SNAP Walk-thru
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Pokemon SNAP Tips
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As always ... these are tips sent in by
folks playing the game, some may work, some may not ... Have fun
... Please do not send in tips already in the walkthrough
3-7-01 by Sofrekncute
How to get mew to turn its whole body towards you and get a close up
First you have to knock Mew out of it's energy shield, then when
it is
chasing it's energy shield hold "R" to speed up, then throw
a pester ball
and hit Mew. When you hit it, Mew will spin then stop, when
Mew stops it's
whole body will be facing you, when it is hurry up and take a picture
of it,
because if your not fast enough Mew will disappear. (
After Mew disappears it
will reappear still chasing it's energy shield! )
07-25-00 by tdelph
I now have the hard to get 10,000 point Mew.
To do this get Mew out of it's barrier.Than keep
hitting it with items until you think it's close enough than when it
stops and looks at you (note you should be extremly close) keep
taking its picture repeat this then pick your biggest Mew picture.
Pose-1,500(When it looks at you)
01-08-00 by Ashcats99
If you said that you got those high scores from the experts at
then why did I get a higher Koffing than on the high scores? It says
that the
highest koffing you can get is worth 4,000 points, but I just got one
4,400 points. All you do is play the pokemon fute on the second song
gases come out of him in circles!!!
11-16-99 by
I'm writing about the high score
for Mew in Pokemon SNAP tips.
The highest score for Mew is not 9,900 points. I have a Mew
score of 9,920.
I've also calculated that the highest possible score for Mew is
My Score Highest
Special : 2500 Special
: 2500
Size : 960 Size
: 1000
Pose : 1500 Pose
: 1500
Technique : x2 Technique
: x2
Total Score : 9,920 Total
Score : 10,000
9.13.99 You want to acheive the best possible
Scores in Snap, right. Well, listed here are the best scores from
the experts at Nintendo. Good Luck!
- Arcanine: 5,170
Articuno: 4,700
Bulbasaur: 5,380
Butterfree: 4,960
Charizard: 4,380
Charmander: 5,370
Charmeleon: 4,400
Cloyster: 4,580
Diglett: 3,880
Ditto: 4,940
Doduo: 4,600
Dragonite: 4,400
Dratini: 4,400
Dugtrio: 4,780
Eevee: 4,500
Electabuzz: 5,280
Electrode: 5,150
Geodude: 4,000
Goldeen: 4,400
Graveler: 5,900
Grimer: 4,300
Growlithe: 4,710
Gyarados: 4,680
Haunter: 4,000
Jigglypuff: 6,480
Jynx: 4,400
Kakuna: 4,540
Kangaskhan: 4,100
Koffing: 4,000
Lapras: 3,430
Magikarp: 4,400
Magmar: 6,710
Magnemite: 4,260
Magneton: 4,000
Mankey: 4,500
Meowth: 4,400
Metapod: 4,470
Moltres: 4,700
Muk: 4,000
Pidgey: 5,100
Pikachu: 8,000
Poliwag: 5,130
Porygon: 5,160
Psyduck: 4,400
Rapidash: 5,170
Sandshrew: 4,990
Sandslash: 4,800
Scyther: 4,260
Shellder: 4,400
Slowbro: 4,600
Slowpoke: 4,400
Snorlax: 4,040
Squirtle: 5,260
Starmie: 4,380
Staryu: 3,730
Victreebel: 4,600
Vileplume: 4,620
Vulpix: 5,020
Weepinbell: 4,000
Zapdos: 4,700
Zubat: 4,330
Thanks to Mewtwo 2481 for the score information!
- 9.13.99 the hardest shot to
get in the game is a special flying Pikachu. In the cave level,
when a Zubat picks up Pikachu, hit it w/food or a pester ball,
then Pikachu will drop via balloons. When Pikachu hits the ground
play the flute and an articuno will pop out of the egg. when you
are leaving the area, turn around and then Articuno will fly by
with a Pikachu on its back, but you have to get a picture of the Pikachu,
otherwise you don't get the special. -Bones
- In Pokemon Snap, there are several Bonus Shots
that you can get that are worth many bonus points. Here, listed in
order, are all the special shots!
