Console: GameCube
Genre: Startegy
Rated: Everyone
Players: 1
As a part of our Help Pojo Get Cought Up time, we had
some of our skilled writters at our Message Board write
some reviews for us. All of these reviews are written by
different Members. This one happens to be written by, Pokemoncardkid,
but he is letting us publish this. All credit goes to him/her.
-Pojo's Video Games

United by nifty Pay-To-Surf-The-Web programs and the friendly
economic system of the US, thousands of gamers will stand
alongside each other, money-filled wallet in hand, at electronic
retail stores in hopes of snagging a slick new videogame
this holiday season. But unlike the conventional Christmas
spirit, more people will be purchasing things for themselves
this year, using the change to by a small, thoughtless gift
for their loved ones. Why? Well, it's quite simple--Xbox,
PlayStation 2, and GameCube. We all know that MGS2 and Smash
Brothers will fly off the shelves faster than Amish grandmothers
can condemn them, but at least one game will be left: Pikmin,
overshadowed by everything else. That's not to say that
people aren't buying it, but I don't feel that it's getting
the recognition it deserves, especially for a game designed
by Miyamoto. So if you're daring enough to try out a quirky,
new genre, Pikmin should definitely be tacked onto your
letter to Santa.
Pikmin has been shunned by the narrow-minded corner of
society as being too "kiddy," but if one were
to sit down with it for a while, he would soon see that
the game is far beyond that. This strategy game takes some
deep thinking at times, and it's definitely fun. But unless
you've already read up on the game, you're probably wondering
what exactly Pikmin is, as screenshots would only confuse
you more. The basic premise revolves around a small man
named Captain Olimar. His ship crashed on an unknown planet,
and now he must find and gather the parts of his ship to
return home. The catch is, the planet's atmosphere contains
the ever-so-deadly gas of oxygen, which means that Olimar
can only survive thirty days in this new world. You're not
alone in your desire to get off the planet, however. Right
off the bat, you meet some curious creatures that Olimar
names Pikmin. They, too, are eager to help and send you
off to home.
Yes, meet the Pikmin. These ant-like creatures are cute
enough to make Kirby and Pikachu vomit; and yet, they're
vital to your quest, and you'll begin to love them all right
away. As you progress through the game, a symbiotic relationship
will develop and you'll begin to learn more and more about
these Pikmin.
To start off, you must begin to grow the Pikmin. They're
not plants, but they do grow out of the grow. Seeds are
expelled from a certain portable home called the Onion,
which are left in the ground to sprout and await being plucked
out by the captain. More seeds will come about by giving
special pellets to the Onion, which are found throughout
the areas and can be carried by Pikmin. You can then store
Pikmin of each color in their respective Onion. That's right,
there are different colors of Pikmin--three to be precise,
each with their own special talents. Red ones, in addition
to being the strongest warriors, have the ability to withstand
fire; blue Pikmin are the only color that will not drown
and water, and that leaves the yellow ones, which are able
to carry bombs to destroy stone walls. That means that if
you send your blue Pikmin into fire, they will die and wither
away, while the red Pikmin can pass through it. Likewise,
your red Pikmin can give up the habit of living by attempting
to join the blue Pikmin for a swim.
It's this interaction between the different colors that
you'll be able to find all your parts--the Pikmin will carry
everything back to your ship, once you get to your destination.
There may be times where you'll have to move your blue Pikmin
across a pond and start building a bridge. Then your yellow
Pikmin can get across and take the bombs which will be used
to blow down the wall and find a part. The puzzles and controls
are so intuitive that you'll want to play again just to
find the best way to do it. The worlds are crafted wonderfully,
and you'll thank Olimar for having crashed in such a beautiful
Unfortunately, the utopia is shattered by day 2 when you
first encounter some enemies. Not everyone is at peace in
this seemingly perfect world, but you can get around with.
Pikmin are able to attack enemies easily when grouped together,
so you can teach those guys not to mess with you. There
are some larger bosses, which are challenging, but fun nonetheless.
