Stadium Tips Page
We could sure use some tips... Stadium is just
as hard as it is fun! Feel free to send in what Pokemon (and
attacks) you are using to beat all the Cups, Gym Leader Castle, and
Mewtwo! We'll continue to update tips/codes as we receive them!
( Tips are sent in from our readers, and we cannot guarantee they will
Beat Mewtwo
To beat Mewtwo on Pokémon
Stadium without any effort in training your own Pokémon choose
for your six rental Pokémon: Electrode, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Krabby,
Kingler, and Pinsir. Use Electrode first and use Thunder Wave so
Mewtwo is slower than everyone. Use Flash so that Mewtwo has
trouble hitting you. After Electrode faints (which could take a
while) use any one of the others and use their One-Hit KO move.
DO NOT DAMAGE MEWTWO! If you do he can use Rest and shake off
the Paralysis and mess you up. He will be messed up until you
totally crush him.
Mewtwo too tough!!??
Mini games too easy??!!
- To get harder mini games in the Kids' Club, set the setting's on
Whose The
Best, and Hard mode. You can set it to any amount of wins. But if
you beat
hard mode on whose the best five times in a row (good luck) you
will open
something like a R-2 mode for the Kids' Club. And it's a lot
Stadium Tricks...
- I’m not sure if anyone has tried this yet but I was fooling
around with my
Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Stadium. Here is a really easy way to get
starting 3 Pokemon (Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur) without
trading with
a friend in the beginning of the game using either red or blue.
start a new game and select any of the 3 starting pokemon (it
doesn’t matter
who). Then get the pokedex and catch 3 pokemon, I caught rattata,
and caterpie. Then plug in your pokemon red or blue and go into
Oaks lab and into the list of all your pokemon, the pc all the way
to the
left. Go into that and into the selection: pokemon. You should
have 4
pokemon in the left box: party, and then change the right box to
N64 box 1.
Place all but 1 of the pokemon you caught in the N64 box 1. Save
then go
into the game boy tower and start a new game. Choose a different
pokemon, get the pokedex and go back into the same pc. Transfer
the 3
pokemon saved from the N64 game and into your party. Repeat to get
other starting pokemon and your done. It may take awhile but it is
definately worth it. You can also do this if you have already
through the game and you can get a second Mewtwo, Moltres,
Zapdos, Eevee and some other pokemon you haven’t caught.
Remember you must
leave 1 pokemon in the gameboy pack. Hope this trick helps!!
MissingNo Solved!?
- I noticed that your Pokemon Stadium section does not yet have
accurate information regarding glitch pokemon like Missingno. I
was feeling bold yesterday, so I tried to use my Missingno with
stadium, and here’s what happened (results may or may not be
typical). You can’t battle with him, because the game
classifies him as Level ? and therefore unable to meet any of the
tournament guidelines (even "anything goes"!) His type
is ???? and all his stats are ????. Instead of being #000 like he
is in Game Boy, he is number ????. Although you can’t
battle with him, the game still classifies him as Pokemon data, so
he can be manipulated and transferred in Prof. Oak’s computer.
And if you go to the Snap mode, you’ll find that Missingno looks
a lot like the little doll that appears when you use substitute
:) He hasn’t glitched my game yet, so as far as I know it’s
safe to transfer him to stadium. WARNING: Catching him in
the Game Boy version won’t erase your game (I’ve had him for a
year now and my data is still intact) but it will definitely mess
up your hall of fame. So be warned. Dan
Beat Mewtwo!
- There are two good strategies to beat Mewtwo. One is to use a
Jolteon with
Toxic and use Pin Missile. The other is to have your own Mewtwo,
Ditto, and
Mew (if you have one) and transform in to Mewtwo. Then use
Blizzard. I hope
this helps - Ryan Southwell
See the Unseen!
- Having trouble beating Koga's invisible wall maze in Pokémon
Red, Blue,
or Yellow? Then upload it to the N64 on PKMN Stadium. There will
little dots (4 to be precise) on squares with invisible walls on
This makes avoiding trainers and getting to Koga quickly a snap!
Color Swap?
- Did you ever notice when you’re battling other trainers and
their pokemon
are slightly different, i.e. a green Sandshrew or Rhyhorn with
blue mouth? i read out of the strategy guide that if you see a
pokemon on the game, write down its nickname, and then on the
pokemon go to the name changer in lavender town and change its
name to the
one you wrote down and then load it on stadium, you’re pokemon
will have
the same feature when you battle. Sounds complicated but its cool!
Trade with Yourself!
