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Top 10 Future Card-Making
Strategies By Angel-From-A-Higher-Plane
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 17:39:27 EDT
Well it's been almost a year since my last articles was
posted by THE POJO GROUP, thanks by the way guys. I thought
I try to start a trend for other submitters to follow since
the topic is rarely discussed and that is the cards that
I(ala-WE) think should be made to keep this wonderfully
simple yet deceptively deep/diverse/dynamic...etc/etc game I
now refer to regularly as DUEL MONSTERs from going the way
of the Dodo(Doh-Doh) which is an extinct bird. FORGET about
the OTHER DUEL titled TCG game-too kiddy marketed for my
taste. I'm soon to be 31 years old this April BTW. Since
it's my BIRTH month pojo guys, it be a nice gift to me if
this emailed article gets put on the site for all to ponder
on! I'll be updating my last two old submittances, so DMs
fans keep a lookout for'em.
Now for the list. I'm always pondering why Konami makes so
many totally crappy NORMAL and even EFFECT-based Monster
cards. I would think if there is a bigger pool of usable
cards in a TCG it would increase popularity for it. Note
Duel Monsters for the purposes of this article will be
refered to as DMs(yes) I know DM is refered to as YuGi's
FAVE monster Dark Magician but hey it's my article.
10# STOP making obviously BROKEN CARDS. This may sound like
a big o' whine but it's fundamentally a good critique about
a game like DMs which typically uses-up card resources on
the field relatively quickly, barring the involvement of
stall-based decks. Though I own most of them broken cards;
now looking back I think cards like Raigeki and Harpie's
Feather Duster should have been specialized for the presence
of other cards; for examples HFD would only be played if an
Harpie Lady monster was face-up on the field and as for
Raigeki which I believe means thunderbolt in Japanese should
only have been used when a certain face-up Thunder-type
monster was present or affected somehow by your opponent.
These cards were obviously money-makers for Konami and UDE
since most players wanted them. Plus broken cards promote
skill-less uses for any player no
matter what skill level to exploit without any drawbacks.
9# USE the CARD-Text Space on the CARDs for any possible
play-mechanic problems between new cards and other existing
ones. For example the venerable trap card Waboku if you read
it carefully, it really doesn't state that the damage
reduction would only pertain to Attack Damage. So one could
argue that a Monster Card like Solar Flare Dragon or
Bowganian which does Direct Damage could be stop by Waboku.
Granted that when Waboku came out in the early days there
were only few Monster cards I believe that did Direct Damage
which was Jinzo#7 and others like it plus Princess of
Tsurugi. However if one observes the Waboku card, one can
see that there was enough space to inform players of the
differences of damage types plus other OBVIOUS situations
like when 2 equal atk
monsters attack each other and what would happen if a player
activated Waboku during that Battle Phase.
8# Keep Making Cards based on ALL the ANIME/MANGA Duelist's
Yes I know we have Yugi/Kaiba X 2 variants, JOEY, and
PEGASUS starters but
what about Rex/Weevil/Marik etc? This is related to other
aspects of the CARDS themselve which will be discussed
further down. I consider myself a mixture of Yugi/Kaiba/Marik.
7# Abandon Crappy Normal Monster Cards Unless...
those cards can be combined with new ones to do very
powerful COMBO's or something specular. Yes there are cards
that help lvl 1-3 normal monsters but what about Level 4 &
above. Think along the lines of Dark Magician and BEUD ala
Dark Magic Attack / White Lightning Attack.
6# Sponsor Unique themed tournaments.
This may not deal directly with making new cards since it
pertains to allowing the use of pre-existing cards in
tournaments based on game-mechanics(Spell Counters),
sub-types and/or attributes. Even have matches between TEAMS
ala 2 vs 2 or bigger Teams. It however relates closely with
the following idea for new card strategies.
5# Enhance old Game Mechanics and Introduce new ones.
