July 2006
From: Evan Friscia [mailto:e-van@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:39 AM
To: yugiohcrew@pojo.com
Subject: How I feel about the curent metagame and
what is wrong- Sanity
Hello everyone this will be my first and hopefully
not last post on the tips section and I hope that at
least one person reads this. For about the past year
we have dipped into what many call a "regressive
format" because people have been forced into using
141 monster destruction and cards like dekochi to
keep up Field and hand presence. This has not been
helped by the fact that now anyone can go on the
Internet and find championship decks and recreate
them. Now I am not personally blaming these sites as
the downfall of the game but when anyone can just
type in "Shonen Jump Champion" and get a tournament
winning deck but people now do not have to think as
much. All they need now is the cards and 3 to 4
practice duels before their ready for a major
tournament. This is also not supposed to spit in the
face of people who have created format altering
decks like soul control or Return form the Different
Dimension but as soon as a deck top 8's at a Shonnen
jump 50 copycats at the next Shonen Jump using the
same deck. I feel the responsibility falls on the
people reading these articles and searching for
these deck lists because these are the people
killing the game. They have made it so that the
flavor of the month (RFTDD) is so highly played that
most events are just 9 rounds of mirror matches that
are souly decided on luck and side boarding. Matches
should have some luck in them but entirely. The game
should reward creativity and originality not running
the flavor of the month. All I want from you
duelists is to be responsible the next time you go
onto a site that contains deck lists. Alter a few
cards or maybe take the deck in a new direction,
don't just copy and paste. Who knows fixing the deck
might give you an edge on the competition.
Well I hoped you enjoyed my first article.
Remember sanity is a state of mind