- Surfing Pikachu(Beach): Remember the Pikachu near the beginning
of the beach? Once you have Pokemon Food, lure Pikachu over to the
nearby surfboard Special Pikachu has a Bonus Value of 1,000
points! The size, pose, and technique all depend on you
photography skills!
- Pikachu On A Stump(Beach): In a grassy area near the middle of
the level, you will see grass flying up everywhere. Use Pester
Balls to try and flush out Scyther. This will cause two Pikachu to
run onto stumps just beyond the grass, and perform backflips. Use
the Poke Flute, to make them start doing Thundershocks. You'll get
a whopping 1,300 Bonus Points for capturing this on film!
- Pidgey Attack(Beach): Near the end of the beach, you will spot
a Meowth near a Pidgey nest. Keep your camera focused on two
Pidgey as they fly in. Snap a shot of the Pidgey unleashing
Whirlwind on Meowth for 500 Bonus Points.
- Pikachu On A Ball(Power Plant): At the beginning of the Power
Plant, you will spot a Pikachu. Take a picture o fit, and it will
run to a second location. Snap another shot of it, and Pikachu
will leap on top of a passing Electrode. This shot a has a Bonus
value of 600.
- Magmar's Fight(Volcano):Right after passing the Moltres Egg,
you will see two Magmar. Throw a piece of Pokemon Food between
them, and catch a shot of them breathing fire all over each other.
It has a Bonus value of 800 points
- Speed Pikachu(River): Near the end of the level, you should see
a Pikachu on a log to your left. Take a picture, and it will speed
out of the log. It is difficult to catch Pikachu in the middle of
the frame, so just snap away. Speed Pikachu has a Bonus value of
800 points
- Balloon Pikachu(Cave): As you pass the Weepinbell pool and
enter the next room, you will see a Zubat flying around with a
Pikachu captive. Try to hit Zubat with Pokemon Food and Pester
Balls. If you succeed, Pikachu will fall, and float to the groung
tethered to a bunch of balloons. Get a shot for a whopping Bonus
of 1,600 points!
- Flying Pikachu(Cave): You cannot get this shot unless you freed
Pikachu from Zubat. After Pikachu lands, it will run near the
Articuno egg. Play the Poke Flute to hatch Articuno. As you enter
the final chamber, Articuno will fly past you with Pikachu on it's
back. Center the camera on Pikachu, and snap away. This shot is
worth 2,000 Bonus Point
- Jigglypuff on Stage(Cave): In the Cave, if you rescue any
Jigglypuff from the Koffing, they will appear and Sing for you at
the level's end. You will get the biggest Bonus(1,200) for saving
all three.
- Graveler's Group Dance(Valley): After the first waterfall, play
the Poke Flute as you round the bend. Each tune will cause the
Graveler to dance in a different way. Take a picture of one, and
try to fit the other two in the background. Graveler's Group Dance
has a Bonus Value of 1,000 points
Thanks to Mewtwo 2481 for this information!
- 9.13.99 If you want the best Snorlax picture, play the third
song. 1000 every time! - "Ken"
CHARMELEON! First you have to be at the Volcano stage. As you pass
the Vulpix, you'll spot a pair of far off pokemon to the left of
the Zero-one. It's pretty tough to take a good close-up shot of
this Charmander.You can try to to lure this one closer to the road
with pokemon food.But an errant toss may cause the Magmar to come
closer. If the two fight over the same piece of food, the magmar
will blow out fire and the Charmander will evolve. - Brian
9.13.99 Some of the hidden Pokemon can be found
using these tips:
- stage 1- scyther. after snorlax, there will be a
large grass area. a pidgey and meowth will come out. then, knock
out meowth, and the vehicle should stop. when 10 pester balls goes
into the large, grassy area, scyther comes out, and with 1 more, 2
pika's will dance on two stumps. play the flute for max points!
