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PoJo's Pokemon Pinball Tips
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As always ... these are tips sent in by
folks playing the game, some may work, some may not ... Have fun
How to erase high scores:
How to erase the Pokedex:
Double your Prizes -
Easier Way to get the CAVE Bonus -
The hard way to get the CAVE bonus is this: Light up all four
letters C
A V E located at the bottom of the
screen to open a hole in the middle of the board. The easy way is
1st Charge up Pikachu's kickback by
doing a loop-de-loop around the outside of the board. It should
hit a
spinner which will cause it to spin, charging Pikachu up. Then
when the
ball falls down to the bottom of the screen and bumps Pikachu. He
do a Pikachu kickback. At this time flip the flippers so that the
spot is over Pikachu's head. You have to be quick so that the ball
go through the blank spot.
Evolving Pokemon
Red Field: Shoot the pokeball through the left outside loop. Each
you pass through the loop, one evolution arrow will light up. When
three arrows are lit up, shoot the ball into the Evolution cave.
choose the pokemon you want to evolve.
For example, if you choose shellder, make the pokeball hit all
Water Stones then shoot the ball into the hole in the middle of
Blue Field: Shoot the pokeball through the left loop. Each time
pokeball passes through the loop one evolution arrow will light
When all three arrows are lit up shoot your ball into SLOWPOKE'S
mouth. Then choose the pokemon you want to evolve.
For example, if you choose pikachu make the pokeball hit all three
Thunder Stones then shoot the ball in the hole in the middle of
Find the Rare Zapdos
To get Zapdos, the legendary bird of thunder, go to Lavendar Town
the Red game board. Make sure all of the arrows to the right loop
lit up and none are blinking (to light them up, shoot the pokeball
through the right loop). Now, shoot into Bellsprout's mouth and
is a good chance that you will find a Zapdos.
Getting Great, Ultra, and Master Balls
To get a Great, Ultra, or a Master ball you must light up the
lights at the top of either table. You do this by touching the
rectangles directly under the lights, and the lights can be moved
the A button, so you can go through the same rectangle and still
from a great ball to an ultra ball to a Master ball.
How to Catch Mew
After playing the MewTwo bonus stage three times, try to go to the
Indigo Plateau. Mew will appear there, but although you can see
him you
still have to attack him over 50 times before he is captured.
Mewtwo Bonus Stage
Moving Pokémon in the Pokédex
Pokedex Counter
Red Field Evolution
Having trouble hitting the ball up the outer left loop 4 times?
this trick: Whenever the ball is initially released into the
a new ball is sent or your ball is saved), the ball will bounce up
the edge of the right flipper. While the ball is in limbo, shake
the field left(Down on the D-Pad) 4 times; once while the ball is
once at the peak, and twice on the way down. Hit the ball with the
right flipper as soon as it is in range(the tip of the flipper
strike the ball), and it will always go up the outer left loop.
Finally, there's a use for the Ball Saver on the
Another useful method is to stop the ball and hold it with the
flipper up. While the ball is still, it will spin
Now, release and immediately hit the left flipper; the ball should
a pixel or two down the flipper before shooting straight up the
Evolution Lane. The timing is difficult, but with practice these
tricks will allow you to evolve pokemon at your leisure.
Here is a list of the different effects of the slot bonus:
Small- get a 100-900 point bonus
Big- get a 1,000,000-9,000,000 point bonus
Ball Saver- turns the ball saver on under your flippers
Ball Upgrade- you ball upgrades one level
Bonus Multiplier-the number shown will be added to your bonus
EvoModeStart- starts the evolution mode
Twin Pikachus- gives you left and right pikachu kickback till you
your ball
Extra Ball(rare)- gives you one extra ball
GoToBonus- proceed to a bonus stage
Special Evolution Bonus
To get the special evolution bonus:
1.You must get into the evolution mode.
2.You must get the menu and select a pokemon that has a star.
3.Go through the whole evoultion process.
4.After you "evolve" the pokemon you will get a special
bonus worth 10,000,000.
Special Stages
In order to get a special stage you have to catch three pokemon in
place.For example: If you catch Pikachu, Pidgey, and another Pidgey in
Viridian forest, without getting a "game over", or
switching to
somewhere then back again, a hole will appear saying "Go To
in and you will be in the stage.The Red field Bonus Stage is Diglett's Cave and the Blue field
Bonus Stage is Meowth's House.
Where to find Pokemon
Pallet Town: Charmander, Rattata, Nidoran (M), & Poliwag.
Viridan Forest: Weedle, Pidgey, & Pikachu.
Pewter City: Spearow, Jigglypuff, Ekans, & Magikarp. Cerulean
Oddish, Mankey, Jynx, & Abra.
