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New Banned/Restricted List - By ~ShineSoldier~

Hey to everybody. I’ve returned with a new article for ya’ll.
This time, I will give you my thoughts upon how the new Ban List should look.
Since it will only take about 1 month till it’s April 1st, I think it’s about time to share our ideas about this list that’ll change the entire game for another six months...

Here’s the entire list:

Forbidden Cards
You cannot use these cards in your Deck, Fusion Deck or Side Deck:

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Change of Heart
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Cyber Jar
Dark Hole
Delinquent Duo
Fiber Jar
Graceful Charity
Harpie's Feather Duster
Imperial Order
Magical Scientist
Mirage of Nightmare
Mirror Force
Monster Reborn
Painful Choice
Ring of Destruction
Sinister Serpent
The Forceful Sentry
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Witch of the Black Forest

NEW! – Dark Hole, Cyber Jar

Limited Cards
You can ONLY use one of the following cards in the Deck, Fusion Deck & Side Deck combined.

Book of Moon
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Call of the Haunted
Card Destruction
Cyber Dragon
D. D. Assailant
D. D. Warrior Lady
Dark Magician of Chaos
Deck Devastation Virus
Exchange of the Spirit
Exiled Force
Exodia the Forbidden One
Heavy Storm
Injection Fairy Lily
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Level Limit Area-B
Lightning Vortex
Limiter Removal
Mage Power
Magic Cylinder
Magician of Faith
Makyura the Destructor
Messenger of Peace
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Morphing Jar
Mystical Space Typhoon
Night Assailant
Nobleman of Crossout
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Protector of the Sanctuary
Reckless Greed
Reinforcement of the Army
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Sakuretsu Armor
Snatch Steal
Spirit Reaper
Swords of Revealing Light
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Torrential Tribute
Twin-Headed Behemoth
United We Stand
Vampire Lord
Widespread Ruin

NEW! – Pot of Greed, Makyura the Destructor, Cyber Dragon, D.D. Assailant, Level Limit Area-B, Mobius the Frost Monarch, Messenger of Peace, Reinforcement of the Army, Sakuretsu Armor, Spirit Reaper, Vampire Lord, Widespread Ruin.
Semi-Limited Cards
You can ONLY use two of the following cards in the Deck, Fusion Deck & Side Deck combined:

Abyss Soldier
Apprentice Magician
Book of Taiyou
Bottomless Trap Hole
Creature Swap
Don Zaloog
Emergency Provisions
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Gravity Bind
Hand of Nephtys
Last Turn
Manticore of Darkness
Reflect Bounder
Smashing Ground

NEW! – Apprentice Magician, Book of Taiyou, Bottomless Trap Hole, Don Zaloog, Metamorphosis, Reflect Bounder, Smashing Ground.The following cards are no longer Semi-Limited: Upstart Goblin

Let’s begin with the Banned Cards.

Forbidden Cards
NEW! – Dark Hole, Cyber Jar

Dark Hole: I never understood why they unbanned this anyway. It’s way too powerful to be allowed in an advanced format. This card is an example of a card that has to remain banned for all eternity, IMO.
Cyber Jar: I think this is a game breaking card that could be thrown in a lot of decks and work pretty good actually. It can lead to unfair advantages and therefore, it should be banned.

Well, onto the restrictions. I do have a lot of cards to be added onto this list, but who cares...

Limited Cards
NEW! – Pot of Greed, Makyura the Destructor, Cyber Dragon, D.D. Assailant, Level Limit Area-B, Mobius the Frost Monarch, Messenger of Peace, Reinforcement of the Army, Sakuretsu Armor, Spirit Reaper, Vampire Lord, Widespread Ruin.