- stage 2- zapdos and dugtrio- zapdos is sort of easy. lure pika
to the big egg with apples. when he's close, flute. he will
electricute the egg, and zapdos will come out. when he comes out,
snap away, and you will get 1350 pose points. for dugtrio, pika
and digglet are playing. snap diggy, and he will move. snap em
again, and he'll move again. one more time, and dugtrio will come.
for max points, snap the first, then two will come, snap one of
them, and there will be three. max points! dont forget the sign!
- level 3- moltres, growlithe, arcanine, charizard- moltres is
easy. pester ball the egg, then snap away! you will either get 1
arcanine or 2 growlithe with this. throw pester balls into the
craters. they will jump out. Charizard is right after this. look
to your left after arcanine, and charmeleon will be circling a
lava pool. pester him in, and he'll evolve. pester him again, and
he will attack you. max points!!!
- level 4- slobro, vileplume, porygon- slowbro is easy. lure
slowpoke to the shellder sign. snap him here hor extra points.
when he evolves, quickly pokeflute to make him dance. then look
right. hurry! there is vileplume! after the metapods, snap the
psyduck, then pester ball where the fly is. porygon! throw food
for max points!
For a sure way to get Zapdos, throw an apple right after the
doors open. when that happens, the lone pikachu will chase it.
throw another apple at the egg, then play the flute. right after
zapdos hatches, snap away. its more points than him charging the
light for the second sign. - "Ken"
- 8-9-99 On the beach, after you see Meowth on the
hill, there?s some bushes, throw Pesters balls and apples into
it and sometimes a scyther comes out, after Scyther comes out keep
throwing stuff into the bushes and two pikachus will Come out and
start flipping on the two stumps, these are called the"stump
Pikachu", get a picture of both of them while one is jumping
in the air and You will get over 6,000 points for that one shot. -
- 8-9-99 Pikachu
Pictures (
Surf Pikachu - In the BEACH stage there is a pikachu near the
start. Throw some apples to lure it to the surfboard a little
farther on. Then when he?s close enough, he will pause for a
while then runs to the surfboard and do some poses. This is great
if you are taking them up close and saving them into the album!
Thunder Pikachu - Sometimes when you play a Pokeflute near a
Pikachu, he will start doing his thunder shock attack. This is
great for some points at the beach up close.
Pikachu(2) On A Stump AND Scyther - When you reach the tall
grass where a meowth comes out chasing a pidgey, throw as many
pester balls in the tall grass to the left and a scyther will come
out flying and doing some attacks, take a shot at him before he
flies away, no keep looking left, you will see two pikachus come
out of the grass and go on the stumps. You can try to take pics of
both of them while on the stump or you can use the pokeflute to
make them use their thundershock move then take a shot.
Pikachu On Ball - Near the start of the TUNNEL stage, there?s
a pikachu, take a snap at it, he?ll run farther, now take
another and another till he goes on the rolling voltorb. Quickly
try to take some good shots at him upclose when he?s on the ball
for good credit.
Pikachu On Balloons - When you reach almsot near the end of the
CAVE, there?s a zubat holding and flying with a pikachu, if you
hit the zubat with a pester ball, he?ll drop pikachu and pikachu
will have balloons, this is worth lots of points! Pikachu On
Articuno - Before doing this, make sure you have pikachu freed
from zubat?s grasp in the CAVE, there?ll be two JYNX?s, if
you use the pokeflute near?em, they?ll start clapping (good
beat!) the blue egg in the middle will start to float and hatch
into Articuno.(you can take shots at him for the ARTICUNO shot)
Now when you pass by the jynx?s quickly turn around, you will
see pikachu riding on articuno, take a shot at PIKACHU NOT
articuno or it will count as articuno.
Swift Pikachu - Near the end of the RIVER, there?s a log to
the left with pikachu on top, throw an apple at pikachu?s head,
he will come out of the log and back. Make sure you react quickly
cause he's VERY fast.