Vermilion City Seaside: Shellder, Krabby, Ekans, & Farfetch'D.
Rock Mountain: Voltorbe, Diglett, & Mr.Mime.
Lavender Town: Gastly, Magnemite, Cubone, & Electabuzz.
Cycling Road: Spearow, Doduo, Lickitung, & Snorlax.
Safari Zone: Paras, Rhyhorn, & Chansey.
Seafoam Islands: Horsea, Staryu, Seel, & Articuno. Cinnabar
Ponyta, Growlithe, Omanyte, & Kabuto.
Indigo Plateau: Machop, Onix, & Ditto.
Viridan City: Squirtle, Nidoran (M), & Bulbasaur.
Viridian Forest: Caterpie, Rattata, & Pikachu.
Mt.Moon: Zubat, Paras, & Clefairy.
Cerulean City: Bellsprout, Meowth, Jynx, & Abra.
Vermilion City Streets: Shellder, Krabby, Farfetch'D, &
Rock Mountain: Diglet, Voltorbe, & Mr.Mime.
Celadon City: Mankey, Meowth, Eevee, & Porygon.
Fuchsia City: Magikarp, Goldeen, Kangashan, & Exeggcute.
Safari Zone: Doduo, Nidoran (F), & Chansey.
Saffron City: Ekans, Sandshrew, Hitmonchan, & Hitmonlee.
Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Koffing, Aerodactyl, &
Indingo Plateau: Geodude, Ditto, Moltres, & Mewtwo
Note: There are more Pokémon in each area but those are the ones
will find most often.
srinivas rao
Here are some expert
Pokemon Pinball tips from an experienced player:
1.There is definitely a Mewtwo stage. To get to
it you just beat the two bonus stages on either board and go to a
third stage, this will be the Mewtwo stage. This bonus
stage looks like the Seel stage, except there are no Seels and
Mewtwo lies at the top. To beat the stage you have to
hit Mewtwo, who lies at the top of the screen, 21 times in 2
minutes. The catch is that he starts out with six orbs
rotating around him that will block your shots. If you
hit these orbs, the ones you hit will disappear for a few
seconds. For every three hits Mewtwo takes, one of the
orbs will disappear. Once all the orbs are gone, hit
him three more times to beat him. Each hit he takes
will rack up 50,000,000 points! If you’re just
playing to get a high score you should just hit him until he’s
almost dead, lose, and face him again. I racked up 20
billion points using this technique.
2.READ THE MANUAL. It’s not really an expert tip, but
there’s a lot of help in it and most people don’t bother to
read it and just play.
3.Don’t underestimate the power of tilting the
machine. It can save a lot of your balls (pun not
intended) when you’re in trouble. Again, if you have
no idea how to do it, READ THE MANUAL! It shows how to on page 7.
4.If you are wondering how to get Zapdos, he’s right
in Lavendar town. Just keep trying until you get him.
5.The regular slot machine has a random order, so you
can’t predetermine what you’re going to get, but the slots at
the beginning are in order so if you time it right, you can pick
the town you start in.
That’s all my tips for now. Thanks.
Scott Lipton
1) Number of Pokémon
In the Pokédex, if you hold select, you can see two numbers in
the upper right hand corner. These two numbers are the Pokémon
caught/ Pokémon seen. A Pokémon is considered "seen"
if you attempted to catch it in "catch 'em" mode or
evolve it in that mode, but failed to. It will appear as a
silouette in your Pokédex.
2) Pokédex Fun
This tip doesn't do any real good, but it's kinda' neat! In the
Pokédex, if you put your cursor on a Basic Pokémon and hold
start, you can see it move! Yay!
3) Catch 'em Mode
To get into catch 'em mode, you may do one of two things. On the
blue table, go up and around the far right ramp twice. You'll see
arrows light up. Then go into Cloyster's mouth and catch 'em mode
will commence! Also,
in red mode, go up and around the right ramp twice and then
shoot it into Bellsprout. Also, if you go around the ramps 3
times, you stand a better chance of getting a rare Pokémon! The
other way to get into Catch 'em mode is to get that window after a
Cave shot.
4) Where to get Pokémon on the Red Board
Pallet Town: Charmander, Rattata, Nidoran (M), & Poliwag.
Viridan Forest: Weedle, Pidgey, & Pikachu.
Pewter City: Spearow, Jigglypuff, Ekans, & Magikarp.
Cerulean City: Oddish, Mankey, Jynx, & Abra.
Vermilion City Seaside: Shellder, Krabby, Ekans, & Farfetch'D.
Rock Mountain: Voltorbe, Diglett, & Mr.Mime.
Lavender Town: Gastly, Magnemite, Cubone, & Electabuzz.
