was pleasantly surprised to see that
both of the Pokemon I left in the Daycare were outside in the fenced-in
yard. I'm assuming that I could leave more Pokemon there if I wanted but I
was eager to get on my way.
The next town I entered was enormous.
I found the Department Store, Casino, Bike shop (thank goodness),
Restaurant and a Health Club. The town reminded me of Celadon City
in Red and Blue and there were plenty of trainers to battle. I even
picked up a coin case and played the slot machines a bit. Like
Celadon City, there is a door in this town that is guarded by
someone who appears to be from Team Rocket. Hopefully I can find a
way to move him soon. In the mean time, I've figured out, through
trial and error, the common Japanese symbols in the names of the
different Pokeballs. Now I won't be wasting as much money in shops.
I decided to visit the Pokemon Center and as I came back out it turned
from night, back to day. So maybe the game does have some sort of internal
clock after all. Before leaving this town I noticed what seemed to be
railroad tracks through the middle of the town. I wonder where they lead
and how to get on them.
After taking a thorough milking from the cow in the Gym, I got my third
badge and crawled out of town. I managed to catch myself a Ditto but four
Abras teleported away before I could do any real damage to them. Better
luck tomorrow!
Feel free to email Ron

On to the next page
of Ron's Gold Journal.
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