- 8-9-99 To get a close pic a Lapras: Take a pic
and play the poke flute when you see the futher Lapras. Repeat
this step until you get to Kangaskan. Later on you can get a close
pic of Lapras by Kangaskhan. Trust me this works. - Marc Manalo
- 8-8-99 We have two tips for your Pokemon Snap
#1- Many many Charmandars: In the Volcano stage, don?t move
the Moltres egg and you?ll be stopped by it. Then turn to your
left and you?ll see two Charmandars. Throw an apple for one of
them and it will call some more Charmandars. Keep throwing apples
for all the Charmandars and they?ll eventually call all their
friends and you?ll see six Charmandars in total. And if you play
the pokemon flute they look like Children of the Corn! It?s
#2- Hopping Psyducks: In the River stage you?ll see a Psyduck
swimming around some pieces of land. If you throw a Pesterball at
him he?ll sink into the water like he?s dead. If you throw
another one into the water he?ll jump out of the water and
continue jumping allover the place (sometimes two will come out
and jump together). ? Sarah and Andrew
- 8-9-99 How to snap Mew: Go to the Rainbow Cloud
level. Look straight ahead through the whole level except when you hit
Mew the 1st 3 times. Then keep looking straight ahead[up-c] And
Mew will come. Hit her with a pester ball. If you miss and she
passes you look straight ahead and try again. Do this until Mew
starts chasing her bubble. Hit her and she will spin. When she's
done spinning she will teleport. Get the picture! -
Steven Johnson
- Photographing Mew: When you enter Rainbow Cloud,
you will see a Mew in a green energy bubble. You cannot get any
shots of Mew while the shield is up. Hit Mew three times with
Pokemon Food or Pester Balls, and Mew will drop the green shield,
and reappear in a yellow one. Hit it three times again. A few
second later , you will see Mew flying after it?s Energy Bubble.
Hit Mew with something, and it will spin for a few seconds before
facing you and disappearing. Keep hitting it until you can get up
close, then get a good close up. The best score you can get for a
picture of Mew follows:
Special: 2,500
Size: 950
Pose: 1,500
Technique: Doubled Score
----- Mewtwo2481
- 8-9-99 I have tip for Pokemon Snap to get
Dugtrio(s) Take a picture of Diglett when it pops out of its hole.
Then, the Diglett will move to another spot and pop out, take a
picture of it again. Then it will move again, Take a picture of
it. The fourth time Dutrio will come out. If you want more
Dugtrios, Take a picture of that one and another one including the
first will come out. Do it again and three will come out. -
- I have a couple tips. Most of them are for the
Volcano Stage. First, for mega-points on your Rapidash pics, throw
some food in their path. They will neigh and rear up, but not for
long, so take pictures quick. Second, to get the Vulpix's
attention, throw some food to, I repeat to, not at,
them. Same with the Magnemites in the Tunnel level. For some extra
points in the Volcano level, try to catch Pokemon on film when
they shake some magma off of themselves (if they do). For the
highest score on your Vileplume, take a picture of it after
playing the PokeFlute song that makes it do flips. My last tip
(I've had some experience with this) is, there are only two
Pokemon that will evolve if you knock them in some kind of liquid.
(Many people think that almost all Pokemon are like that. For
example, some people think you can get Ninetales by knocking a
Vulpix inot the lava. Others think Magmars will evolve into
who-knows-what if you knock them into the lava.) Anyway, the only
two Pokemon that will evolve if you use food or something to knock
them into a liquid are Charmeleon and Weepinbell. My
name's tim Jirik and our E-mail is
- 8-9-99 Ghost Photos - In the first tunnel, take
pictures of the purple myst that floats around. When they develop,
It will be one of the ghost trio (Gastly, Haunter, Gengar).
Group of Charmanders - To find a group of Charmander, go to to the
place where you can find the Moltres egg. The pelt the egg with
pokemon food, and if you've recieved pester balls, throw those.
Then you'll see a Charmander call his buddies. From then on, it's
a waiting game. After the Charmander come, take a picture and
you'll receive bonus points from Professor Oak. - Alex Bykov
- Tips for pokemon snap:
The Courses:
1)beach:fun in the sun!a nice,relaxing place to begin your
safariAfter the first run,your pokemon report will be will need six pokemon in your report to proceed to
the next course.