- Hello Pojo. Love your site! I have a great trick to move Pokemon
between 2 games. You don’t need to have a link cable or a
Gameboy!!!!! All you need is 2 games and Pokemon stadium. First
you need 2 games. For example, say you have a red and yellow
version. Say you have a Pinsir in the yellow version but not the
red. Simply put the Pinsir in Stadium and save. Next, turn off the
game and exchange versions. Turn on the game and move the Pinsir
from the Stadium to the red version. This works with any Pokemon
and any 2 versions. This takes a long while but it is worth it!!!!
Here’s the team I used to beat the gym leaders and Masterball
level of the
Prime Cup.
- Dragonite
ice beam
body slam
hyper beam
- Jolteon
pin missle
double team
- Vaporeon
Ice beam
hydro pump
- Tauros
Ice beam
hyper beam
- Gengar
night shade
dream eater
All are at level 100 and were raised manually (no rare candies)
except for
1 on tauros. All were maxed out with stat enhancing drugs like carbos,
iron etc.
Their stats are far superior to rental pokemon of the same level.
I was only defeated once in all of the battles with them.
Tauros and Dragonite are the heart of the team because of their
to defeat many pokemon types. Tauros is usually sent out first and can
defeat one or two pokemon on his own without having to switch to the
others. Dragonite is great because he is resistant to many attacks
water etc.
Never underestimate your opponent in stadium. Try to have as many
different types of attacks on one team as possible. If all else fails
stat changing moves like minimize and swords dance. If you can get
pokemon "dug in" you may have a better chance of winning.
Don’t forget
about paralysis, sleep and confusion -your opponent won’t.
Remember your opponent’s weakness not just type wekness but wekness
attack based moves or special based moves. I.e. if you have a
vs. a gengar it’s much better to use fly on it than try to attack it’s
special with a fire attack. Also remember that you get a 1.5x damage
boost by matching type with pokemon. Remember that when choosing which
attacks to use and teach pokemon.
Visit my strategy page for more info
Hope this helped
Pokémon Stadium Cheat Codes
Tips sent in by Michael Le
- Extra Damage
When performing a fighting move, hold "A".
- Alternate Pokémon Colors
Some of the Pokémon that appear in Pokémon Stadium have
different colors.
The secret to the color variations lie in the names you give your
Pokémon as
well as your trainer ID number (assigned to you in Pokémon Blue,
Red or
Yellow, whenever you start a new game). Well there are a few
secret names
that change certain Pokémons’ color. These are a few naming
tricks that
result in different color variations:
· The whole name is lower caps (i.e.: poliwhirl)
· Reverse the order of the syllables (i.e.: DRILLBEE)
· Abridge the names (i.e.: Pika)
- Battle Mewtwo
To play a hidden 6-on-1 battle with Mewtwo beat Gym Leader Castle
and get
all trophies in all 10 tournaments in the Stadium Mode. The map
should turn into a night scene then a bonus tournament will open
up, you
will battle against the psychic super-Pokémon, Mewtwo (#150).
Once you have
beaten Mewtwo you will unlock a new game mode.
- Bonus Stickers
Once you have beaten both the R-1 mode (including Mewtwo) and the
R-2 Mode
(including Mewtwo), you are given a set of bonus stickers that you
access in the Gallery Mode. When you're on the Gallery main screen
hold down
L and R and move the Cursor to Print. If you keep the buttons held
the Print
option will change to Bonus. You will now have access to a set of
16 bonus
wallpaper stickers from all the different modes that you can print
out at
Snap Stations.
- GB Speed Upgrades
There are two secret speed upgrades to the GB Tower Game Boy
emulator that
let you play Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow at much higher speeds:
· Doduo Mode: Beat the Poké Cup. Once you have won all the Poké
tournaments, the GB Tower changes into Doduo GB Tower and a Doduo
appears on the Game Boy. The Doduo upgrade doubles the speed of
the game
play when playing the Game Boy game on your N64.
· Dodrio Mode: Play the Game Boy games at hyper speed with these
speed settings. To get it, you need to beat the Prime Cup (after
you have
already beaten the Poké Cup).
You can switch between the different GB Tower speed settings
during game
play by pressing C Right.
- Get Amnesia Psyduck
Unlocking it will take a while, but it's worth it. You have to
register all
151 Pokémon in the Hall of Fame. Whenever you beat a tournament
(or Gym
Leader Castle), your six Pokémon are entered into the Hall of
Fame. It
doesn't matter whether you use rental Pokémon or your own, but
you can't
have any gaps. Once you've done it, you are awarded a free Psyduck
knows Amnesia.