Now what I mean by the above statement is game-mechanics
like deck arche-types like Exodia, Final Countdown, Fire
Princess/Life Gain, Level Up/Fusion/Ritual Monsters, FINAL
and Last Turn. Other old game-mechs that SHOULD be
enhanced/supported are the Spell Counters,
Union/Fusion/Ritual monsters, Player Turn boosts(I'll
explain this), Coin-Flips, Dice-Roll, Basic Board
Imagine hybrid decks compose of 2-3 aspects of these
game-mech. Lookup Armor Exe a monster card now think how
cool it be if there were monster/magic/traps that help keep
it on the field easier. Heck, Konami has done somewhat good
on Spell Counters since they made Big Core which uses Spell
Counters as shields against attack and Breaker is an AWESOME
use of Spell Counters. Konami should mix things up to aid
concepts like Final Countdown; it needs Spell/Trap/Monsters
that speeds/skip players' turn at least we got the trap card
called Pyro Clock of Destiny but what if Spell Counters can
be sacrificed to also advance a turn to win faster via Final
Countdown. Life Gain is such an underdeveloped deck-type
that it really needs hybrids like using Spell Counters, coin
flipping to get a weak or strong life point gains and
dice-rolling. Imagine gaining 100-500 LP times the number
resulting from 2 dice rolls from an effect
monster/spell/trap; sort of like a Dark Master-Zork effect
but for life gain or Spell Counter creation for that matter.
In the Anime/Manga there's a Spell card called Seal of
Orichalcos(spelling may be wrong), it boosts a player's
monsters' attack by 500 but the REAL power lies in the
Spell's effect to allow the player to play more than ten
monster cards/tokens on their side of the field. Imagine
again, if there was a Spell/Trap/Monster that allowed one to
place upwards of
ten Spell or Trap cards on the field; this would greatly
help the FINAL destiny cards. Plus Spell Counters can be
used to protect those F•I•N•A•L cards for
4# Develop more support based on Attributes.
This is a very obvious idea. Make the Light, Wind, and Fire
attributes stronger contenders against IMHO the strongest
attributes; EARTH & DARK.
3# Develop more support based on Sub-Types.
This is another very obvious idea. Make the subtypes like
Thunder/Plant/Reptile...etc more dynamic against the others
via making them very good at some tactic. For example the
Warriors can swarm. The Beast+Beast Warriors can also swarm
but are better at overpowering + gaining Trample, Insects
can slowly weaken other cards, Zombies have regeneration
thus swarm+overpower while Fiends are excellent
Field/Deck/Grave manipulators.
2# Make Card Titles/Art associations tighter.
Now this may not be so apparent in DMs. To cite some good
existing examples I'll mention a few. Freed the Matchless
General and Marauding Captain have
their Images used on Traps and Spell cards MC poses in many
cards' art like
Reinforcement of the Army, The Warrior Returing Alive,
Staunch Defender and My Body as a Shield. Other samples
include Gravekeepers/Dark Scorpions/Ninjas/Amazoness but my
favorite example lies with the Fiends. The Archfiends are
the more recent grouped cards that comprises of
monsters/traps/spells. Dark Ruler Hades has his own FIENDISH
visage on many cards' art; here are most of them Demotion,
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler, Soul Demolition, Bark of
Dark Ruler and even Card Destruction I believe should be
considered. -HINT- Look closely at the hand tossing away the
cards in the picture; the color-scheme may be off but I
swear that is his naily figured hand! LOL! Another cool idea
touched on in the animated series/TCG is the hybrid of Trap
Cards morphing into Monsters or vice versa. We already have
a few Monsters turning into Equip Spell cards first and
foremost is Dark Necrofear followed by Kiseitai and Brain
Jacker all Fiend monsters by the way. To go even further on
this card hybrid how about combining Card Icons for the
Spell and Trap cards. Think how intriguing a Quick-Play
Spell turning into a Equip Spell since this hypothetical
Spell has both Quick-Play and Equip icon printed on it. How
about a Ritual Spell turning into an Equip/Field Spell or a
Counter to Continuous Trap card. HECK create a Spell card
that converts into a Trap once the Spell's effect goes
unstopped. That's awesomeness versatility people!
1# Card Board Placement
This concept may throw off some people but I think this
would be the last frontier for DMs barring HOLOGRAM
technology can be invented like it exists in the
Anime/Manga. Dungeon Dices Monster's Path/Tunneling/Flying
would be the closest thing to what I mean. However I rather
use the Checkers/Picture Puzzle analogy; NO I don't mean
having cards diagonally jump over one another(may be LOL
hmmm) but putting 3-5 specific cards on the field in a
specific pattern in effort to may be complete the image of a
Monster/Spell/Trap card picture(s) sort of like having to
place the Exodia cards on the field in order to actually
look at Exodia's picture in one piece.
Well there you have it. My top ten proposals for creating
new Duel Monster cards. Please let me know what you think;
good/bad critiques welcomed.
I am Angel-From-Higher-Plane