is Pokemon Stadium?
Pokemon Stadium gives you the opportunity to pit
your favorite Pokemon against either your friends or the
computer. With stunning N64 graphics and the ability to play
your favorite Red, Blue, and Yellow games up on the big screen...
Pokemon Stadium is sure to be an instant succes s!
Stadium focuses on Pokemon battles. The
coolest feature of the game allows you to "rent" Pokemon to
start competing right away, or use the Transfer Pak to use your very
own Pokemon you've trained on the Game Boy Games! Use these
Pokemon wisely as you battle other trainers to obtain the status of
Pokemon Master!
Don't miss all the other great features in the game! Besides the
main event there is plenty of other stuff to keep you busy.
Visit the Gallery to take pics of your favorite Pokemon and print them
out at your local Pokemon Snap Station! Also be sure to visit
Professor Oak to check out all your Pokemon and trade them with your
friends! When you get a chance be sure to go check out the NINE
mini games featuring all the cutest Pokemon! Stadium also lets
you use the Transfer Pak to play your Pokemon Game Boy games right on
your TV! Finally, don't forget to battle your friends for loads
of Multi-Player action!
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