Cycling Road: Spearow, Doduo, Lickitung, & Snorlax.
Safari Zone: Paras, Rhyhorn, & Chansey.
Seafoam Islands: Horsea, Staryu, Seel, & Articuno.
Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Growlithe, Omanyte, & Kabuto.
Indigo Plateau: Machop, Onix, & Ditto.
5) Where to get Pokémon on the blue board
Viridan City: Squirtle, Nidoran (M), & Bulbasaur.
Viridian Forest: Caterpie, Rattata, & Pikachu.
Mt.Moon: Zubat, Paras, & Clefairy.
Cerulean City: Bellsprout, Meowth, Jynx, & Abra.
Vermilion City Streets: Shellder, Krabby, Farfetch'D, &
Rock Mountain: Diglet, Voltorbe, & Mr.Mime.
Celadon City: Mankey, Meowth, Eevee, & Porygon.
Fuchsia City: Magikarp, Goldeen, Kangashan, & Exeggcute.
Safari Zone: Doduo, Nidoran (F), & Chansey.
Saffron City: Ekans, Sandshrew, Hitmonchan, & Hitmonlee.
Cinnabar Island: Ponyta, Koffing, Aerodactyl, & Magmar.
Indingo Plateau: Geodude, Ditto, Moltres, & Mewtwo
**Note about 4 & 5: Occasionally, different Pokémon than
these will appear, these are the most
6) Cave shots
To get a cave shot, you must light up each of the letters by
your flippers. These letters can be moved around be using your
flipper buttons! Here's what the bonuses are. . .
Small- get a 100-900 point bonus
Big- get a 1,000,000-9,000,000 point bonus
Ball Saver- turns the ball saver on under your flippers
Ball Upgrade- you ball upgrades one level
Bonus Multiplier-the number shown will be added to your bonus
EvoModeStart- starts the evolution mode
Twin Pikachus- gives you left and right pikachu kickback till you
loose your ball
Extra Ball(rare)- gives you one extra ball
GoToBonus- proceed to a bonus stage
7) Bonus Stages
To get to the bonus stages you get three Pokéballs by your map
picture. Catching a Pokémon counts as one Ball; evolving counts
as two. The bonus stages are. . .
Red Board: Diglett Stage (hit the Digletts to get to the
Dugtrio) and theGengar stage (hit all the haunters and ghastlys to
get to Gengar).
Blue Board: Meowth Stage (hit meowth to make him drop his
coins, then hit his coins) and Seel Stage (hit Seel every time he
pops up).
There's a rumor that there is a Mewtwo bonus stage, this is
what my friend says. . .To get the Mewtwo bonus stage, play both
bonus stages per table (ie Seel and Meowth stages on the blue
table, Gengar and Diglett on red.) The next bonus stage will be
Mewtwo's stage.
8) Pokéballs
There are four types of balls that you can use in Pokémon
Pinball. They are Pokéball, upgraded to a Great Ball, upgraded to
a Ultra Ball, upgraded to a Master Ball. To upgrade your ball, you
need to light up the three lights near the Shellders in the Blue
Table or the lights near the Voltorbs on the Red. Each upgrade
only lasts one minute, unless you upgrade it again, then you get
another minute. The great ball doubles your points, the ultra
balltriples them, and the master ball multiplies your points by 5!
- Jacob -
I just wanted to let you know, that I found a super useful code for Pokemon pinball
to see how many Pokemon you’ve caught and how many Pokemon you’ve
seen go to the Pokedex and hold select at the top right corner,
there will be 2 numbers the first is how many Pokemon you’ve
caught and the second how many Pokemon you’ve seen I have found
this code super useful - Jolteon250
Here is a cool thing to do in the Pokedex, go to
a basic Pokemon and press start. It will move. and another
confusing thing to me and my friends is that The left flipper is
controlled by pressing left. also when you get all 150 pokemon you
will be able to capture Mew! Yes Mew without gameshark.
How do I
know this you ask. Well when I got my game I was looking through
the Pokedex and there was Mew#151
I have some more information about the game
Pokemon Pinball. First of all in either the blue or red area if
you beat both bonus stages you will go to Mewtwo's bonus stage. In
Mewtwo's bonus stage you have two minutes to hit Mewtwo's. Every
time you hit Mewtwo you get 50,000,000 points. - Alex Bykov,
You know how to get to the bonus stages faster?
First Catch a pokemon. Then try to evolve it by going into
the evolution cave(slopokes’ mouth in blue field). Evolve
your pokemon and it will count as catching two pokemon! Then
the bonus round will open! It’ll work trust me I’ve done
it many of times before! Gotta Catch ‘em all! - TJplus524
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