Konami again refuses to give us our
own list... and the game suffers-- Chaosmech
Hey everyone, it's Chaosmech again.
I know that you're thinking "OMG, I wish this guy
would quit b**ching about the banlist and move on."
But this time, they've really outdone themselves.
Remember last list, when they banned Time Seal b/c
of the Victory Dragon lock decks?
guess what Konami? We don't have Victory Dragon.
Everyone in America has no clue why Time seal is
banned and Mask of Darkness is restricted. And they
didn't even get rid of the problem. They got rid of
the combo. Sure, Time
Seal+Tsukuyomi+Mask of Darkness is a wicked combo.
But except for
none of them is good enough on its own to warrant
banning. Victory Dragon is
the reason... get rid of it.
You have a choice, Konami. Either give us our own
list to fix our own metagame... or you give us all
the cards you have. Now. You can't insist that the
world be united under one banlist when the world
isn't united under
one cardlist!!! That automatically gives Japanese
players an advantage. Say the World Championship
comes, and it's America's best player against
best player. So the Japanese player breaks out a
Victory Dragon, and the American player's like, WTF???
So the Japanese player wins the match in the first
duel, thereby eliminating America's chance for
dominance. Victory Dragon was the problem, not Time
And this list? I agree, Sorcerer was powerful. But
it's nowhere near banning! So they want a
diversified game? Guess what? They just eliminated a
whole decktype, and many offspins thereof. Doesn't
sound diversified to me.
And as for breaking up the Cookie Cutter... ban
Cyber Dragon! I know, Cyber Dragon is even less
powerful than Sorcerer, but it's not so much the
individual power as the combo power. And even before
the new Chaos Revolution, Warrior Toolbox ran Cyber
Dragon in 3's!! in 3's!! In a Warrior Deck! Talk
about the most splashed card ever! And this
Chimeratech OTK...
don't get me started. That's going to kill the game.
It'll be a race to see who can draw Trunade, Future
Fusion, and Overload Fusion first. Then it's Game
Either ban/limit Chimeratech, or ban Cyber Dragon.
If you ban it, the Chimeratech and the Cyber Dragon
fan decks aren't dead... they have Proto.
But it solves the problem of Future Fusion/Overload
Fusion/good game. It'll force the OTK players to
have a little more skill and a little less luck.
As for Ring coming back... mixed feelings there. I
like Ring, don't get me wrong, but with Des Wombat
and Barrel Behind the Door, there is no way this
should be coming off the banlist. Especially with
Book of Moon at only one.
Give us two Deck Devastation Virus... we'll need it
for the Gadget Storm up ahead.
In fact, if Konami/UDE gives us that, we may be able
to stop the Gadgets from becoming CC. And I'm not
sure what they were thinking in un-limiting
Lightning Vortex. That's going to be a Gadget
Staple, mark my words.
If my banlist were put into effect (I'll be
submitting it later), I predict that Gravekeepers
with DDV tech would become a top-tier deck. Think
about it.
Anyway, I'm done ranting for now, so just watch out
for that new article on an improved banlist.
In the meantime, keep it cool,