Pot of Greed: With Graceful Charity and Painful Choice gone, I think we’re allowed to get back one of our deck thinners and draw engines. And with Magician of Faith still restricted, we don’t have to worry about 7 PoG’s in one duel.
Makyura the Destructor: This card is just not ban worthy IMO. We didn’t even get the chance to test it. He might have an OTK build around him, but so does Jowgen, and he’s not being banned either.
Cyber Dragon: This card was used by almost everyone in the last format. It was thrown in every deck with no real purpose. For that and many reasons more, it should be restricted.
D.D. Assailant: Just like Cyber Dragon. It was thrown in every single deck. Solid removal, strong on it’s own and the ultimate tech card. Restrict him.
Mobius the Frost Monarch: Again, a card like Cyber Dragon and D.D. Assailant. A solid 1-for-1 that deverses a restriction.
Level Limit Area-B: Stall decks have too much power IMO. With this, Gravity Bind, Messenger of Peace and Wall of Revealing Light, decks were able to stall for all eternity, which just isn’t funny anymore.
Messenger of Peace: Same as LLAB. It was so good at stalling and with three of them allowed, your opponent didn’t have enough S/T removal to destroy all three of them, and if they did, you still had two LLAB’s, two Gravity Binds and a couple of Wall of Revealing Lights. Just not fair...
Reinforcement of the Army: This card needs to be restricted to counter the Warrior Toolbox decks that are seen everywere. Even with D.D. Assailant down to 1, we’ll still see a lot of Dons and such.
Sakuretsu Armor: This card is another example of a card used by everyone. It was seen in 2’s and 3’s everywhere and should be restricted to add more variety to decks.
Spirit Reaper: A monster that was just too annoying to stay at three. It provides hand control as well as field control. It also forces your opponent to waste a card to destroy this one. And besides all that, this card was just so damn good at defending and saving your Life Points. Restrict it.
Vampire Lord: A card of which I don’t understand why it was allowed in threes. It is so easy to summon him with Pyramid Turtle and with an effect like his, it shouldn’t be allowed. Just restrict it.
Widespread Ruin: Basically the same card as Sakuretsu Armor. With Saku down to 1, this card would see a lot of play. To prevent that, limiting it to two per deck is absolutely necessary.

Well, now that we’ve looked at all the restrictions, let’s continue with the semi-restrictions:

Semi-Limited Cards
NEW! – Apprentice Magician, Book of Taiyou, Bottomless Trap Hole, Don Zaloog, Metamorphosis, Reflect Bounder, Smashing Ground. The following cards are no longer Semi-Limited: Upstart Goblin

Apprentice Magician: This card is way too fast to be allowed in threes. It was even able to search for itself, so that it could thin the deck. Not only that, it could also give Breaker the Magical Warrior another counter which lead to even greater advantages. At first I was thinking of restricting it, but it’s not really worth that after all.
Book of Taiyou: This card wasn’t worth restricting. And with the banning of Cyber Jar, Mill decks have lost a lot of power so this card isn’t that game breaking in those decks anymore.
Bottomless Trap Hole: Another card that was used in a lot of deck. Still, it’s not as powerful as Sakuretsu Armor, so it doesn’t need to be restricted. Semi-limiting will be enough.
Don Zaloog: This is one of the many cards that was abused in this format. Semi-limiting might prevent people from replacing their two lost D.D. Assailants with two copies of this. Two is just fine.
Hand of Nephtys: Provided too much speed for Phoenix decks. Together with Apprentice Magician, you could bring out the Phoenix in no time, and that really sucks for your opponent.
Metamorphosis: With Thousand-Eyes Restrict and Scapegoat both restricted, it was a bit unnecessarry to restrict this card also. Two per deck is fine.
Reflect Bounder: Nobody was actually using this card in their deck, so let’s see what happens when two are allowed. I don’t think it’ll make a great difference, though. The only deck that will love this is an offensive Burn Deck or something like that. Of course, people who still play chaos might like this too.
Smashing Ground: A card like Sakuretsu Armor. A solid 1-for-1 that was used in every single deck. Still not as powerful as Saku, though.
Upstart Goblin: I think it won’t make a big difference when this card is allowed in threes. It does give Exodia decks more speed, but this is one of the weakest draw engines, IMO. Not worth a restricting or semi-restricting.

Those were my thoughts. I know I changed a lot, but I think the game will get to know more different decks when all kinds of simple tech cards are restricted or even banned. I know people will always look for new tech cards to replace the old ones, but when the old ones get banned and such, the new ones will have less devastating effects, or else they would be used before restriction of the old cards.
I don’t how what you think about this list, but feel free to e-mail me at slam25@hetnet.nl

Till next time,


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