From: Josh Herzog []
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:22 PM
Subject: Correction Bind - JK-47
Howdy again to all those in the Pojodom. First and
foremost, the last thing I sent in should have had
Cyber Dragon restricted to one. That being said, on
to today.
Today I wish to discuss what should be a staple.
Admittedly, there are several cards that are
staples, that is to say, they belong in every deck.
However. these are spell cards. Breaker is not a
staple. Yes he is incredible, but if I'm using an
insect deak, Breaker has no purpose being there,
unless he was Breaker the Forensic Entomologist. But
he's not. He's a
Magical Warrior, and does not belong in every deck.
The card I want to discuss as a staple is one that a
lot of you will disagree with. In preparation for
the coming hatemail, I have compiled a list of
yu-gi-oh related "yo' mama" quips. But first, the
Gravity Bind.
Dead serious, this should be in every deck. The
reason is that every deck has monsters that are
level 3 or lower, and if you don't, then this will
allow you to stall for a turn or two, while your
opponent devotes his entire
strategy to getting rid of this trap.
Let's look at a CC warrior deck. It has several
monsters that can attack under G-Bind. Marauding
Captain, Mystic 2, Mataza the Zapper, and of course,
the card that always bothers me when it shows up in
a "warrior" deck, Spirit
Reaper. All these can attack under G-Bind.
In short, use G-Bind. Worse comes to worse, bring
out a Jinzo. For a nifty combo, couple Elemental
Hero Wildheart with G-Bind. Super fun time.
Please send all hatemail to
It will be answered. Please do not send mail of the
hate type if you are overly sensitive about your
mother, as her dueling skills will be called into
question should you send me hate mail. Thanks, and
until next time