equip cards----tienthan ngo
i haven't seen equip cards been used a lot
goin back when the highest lvl 4 monster atks were
1800 equip cards could be used quite a bit
say u equip an "ancient gear beast" with "axe of
despair" and a "big bang shot" pretty deadly not to
mention u dont have to worry about "mirror force" or
saku sittin back there chillin. also there are the
trap equips such as metal morph which can help any
monster in an attack. with it a horus lvl 4 can beat
a bewd and then u got ur opponent screamin what
since u beat his most powerful monster. or how about
the chimeratech otk give it a big bang shot and boom
it over as long as there are no effect monsters such
as man eater bug or ancient gear golem with axe of
despair and a wicked breaking flamberge baou it can
be pretty deadly.
how about maha vailo and armed samurai ben kai equip
armed samurai with axe big bang shot and different
equip cards u got a monster that could atk all 5
monsters with at least 2000 atk points and trample.
maha vailo would have like 4000 atk points and
trample with wicked breaking flamberge baou u could
negate monster effects 2
as i have said equip cards could be really deadly
with the right monsters equiped.
Tienthan Ngo