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Booster Sets (Original Series)
Booster Sets (GX Series)
Booster Sets (5D Series)
Booster Sets (Zexal Series)
Starter Decks
Yugi |
Joey |
Yugi 2004 |
Kaiba 2004
GX: 2006 |
Jaden | Syrus
5D: 1 | 2 | Toolbox
Zexal: 2011 | 2012 | 2013
Yugi 2013 | Kaiba 2013
Structure Decks
Dragons Roar &
Zombie Madness
Blaze of Destruction &
Fury from the Deep
Warrior's Triumph
Spellcaster's Judgment
Lord of the Storm
Invincible Fortress
Dinosaurs Rage
Machine Revolt
Rise of Dragon Lords
Dark Emperor
Zombie World
Spellcaster Command
Warrior Strike
Machina Mayhem
Dragunity Legion
Lost Sanctuary
Underworld Gates
Samurai Warlord
Sea Emperor
Fire Kings
Saga of Blue-Eyes
Cyber Dragon
Promo Cards:
Promos Spoiler
Coll. Tins Spoiler
MP1 Spoiler
EP1 Spoiler
Tournament Packs:
TP1 /
TP2 /
TP3 /
TP5 /
TP6 /
TP7 /
Duelist Packs
Jaden |
Jaden #2 | Zane
Aster | Jaden #3
Jesse | Yusei
Yugi | Yusei #2
Kaiba | Yusei #3
Reprint Sets
Dark Beginnings
| 2
Dark Revelations
1 |
2 |
3 | 4
Gold Series
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Dark Legends
Retro Pack
1 | 2
Champion Pack
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Turbo Pack
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7
Hidden Arsenal:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7
Brawlermatrix 08
Evan T 08
X-Ref List
X-Ref List w/ Passcodes
Episode Guide
Character Bios
GX Character Bios
Video Games
Millennium Duels (2014)
Nighmare Troubadour (2005)
Destiny Board Traveler (2004)
Power of Chaos (2004)
Worldwide Edition (2003)
Dungeon Dice Monsters (2003)
Falsebound Kingdom (2003)
Eternal Duelist Soul (2002)
Forbidden Memories (2002)
Dark Duel Stories (2002)
About Yu-Gi-Oh
Yu-Gi-Oh! Timeline
Pojo's YuGiOh Books
Apprentice Stuff
Life Point Calculators
DDM Starter Spoiler
DDM Dragonflame Spoiler
The DungeonMaster
Millennium Board Game
Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
This Space
For Rent
Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh!
Reader's Top Ten Lists
BattyMan's Top Five
Things I've Learned from the Anime
I'll be the first to admit it, there's some stuff wrong with
the Yu-Gi-Oh Anime. Dark Magicians being summoned without
tributes, horribly situational
combos constantly winning duels, pretty much anything that
has to do with Yu-Gi-Oh GX. These problems cause many
serious duelists to ignore the show completely, they think
there's no reason to watch it. Well I'm here to show
them, and you, that the Anime is brimming with knowledge;
not only of how to
duel better but of how to live life better. With that said,
here's my "Top Five Things I've Learned from the Anime".
5-There is a direct correlation between how unusual one's
appearance is and
their dueling ability-
We've all heard jokes about how absurd Yugi's hair looks,
but after watching
the anime I've discovered that his lightning fro is more
important than any
of us could have ever guessed. Yugi, Joey, Mai, Bakura,
Marik, Pegasus;
they all have ridiculous hair and silly outfits to match.
And they're all
great duelists. On the other hand those background
characters with plain
hair and clothes always lose and they never get into big
tournaments. Now,
you might be saying "The inept side characters look that way
because they
aren't important enough to the story to have an interesting
But for someone like me who's willing to look
deeper.obsessively deeper.I
say painfully tight pants and angular hair are just as
necessary for a good
deck as Cyber Dragon is.
I do admit that Kaiba is lacking in the hair department,
however his
clothing more than makes up for the lack of weird hair. If
you like
unnecessary straps and buttons than Kaiba's got you covered
in spades. It's
actually a popular theory that Kaiba needs all those
accessories because
they hold together several different articles of clothing he
combined in an
effort to make the most powerful outfit in the dueling
world. And by
popular theory I mean a half-baked idea I'm trying not to
think about too
much, because the more I do, the less sense it makes.
With all this overwhelming evidence it should be obvious
that the easiest
way to duel like a pro is to look as silly as possible.
Needless to say, at
the next Shonen Jump Yu-Gi-Oh Championship keep an eye out
for the two new
up-and-comers known only as "Rainbow Suspenders Stu Johnson"
and of course
"Mike - There's a family of squirrels living on my head -
4-Dueling is the cause of, but also solution to, any problem
you encounter-
When Yugi's grandpa was stolen by Pegasus it was because
Yugi was a duelist.
And Marik, he was using duel monsters to take over the
world, or destroy
it, I was never really too sure about that. Yugi solved both
those problems
by dueling, in fact, there hasn't been a problem on the show
not solved by
dueling; everything from stopping magical madmen to whether
or not Yugi was
going to pimp Tea to a Dance Dance Revolution fanatic. The
GX series is the
same way, every problem Jaden faces is caused because he's a
duelist, but he
resolves all these problems by dueling. I'm sure even
everyday problems are
solved by dueling. I'm not kidding, if two people had a car
accident they
would leap out of their cars and start screaming various
attack commands.
