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GASCHCLAN@aol.com [mailto:GASCHCLAN@aol.com]
Hey guys and gals, though most likely guys...whatever, anyway this is really my first to attempt to post anything, so here we go! This deck is entirely designed to be a fun deck with fun cards. It isn't meant to be good by ANY stretch of the imagination, and if you do think it's good, then thank you! No really, I will accept all forms of adoration, I know I won't get them but, hey, you know you love me. Without any (MORE) further ado the deck idea:
This deck is designed entirely around one card: Mokey Mokey. Yes that lovable pillow is dreadful when angered. I know I fear the wrath of a mokey mokey scorned. The deck is titled "Awesomely Awesome Deck" because it centers arond the use of Mokey Mokey and the Ojamas. That's it. Every card in this deck with a couple acceptions for sheer necesity are for that goal. Like I said, it's a fun deck. Any good cards I have go towards good decks, I put the ones I like to see get used in this kind of deck. Everyone should have some sort of fun deck becuase y'know it's a game and we should have fun. So here is the actual deck (finally):
Cards (45)
Monsters (24): Mokey Mokey X3 Ojama Yellow X3 Ojama Green X3 Ojama Black X3 The Forgiving Maiden X3 Shining Angel X3 Light Hex-Sealed Fusion X3 Winged Kuriboh X2 Winged Kuriboh lv10 X1
Spells (14): Dark Factory of Mass Production X2 Enchanted Fitting Room X2 Polymerization X2 Mokey Mokey Smackdown X2 Ojamagic X2 Transcendent Wings Mystic Wok The Dark Door Metamorphosis
Traps (7): The League of Uniform Nomenclature X2 Human-Wave Tactics X2 Magic Jammer DNA Surgery Gravity Bind
Fusions (10): Ojama King X3 Mokey Mokey King X3 St. Joan X3 Thousand Eyes Restrict
Well...that's the deck. It's fun to play becuase it's so bad but uses some fun cards. It is really best against another fun deck. (It's best games have been against a really wimpy E-Hero deck I built, which I might send in too depending on the feedback I get from this.) The basic protection cards like Dark Door, Gravoty Bind, and even Magic Jammer are in there as purely protection. I know that they aren't awesomely awesome, but I have to protect the Ojama Kings! I would appreciate feedback, but keep in mind this is a FUN DECK. I built it with extra cards and isn't supposed to be good. I have cards like Mirror Force and such, but those are in my GOOD decks. But please e-mail me, I am happy to hear suggestions, but only with other awesomely awesome cards.
Thanks for having me! -DaGman
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