2)Tunnel:you need 2400 points to earn the pokemon food,which
means you?ll probaly get it at the end of this course.Throw the
pokemon food at the electrode at then end of the course to blast
the walls off to the next course.
3)valcano:The valcano can get very busy,so u might want to
start using the C<| and C|> buttons to turn around quickly.
you need 22 pokemon in your report to gain accea to the next
4)River:you?ll receive the pesterball after 72,500 points and
it?ll probably occur after completing this course.Near the end
of this course you will see a porygons nose sticking out of a
wall, throw a pesterball at it and it will jump out and hit the
switch to the next course!
5)cave;the course will really test your trowing skills.Remember
to aim the peasterballs high to increase the arc so you can hit
things far need 40 pokemon in your report to gain
acess to the next course.
6)vally:the vally course puts you on fast be
moving speedier than usual,so be qick with your shutter.At the end
of the course you?ll see a bunch of squirtles hiding in their
shells,get past them then bomb them with pesterballs.theres gonna
be a manky standing by a switch on the other side.bomb the manky
and you?ll open a new aslo recieve the dash engine
after yu complete the vally course.
7)Pokemon symbols:please read below at bottom of page
8)Rainbow clouds:After taking pictures of the six pokemon
symbols,this course will become availible.There?s only one
pokemon here: Mew.Its possible to get up to 10,000 point for a
good mew picture.
Pokemon guude to the six
a different pikachu,eevee,chansey
Lapras,kangaskhan,macikarp.Kingler symbol
tunnel: pikachu, electrode, kakuna,z ubat,z apdos, magikarp,
magnemite, magneton, pinsir symbol
Valcano: Rapidash, vulpix,charemeleon, Moltres, magmar,
growlithe, arcanine, Charizard, Koffing symbol
river: poliwag, bulbasaur, shellder, vileplume, slowpoke,
slowbro, metapod,psyduck, porygon, cloyster,pikachu, cubonesymbol
Cave:zubat,grimer,muk,wierd bulbasaurs,ditto,koffing magikarp,
weepinbell, victreebel, pikachu, jynx, articuno, articuno with
pikachu on his back flying towards you, jiggly puff, mewtwo symbol
vally:squirtle,g eodude, sandshrew,sandslash,graveler, gyrados,
staru starmie, dragonite, mankey, magikarp,goldeen,dratini,
dugtrio symbol
- In the Cave level (Level 5) when you first enter the cave,
look to your left. You will see two Grimer on the ledges.
Photograph them both. Once, you go into the second section of
the cave, look below you. Hit the Grimer you will see with three
Pester Balls(You must photograph the first two Grimer, or this
one will not appear). After it is hit three times, it will
evolve into a Muk right before your eyes! In the same section,
there are three Bulbasaur on a ledge to your right. Hit them
with Pester Balls and they will reveal that they are actually
three Ditto in disguise. In the third section of the cave, you
will find three Jigglypuff being chased by three Koffing. If you
hit all three Koffing with Pester Balls or Pokemon Food , you
will get a reward at the end of the stage. In this same area,
you will see a Weepinbell circling a pool of water. Use Pester
Balls or Pokemon Food to knock it in the water, and it will
evolve into Victreebel! When you enter the fourth section of the
level, you will see a Zubat flying around with a Pikachu. If you
hit the Zubat with Pokemon Food or Pester Balls, it will drop
Pikachu. Pikachu will float down to the ground on some balloons.
Snap a picture of balloon Pikachu. It will earn you many Bonus
Points, plus it would be a great shot for your Album. Next, you
will see two Jynx and an egg of ice. Play the Poke Flute to make
the Jynx break the egg, and cause the birth of a legendary
Articuno. You will lose sight of the Articuno, but as you fly
through the fifth and final section, Articuno will fly back with
Pikachu on it?s back, but only if you rescued Pikachu from
Zubat. Now, remember those three Jigglypuff? If you rescued them
all, they will be in this area, and perform for you. Take a good
shot for a big bonus. After that, you exit the level. now, find
your best shots, and show them to Professor Oak!
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