Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Console: GameCube
Genre: Adventure/Horror
Rated: Mature
Players: 1
Blocks to save: 15

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
It has been many years since that happy day that Eternal
Darkness was announced on Nintendo 64. At first the title
didn't seem like it was going to be any too special, but
it was also very early in its development. But as we know
things change, sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the
best - luckily as I say: things changed for the best. At
first fans patiently awaited the title that was supposed
to be released in the year of 1999 for the Nintendo 64,
and then for GameCube in February 2002, but after very upsetting
delays the game was finally released a painful couple years.
Eternal Darkness was finally released, June 24, 2002. Most
Nintendo gamer's were so excited they rushed out to buy
the game that day, but sadly I had to wait one day. The
next day, though - for sure changed my life. I can now say
that the long, and sometimes tedious wait was worth it.
- More than 40 hours of game play
- Play as 12 different characters all ranging in different
time periods
- Beautiful sounds available in Surround Sound Pro Logic
- 5 Hours of Cut-scenes
- 1 Hour of FMV's
- Blockbuster story line
- RPG like Magick system
- Zelda like fighting system
- Intense Game play for older audience
- Progressive Scan Mode
- Tons of Historical Weapons
- cut-scene book allowing players to re-watch cut -scenes
from different chapters
- 12 chapters that will keep players addicted
- Rumble enabled, or off available.
- One of the best games of the year.
Eternal Darkness easily proves that delays are worth the
wait in the end. In every way Eternal Darkness represents
what a game should be: From the game play, to the visuals,
to the brilliant story line, Eternal Darkness is one of
the best games that has been seen in many years. It is fare
to compare Eternal Darkness to excellent games such as,
Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, and Goldeneye. Eternal
Darkness stands its ground even when compared to the best
of the best. It offers some of the most unique experiences:
some scary, some thrilling, and some addicting. Even though
Eternal Darkness' graphics are amazing, they cannot be compared
to Resident Evil's, in my opinion. They are better in some
ways since it is all real-time, and Resident Evil uses pre-rendered
graphics. But for the most part, the visuals in Eternal
Darkness are very impressive.
If you don't feel like reading a long review what has just
been said will some up what the rest says: Eternal Darkness
is everything a game should be. Now for those who want the
details, this review should prove successful.
The Darkness Comes
Eternal Darkness' story is one of the most impressive parts
about the game. It spans a whopping 20 centuries. When the
game first starts nothing epic can be felt, but after you
play the game for a few hours the journey becomes noticeable,
and the length of the game too. It is definitely epic, and
is one of the most epic games to date. It all starts when
a young lady, Alex Roivas, is notified that her grandfather
has been involved with something terrible. She then travels
to his house, in Rhode Island to find that her grandfather
has been murdered. To find out how he came to this awful
fait she decides to explore the mansion for clues that will
show her what happened. In the game you control Alex between
chapters. When she finds a chapter she will read it and
then you will control the character in the chapter. There
are 12 different characters; all ranging through out different
time periods that you play in the game. Some of the chapters
offer action, some mystery, and some spooky adventures.
But for sure, whatever you crave will be given to you in
the game.
To help you along your adventure you will use three different
magicks. Red, Blue, and Green (RBG). Some spells will allow
you to summon creatures of the dead, some reveal things,
and some to help protect you through out the game. The magick
system is very simple once you have a chance to fool around
with it. There are different runes that you recover through
out the game once you find all the runes that you need for
a spell the spell will be created automatically for you.
You can cast spells by going to the pause screen, but you
can also set "quick spells" to certain buttons
on your controller. Up, down, left, right, on the D-Pad
are used for quick spells, as well as the "Y"
button too. You also can use many different weapons to help
protect you through out the game as well. From guns, to
knifes, to maces, Eternal Darkness is packed with many historically
correct weapons for you to choose from. To help you use
these weapons the game uses a targeting system very similar
to "Z" targeting which is used in many of the
"Zelda" games. You hold down the "R"
button to target a specific part of the enemy's body, then
press the "A" button to attack that part of the
body. The "X" button is used to sneak (which is
used in different parts of the game), and of course you
move with the control stick (while hold the "L"
button to run). The one button that is definitely put to
work is the "B" button. It is your prime, or what
you call the action button. It's used to open doors, pick
up items, and just about everything that the "A"
button is not used for. It sounds odd, but can easily become
In Eternal Darkness you travel through many different worlds.
A few that I'll name are Cambodia, and Persia. While most
of the game takes place inside buildings there are a few
outdoor levels. These action, and mystery packed worlds
will keep players busy for many days. I beat the game in
about 15 hours. It should take fast gamer's anywhere from
10- 16 hours, and average gamer's 20 hours. That is of course
if you only play through the game once. But if you want
to see the super-special über ending then you'll probably
log anywhere from 30 to 50 hours in the game. This obviously
will fill in that need for long games that some gamer's
have been looking for on the cube.
What makes the game very special though is not its controls,
or its length, but a special meter that has helped make
Eternal Darkness such a well-known game. The meter is called
the: "Insanity Meter". It is a small green little
meter that appears on the left side of your screen when
an enemy spots you. This is explained a lot better when
you start to play the game, but to make it simple, it is
a meter that will drop when an enemy spots you - in order
to regain your sanity you must kill the enemy that has "spotted
you". You can easily tell which enemy has his eye on
you. The enemy's eye will flash green, and your character's
body will flash green. This changes, though once your sanity
meter is completely empty; you will begin to lose life (which
is a red meter) instead of sanity. As you lose sanity you
will encounter many hallucinations. This is called "The
Insanity Effect". These hallucinations range from disappearing
items, your TV turning off, to very disturbing sounds. The
Insanity Effect is one of the most important influences
on setting the mood for Eternal Darkness.
