July 2006
From: Shadow Master
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 10:00 PM
To: yugiohcrew@pojo.com
Subject: Using Level monsters - Master of Shadows
Hello, Pojoers. It's Master of Shadows here with one
final article before I leave for about a month. I'll
be talking about Level monsters and using them.
There are some cards that you should use and some
that you shouldn't.
Tip 1: Level Up!
Why wouldn't you use this card? Every Level deck
needs it. It speeds up the summoning of whatever
level monster you're using.
Tip 2: No Level Modulation unless you have a good
You don't want to give your opponent cards that can
kill your Level monster. Plus, you essentially can't
use whatever monster you bring back with it. Sure it
can revive your NOMI Level monsters like Horus LV8
and Armed LV7, but there's a better way to get
another shot at using him.
Tip 3: Pot of Avarice and to a lesser extent, The
Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension
Both send monsters back to the deck. It's great when
trying to reuse said NOMI monsters.
Tip 4: Battle Searchers
If the lower pieces of a Level monster line are
searchable, then use whatever battle searcher you
can to search them out.
I apologize for this being so short, but I'm pressed
for time.
Contact me at darkdestructionv30@yahoo.com
Until next time....