- Get Surfing Pikachu
To teach your Pikachu Surf (a technique it can normally not learn)
you need
to first unlock the R-2 (Round 2) mode. Then do the following:
· Enter the R-2 Prime Cup's Master Ball division (you have to
beat the first
three divisions first).
· Have a team that contains a Pikachu that does not yet know
Surf. You have
to use a Pikachu from your Game Boy game. You cannot unlock
Surfing Pikachu
using a Rental Pokémon.
Do not register your team. Pick it directly from your Game Boy
· You now have to beat the Prime Cup's Master Ball division using
a team
that always has Pikachu. Pikachu has to be in every one of the
· You can’t to use any continues. If you do you won't get
Surfing Pikachu.
Once you have done all of the conditions shown and beaten the cup
you are
shown an award screen with Pikachu standing on a surfboard. From
here on
Pikachu can use the Surf technique both in battle and during game
play (Game
Boy versions only). If you've got Pokémon Yellow you can now also
access the
hidden Surfing Pikachu mini-game. Simply go to the small hut on
the northern
beach of Route 19.
- New Title Screen
Beat both the Gym Leader Castle and Stadium modes to change the
title screen
(in addition to the map mode). The new title shows depict Pikachu,
Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur and Mewtwo.
- Open Up R-2 Mode
To get the secret R-2 Mode (as well as a brand-new title screen)
Mewtwo after you have beaten the Stadium Mode and Gym Leader
Castle. You
will now see the final credits sequence, it will unlock the harder
R-2 Mode
and all new battles. You can toggle between R-2 and Regular Mode
at the
start-up screen by pressing C-Right
- Each time you beat the Gym Leader Castle (including the Final
Four and your Rival) you will receive one of eight semi-rare to
rare Pokémon. These
Pokémon are awarded at random, so it's likely that you'll need to
beat the
Gym Leader Castle again and again to get the ones you want. Once
you have
beaten the Castle you only need to defeat the Final Four and your
again if you want to win more Pokémon.
Here are the Pokémon you can win:
#001 Bulbasaur
#004 Charmander
#007 Squirtle
#106 Hitmonlee
#107 Hitmonchan
#133 Eevee
#138 Omanyte
#140 Kabuto
Here is a list of the Pokemon I use to
battle in Pokemon Stadium. So far,
I’ve beaten the Gym Leader Castle and all of the "ball"
categories in the
Prime Cup except for the Master Ball category. Tips sent
in by Tim Martin
Jolteon: Double Kick, Thunder,
Thunder Bolt, Body Slam
Double Kick super effective against rock types, which are Jolteon’s
Thunder is the most powerful attack, and Thunder Bolt is for when
you don’t
need to do much damage, and you need accuracy. Body Slam is for
when the
enemy is resistant to electricity.
Mewtwo: Psychic, Toxic, Barrier,
Psychic is Mewtwo’s strongest attack. Toxic is great at taking
down really
strong opponents, especially ones that like to stall, or against
pokemon w/ Recover. Barrier is so you stay alive by taking very
small amounts
of damage, and Recover gains back HP you’ve lost.
Dragonite: Blizzard, Hyper Beam,
Body Slam, Horn Drill
Blizzard is super effective against other dragon types, grass, and
types. Hyper Beam is his strongest attack. Body Slam is for when
you don’t
need to do a lot of damage, and it saves PP. Horn Drill is a great
desperation attack, or when you want to defeat someone quickly.
Sandslash: Earthquake, Slash, Dig,
Rock Slide.
Since Earthquake and Dig are ground attacks, you don’t have much
to use
against flying types, but Rock Slide is super effective.
Earthquake is the
strongest ground type attack. Slash is a great normal move with a
hit almost every time. Dig is pretty strong, it wastes the
opponent’s PP, and
stalls as well.
Flareon: Flamethrower, Fire Spin,
Fire Blast, Body Slam
Fire Blast is the strongest fire type attack. Flamethrower is for
when you
don’t need to do as much damage as Fire Blast. Fire Spin is good
for when you
don’t want the enemy to attack, if you can avoid the problem of
bad accuracy.
Body Slam is for fire resistant enemies.
Blastoise: Blizzard, Surf, Hydro
Pump, Body Slam
Blizzard protects Blastoise from grass type enemies. Hydro Pump is
strongest water attack. Surf has better accuracy and more PP than
Hydro Pump,
so use it when you don’t need to do as much damage. Body Slam is
for water
resistant enemies.
Tips: Use the Cinnabar Island
Infinite Item trick in your GB game to get
infinite PP ups (they come in really handy in long battles) and
infinite TM
8’s (Body Slam)
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