Like said before Eternal Darkness' graphics don't wow you
quite as much as Resident Evil's, but still they are among
the best you can get. There is a whopping four to five hours
of cut-scenes, and about an hour, or two of FMV's. Visuals
are the prettiest in FMV's, and become a major part of unlocking
the past; this is all true for the many cut-scenes as well.
The actual game play graphics are great too. It is all at
60 Frames Per second, and in real-time. No pre-rendered
graphics like Resident Evil, either. Another plus is it
has Progressive Scan mode, as well. What was most impressive,
though is some of the lighting in the game it is all beautiful,
and very realistic. One example of this is the fireplaces
in the mansion. It looks very realistic, and should definitely
catch your eye. Another is the lighting in the church cathedral.
As you walk around in it, rays of the suns light shine through
the colored-glass elegantly providing players an experience
of a lifetime. It is no lie that Eternal Darkness offers
excellent lighting, graphics, and more to its players. All
this is done is real 3-D, again, and features a nifty camera
that follows players as they walk through rooms. The camera
follows the character slowly with each step that he/she
takes. After some time this feature becomes a bit creepy;
especially when players begin to go insane, and the camera
angle becomes crooked.
The game also features great bump mapping, and voice acting.
Most games feature crummy voice acting -- characters words
often times don't fit with what face looks like it is saying.
Eternal Darkness does the complete opposite of this. Characters
voices match characters faces perfectly. This makes the
experience in Eternal Darkness all the more life-like: something
that has become rare in games these days, but for Eternal
Darkness it is just another part of the experience.
What is also very important to the success of setting the
mood in Eternal Darkness is its background sounds. All of
it is crisp, clean, and beautifully done. In order to experience
the best of the game you need to play it with your TV as
loud as possible. It also Features: Dolby Surround Sound
Pro Logic II. Since Eternal Darkness' visuals are not as
lifelike as Resident Evil - Silicon Knights made sure that
players will be scared, and spooked my hundreds of different
sounds. Including: voices, mutters, screaming, slamming
doors, and howls. It sends shivers down your spine every
time you hear these sounds. One of the best sounds is the
creaking in the game. In certain parts of the game you hear
creaking as you walk through the mansion. Credit should
definitely go the developers of the game for the great sounds
The only complaint about the sound is a reoccurring"thump"
sound. This thump sound obviously is one of the signature
noises for the game. It is used very often and may wear
out it's welcome when players grow tired of it. Another
sound that gets used quite often is the background whispering
that seems to sound like spirits talking to each other.
Players may grow tired of the "thump sound", but
rest assured Eternal Darkness' many levels come packed full
of there own music, and sounds. There is plenty of diversity
to go around. One thing's for sure: Eternal Darkness is
full of some of the best sounds in any game in a while.
The best way to experience it all is in Pro Logic II. It
will scare you twice as much as it will if you play it with
regular sound.
Eternal Darkness is one of the best games on GameCube and
even out of all systems it is still one of the best. It
is nothing like Resident Evil; that's for sure. It offers
action, mystery, adventure, and horror. If you have a GameCube
there's no reason not to own this game. It is long enough
to keep you entertained for weeks, and is fun enough to
make you want to replay it. It thrills, scares, entertains,
and provides a gaming experience that is only available
on the Nintendo GameCube. The long wait was worth it - Eternal
Darkness is what a game should be. It has set a standard
for other developers to live up to. Silicon Knights is responsible
for a masterpiece. It has definitely lived up to the hype.
Buy it. Play it loud. Enjoy it. Get it now!
Closing Comments by TazedSoul
I waited many years to play Eternal Darkness - the wait
was long, and annoying, but I can promise you it all
payed off. I have beaten it, and am still playing it.
It is among my favorite games now. It compares to games
like: Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and others a like. I have
to say that if you want to see everything that it has
to offer make sure you play it loud. I play it in surround
sound - and there is nothing like it. I have had more
shivers down my spine when playing Eternal Darkness
than I ever did with Resident Evil. From the story,
to the game play, to the brilliant cut-scenes Eternal
Darkness is the one of the best game I've ever played.
I'm really glad I made it through the long wait for
it. It was darkness, but I have seen the light, and
it is mighty fine. I'm so thankful for Eternal Darkness
- I was running out of games to play on my cube, but
Nintendo delivered… and, boy what a delivery it was!
Eternal Darkness should definitely sell some systems.
People need to hear about this awesome game. It is everything
I say it is. I was also very impressed with the games
voice acting - which is top notch, and some of the best
I've ever seen.
The graphics in the game are also great, I have to
be honest, though it did not wow me as much as Resident
Evil's, but the story line, and game play in Eternal
Darkness are far superior to Resident Evil's, in my
opinion. Its difficulty on the other hand - is kind
of simple. Advanced players will mast Eternal Darkness
in days. It may have been nice if Silicon Knights included
some sort of difficulty adjustment, but it still remains
challenging for most. One thing that I want to remind
say is: Make sure you buy a new memory card (preferably
MC251) if your current memory card is close to full.
It takes 15 blocks to save Eternal Darkness.
That's enough from me. I must wrap this up .All you
need to do is -- Go buy it now!
of the funnest games played in a long time. It is
full of action, mystery, horror -- Just enough to
addict you.
best sound in any games this generation, and even
out of the past, as well.
it has three different endings, and different paths
for players to chose from you can bet it's got some
replay value.
controls -- it would have been nice if it was motion
sensitive meaning: That the harder you push the
faster your character runs.
Candy (graphics)
textures, beautiful magick, but was not nearly as
incredible as we hoped. Still very impressive, and
top notch, though.
(not an average)
game is now on the favorite list. It offers many
hours of fun, and mystery. It has a great story,
and great gameplay. There is no reason to not own
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