But it's so sad watching your Pikmin die right in front
of you . . . .
As you play through the thirty days, you'll start to love
this game even more, until the day comes when you must leave.
"But aren't we ever the best of friends?" Ah,
maybe so, but life must go on and you must leave the Pikmin
behind. And then the game ends, much too soon. I can't help
but ask for more, especially because you finally get to
the good part in the last levels. But it's fun enough to
play one or two more times, and then there's a Challenge
mode which adds to the replay value. I really do hate the
thirty-day (that's not real time) time limit, and the game
would be more enjoyable if you weren't rushed through. Despite
that, I'd say that you can get a good twenty hours out of
Pikmin if you like it enough, and it's worth the money.
Gameplay: Like you'd expect from a Nintendo game, the controls
of Pikmin are very easy to get used to, yet sufficient enough
to get the job done without too much trouble. You can move
Captain Olimar around with the control stick, but you can
also move the cursor around by moving the stick more gently.
This cursor can be used to select Pikmin and you can whistle
them over with B. They'll follow you around unless you tell
them to do otherwise--dismiss them with X, and they'll go
into their corresponding group of colors. This makes it
easy enough to control individual Pikmin, but you can also
have up to a hundred following you at once. You can throw
your slaves around with the large A button, and move them
around with the C-stick.
It's the C-stick that really controls the Pikmin. If there's
a wall you want to knock down, push the stick in the general
direction and your Pikmin will start chipping away. After
a few minutes, the wall will come down and you can continue.
If there's a larger wall that the Pikmin can't get on their
own, take the yellow Pikmin to a pile of bombs. Use the
C-stick and they'll pick up the bombs. Walk back to the
wall and throw them at it to blow it apart. Pikmin can move
and carry objects, build bridges, knock down walls, and
so many other things that you'll have to find out on your
My biggest complaint about the gameplay is how you don't
have complete control. Sure, you can do a lot of things
without hearing a single complaint from the little guys,
but sometimes they move too loosely. Even though you know
what will kill them, they don't, which is probably the biggest
flaw. Smaller can be better, but not when it comes to brain
power--if you're crossing a bridge, some Pikmin may jump
into the water and kill themselves. The only way to get
around this is to take them across with just a few at a
time, which becomes quite tedious. That's only a problem
on a few occasions, fortunately, and I still love the controls.
Graphics: This game rivals even Rogue Leader for the best
GameCube graphics. With the ability to control the camera
angles, you can look about the scenic world with ease, and
you'll more than likely enjoy it. With pretty textures and
crisp models, you have one good-looking game. The graphics
are bright and colorful without being too cartoony, although
some of the enemies could have looked a bit tougher . .
. . Also, the game chugs along quite well, and I didn't
notice any slowdown. It's good to know that the GameCube
is capable of such things--even with one hundred Pikmin
out on the field, many doing different things, there wasn't
a single drop in the framerate. Fog and popup are equally
non-existent, so you can enjoy the game smoothly.
Sound: Pikmin's acoustics are decent. The background music
won't win any awards, but it's not bad. Sound effects are
pretty good, and you can always hear your Pikmin dying no
matter how close you are to them--what a nice feature! Actually,
it's good to be able to hear Pikmin splashing through the
rivers, so you know to be careful with the yellow and red
Pikmin. There are unique noises for the different actions,
so you can also tell what you're doing.
of the greatest launch games this generation. The
colors are beautiful, and it is fun to feel completely
game has great sound, the mucic reminded me of Shigeru
Miyamoto. You can tell this is his baby.
mode adds some replay value, but the game itself
doesn't offer a lot. But it is still fun to try
and beat your previous record.
good controlling. I cannot think of any other way
to set up the controls that would have been better.
Candy (graphics)
said before. It can be compared to Rougle Leader,
and still probably win. The water was by far the
best seen thus far.
(not an average)
was a little dissapointed with parts of the game,
but it still has earned it's spot in my game library
of the best..