And I'm sure the car accident was caused because at least
one guy was
driving while pondering complicated dueling strategies or
talking to his
schizophrenia induced card hallucinations.
Kuribo Card: Kruuuuu.
Motorist: What's that Kuribo? You want me to burn down that
gas station?
Kuribo Card: Kruuuuu.
Motorist: But.but haven't you made me hurt enough people?
Kuribo Card: Kru!
Motorist: Fine, I'll burn it down.
Motorist: Uh oh, here comes a truck what should we do Kuri-
(loud crashing
3-Doing badly initially can only lead to winning-
If the show has taught us anything it's that the worse you
duel in the
beginning the better you duel at the end. Yugi didn't become
the champ by
playing with skill, he did it by getting trounced in the
first half of every
duel he ever played. It's a good lesson for those of you who
think things
like "playing well" and "good deck building" wins duels. You
guys need to
pay more attention to the show, take notes on how Yugi and
Joey constantly
do horrible. Heck, if it's early enough in the game a
Magician of Faith can
tear Yugi apart. The only time a villain really needs to
worry is towards
the end of a duel, that's when the hero draws all his good
cards and has his
best friendship speeches ready.
2-Household objects make the deadliest of weapons-
Maybe you've seen self-defense guides proclaiming they can
teach you how to
become a martial arts master in three weeks, or books
proclaiming "What the
FBI, CIA, and Every Martial Arts School Doesn't Want You to
Know!" on the
cover. Sure, those look promising, but they can't compare to
the skills you
can learn from the average episode of Yu-Gi-Oh. You remember
when Mai
battled that biker gang by throwing Harpie cards at them,
when Jaden broke a
fake Millennium Puzzle by piercing it with his card, or
Kaiba saving Tea by
tossing around his priceless Blue Eyes while standing next
to the ocean.
Marik: So explain to me again how Kaiba made you drop the
remote before you
crushed Tea with the giant crate?
Rare Hunter: He threw his card at me and I dropped it.
Marik: His card? Are you sure you don't mean a rock or his
shoe? Because
that would make a lot more sense.
Rare Hunter: I think he hit me with the edge or something,
see, here's the
mark it made on my hand.well I guess it's gone now.
Marik: Right, so did this happen before or after Duke
Devlin's vicious dice
Rare Hunter: Listen Boss, I know it sounds stupid but dice
really hurt.
Those things have even more corners than cards do. It's like
dice are
designed to have as many pointy edges as possible, that's a
dimension of
geometric peril that no man should ever have to face.
Marik: Just give me back your black cloak and get out of my
sight. You're
not just an embarrassment to yourself, you're an
embarrassment to evil.
2nd Rare Hunter: Bad news Marik! Our entire eastern division
of Rare
Hunters was just taken out by a rubber chicken attack!
With the knowledge gained from watching Yu-Gi-Oh you can
turn the contents
of a standard Monopoly Box into an arsenal of painful edges
and sharp
corners. Just don't let this deadly fighting technique reach
the general
public. Not so much because it would be dangerous, but
because of how
difficult it would make flying on commercial jets. Security
there already
confiscates your nail clippers and makes you take off your
shoes. If
everyone learned how to make stuff like dice dangerous than
I'm fairly
certain that airlines would start enforcing a strict "sit on
your hands
throughout the entire flight or our stewardess will beat you
over the head
with a tray table" policy.
1-Whoever has the most cheerleaders' wins-
When Yugi beats someone and then brags about how he has so
many friends he
actually makes a good point. Friends are
cheerleaders. Yugi
always does best when his pals are around yelling about his
problems. In fact, the one time Yugi lost was when he was
alone against
Raphael. Obviously if you want to be best you need
cheerleaders. Of course
your cheerleaders will need to sound a bit different than
Cheerleader 1: Don't look now, but that guy just used Brain
Control and he's
about to grab BattyMan's card with his nacho stained
Cheerleader 2: If BattyMan doesn't do something quick his
cards gonna be a
regular cheese factory!
Cheerleader 3: That's not all guys, if BattyMan loses he'll
have to play
that kid who keeps his Exodia pieces in different colored
card covers and
refuses to take Monster Reborn out of his deck!
Here's a rating system I whipped up to let you know how
useful your
cheerleader is:
Regular friend who's also in the tournament 2/10
Guy who doesn't play the game but still follows you around
and watches you
duel 5/10
Attractive female 7/10
Attractive female that you talk into wearing an actual
cheerleading uniform
E-mailing me pictures of said female while she's wearing the
uniform 10/10
There's the first five. Email at
and let me know
if you liked the list. If I find out people actually enjoy
reading what
I've written than I'll submit the last five. If no one
responds than I
won't waste my time. Because frankly, the time of someone
who tells
strangers what he learned from a cartoon show is priceless
and far too
valuable to be wasted.
This is BattyMan saying "Remember to never operate vehicles
while under the
influence of hallucinatory cards."