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Blasko's Yu Gi Oh top ten
things I hate to see/hear in a top ten list
For those that do not know me. I am Richard Blasko. Navy
Reservist and Game/Card Store owner. And avid player of
Magic, Yu Gi Oh, Vs. and Vampire the Eternal Struggle. (Jyhad
to the old school) As well as Yu Gi Oh and Vs Judge, Hero
Clix Judge, and Mechwarrior Battle Master.
And this is there list of things that give me a headache or
lower my IQ every time when I read a top ten list. And hate
mail because something you said got on this list, can be
sent. I do not mind.
10) The lack of a space bar, caps key, or "kool haxar
I, like other do not want to translate this list. I would
not have put this on here, if not for the fact, it just
drives me nuts. My spelling and typing skills are not the
best, but come on people.
9) "God Card X is the Coolest, cause you can win and stuff."
It's on the card. In little letters mind, you but printed
all the same. Not for duels. Okay, a 6 year old thinks it's
a great card. I am happy. I like the idea of cards for the
kids. I give out any god cards I can get. I save them and
give them to some of the kids at the store, who you know can
not afford a new Yu Gi Oh! pack, but once in a great while.
But I am pretty sure these are people, that can read the
rule book, who are adding this to the "all time best" lists.
8) The use of the words Noobie, Newbie, and Retard.
Everyone starts off at the same level. Just because you
think trap hole is the greatest thing since sliced bread,
does not mean anyone who does not agree with you is new (a
person new to the game being a "noob") or suffering from
some handicap. And I hate to break your little hearts. I
think so much of the list's a read, filled with those three
words, and no reason or logic as to way a card made it to
the list, that I wonder how long you've been playing.
7) Gemini Elf Rocks/Sucks because "Nuff said"
I've seen this a few times. Mostly with them saying it is a
lame card. Enough said, is not enough. I like the card. In
it's time it was a great. Now it's still a good card. Your
free to hate the card. I do not mind. I would use one over
say, Le Gin. Give the card it's due, or give us a reason
it's not as cool as you want it to be. But a 4 star 1900. no
effect monster, while common now, is still a good attacker.
Being Spellcaster, it can fit into a lot of decks. Why is it
this card, is "lame" over say, Mad Dog of Darkness?
6) People forgetting their roots.
Let me explain. I see the word "fizzles" a lot, and smile.
These people know the roots of card games, with Magic. But
no, I am talking about the roots of this game. a 1700
attacker, with no effect might seem silly to use now, but
when this game came out. Oh yeah, 1700 and 1800 attackers
where great. The card might make no sense now, but think
about when it came out, and what the field looked like.
Heart of the Cards and all. Just think, that guy your making
fun of, might not have played in a year, and is using a card
that was top of the line when he played last. Think of it
like a car. the 2006 model is great, and the 1998 model
might be "lame" but that classic 57, everyone wants.
5) "Card X is bad and should be banned because people win
with it a lot"
Well people win, that's the game. A lot of people use the
same cards, that's how it goes. I have won with a Scapegoat
that had two axes on it. I watched someone win with a Kuribo
with an axe on it. Does this mean Ax should banned? Yata,
while I hate losing that way, I found ways to break a Yata
lock. I have gotten out of a Lava Golem lock. I might not
like those cards to much, but just because people use it to
win, does not mean it should be banned. There has to be a
reason. Not because someone at the card store said so. And
just how many of you Yata haters would hate the bird so much
if you had one? I know someone who wanted to burn them
all..till they got one and used it.
4) People who do not even read the card text/effect.
Okay guys. Trap Hole works, off of attack score. Jinzo can
not be trap holed. We all get this. Then why do I keep
seeing people talk about using trap cards on Jinzo? Or cards
that are Trap Hole proof because of it's low defense? You
have to have all five pieces of the Forbidden one in your
hand to win. And if the card says "can not be special
summoned" please do not give the reason to play it as
"Because you can discard it, and use Monster Reborn on it."
3) Reason for a card to make it onto a list. "If you watch
the Cartoon it can do this"
That is a cartoon, this is life. Come on guys. If you can
type the list, then you can read the rule book and the card.
Just because Dark Magician has a built in Magical Hats. He
does not have that effect in the card game. A card is not
great, because someone used it, or it did something odd once
in a the cartoon. If you watch the cartoon closely, you can
see them draw a card on their opponents turn, and skip a
person's turn. It makes for good drama on TV.
2) Reason for a card to make it onto a list. "If you search
the web for it's secret effect"
I for one, search for cards on line at time. I do not look
for effects that are secret and not on the card. If the card
print is wrong, I get that from the UDE site. There are no
special effects, that they forgot to put on a card, and then
kept it secret. Trust me about the "No secret effects" I do
not care if some site out there says that Celtic Guardian
let's you ignore damage if you sacrifice him off the field.
It's not true. If you can read about these cool effects,
then you can read on the UDE site, and the card, where that
effect is not there.
1) The reason a person gives for a card being the greatest
of all time or why everyone should use it. "Well Duh!"
Looking in the great big book of "no". Page 6, line ten. No!
If we knew, you would not have to give us your list. You
might have a reason we do not know of. I read these lists
for humor, or to learn something I might not have thought
of. Not see ten card's names, with "Duh" after each one.
Just add in why. And not "Because it is, and if you don't
know why your a Noobie"
Maybe your reason is different than mine. Maybe, just maybe
you thought of something I didn't. And no matter your
feeling about Yata, good or bad. "well duh" does not cover
it. I used the card, new people might not have seen it. Give
them the reason. Hey, give me a the reason, I might like
yours better. And Dark Magician is a good card why? "Well
Duh" still leaves me wondering why.
0) This had to be added. Adding a card to a "best of" list
because you used it once or you like the effect.
Okay, you like it. I like Mystical Elf. Does not mean I am
going to add it to each list I write, because I used to use
it a lot. I even had it airbrushed on the back of one of my
leather jackets. And Toon World does not need to be in each
deck, even if you do not use toons. Each deck has cards it
needs, and does not need. And each best of list, has cards
that fill that group. Jinzo has no place on a trap card
list, or a spell card list.
Richard Blasko
Yu Gi Oh! Judge, Vs. Judge, Hero Clix Judge, Mechwarrior
Battle Master, Mage Knight War Lord, Game Store Owner. And
long time player of Magic the Gathering, Yu Gi Oh, Vs and
Kindred the Eternal Struggle and Duel Masters. |