Deck Analysis Announcement:
Wating for the Banned List.
By ~ShineSoldier~
Hey people.
I’ve got a lot of positive feedback on my last three
articles and I’m really happy about that. It gives
me some sort of boost to keep writing these
However, I have a little announcement to make.
In about 2 weeks from now, the new Banned List will
come out. That means there will be new cards on the
Forbidden List and new ones on the Restriction List.
Because of this, all decks that I’m creating now,
can only be played for about 1.5 week.
And in my opinion, that’s not really worth it.
For example, I’m creating all kinds of decks and
most of them contain Dark Hole and about 1-3 Spirit
Reapers. These cards are most likely to be Banned
(or in Spirit Reaper’s case restricted). You’ll have
to take out 3 cards then and replace them with 3 new
ones. Then comes the second problem: There are
coming cards back. Most likely Pot of Greed OR
Graceful Charity. This will mean that you will have
to take out some cards to make these fit in.
What I’m trying to say is, that when I would
continue creating articles now, they might be
useless in 2 weeks and that would be a big waste of
Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be back in 2 weeks for
sure, but until then, I think it’s best to not write
any articles that involve deck constructions.
Because the only thing the Banned List affects is
the deck construction and the Metagame, we can still
write other articles that don’t involve this deck
building stuff.
That’s why I would like to create a Poll. Here it
What kind of articles would you like to read in the
1. Set Reviews
2. Card Creations
3. In-depth Card Reviews
4. In-depth Decktype looks
My own preference goes to either ‘Card Creations’ or
‘In-depth Card Reviews. However, the choice is up to
Please E-Mail me about this, so that I can start
creating this new serie of articles. The Poll will
close after Wednesday, so please mail quickly.
As a bonus of this article, I will present you the
Banned List that MIGHT be used after 1 April 2006. I
found it at
So you can also take a look at it there.
Here it is:
The Advanced Format will be used at premier events
and the World Championship.
I. Forbidden Cards
You cannot use these cards in your Deck or Side
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of The Beginning
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Change of Heart
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of The End
Cyber Jar
Dark Hole
Delinquent Duo
Exchange of The Spirit
Fiber Jar
Harpie's Feather Duster
Imperial Order
Last Turn
Magical Scientist
Makyura The Destructor
Mirage Of Nightmare
Monster Reborn
Painful Choice
Pot Of Greed
Ring Of Destruction
Sinister Serpent
The Forceful Sentry
Time Seal
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Witch Of The Black Forest
NEW! - Cyber Jar, Dark Hole, Exchange of the Spirit,
Last Turn, Time Seal
II. Limited Cards
You can ONLY use one of the following cards in the
Deck & Side Deck combined:
Book of Moon
Breaker The Magical Warrior
Call Of The Haunted
Card Destruction
D. D. Assailant
D. D. Warrior Lady
Dark Magician Of Chaos
Drop Off
Exiled Force
Exodia The Forbidden One
Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm
Injection Fairy Lily
Last Will
Left Arm Of The Forbidden One
Left Leg Of The Forbidden One
Level Limit - Area B
Lightning Vortex
Limiter Removal
Mage Power
Magic Cylinder
Mask Of Darkness
Mirror Force
Morphing Jar
Mystical Space Typhoon
Night Assailant
Pot Of Avarice
Premature Burial
Protector Of The Sanctuary
Reckless Greed
Right Arm Of The Forbidden One
Right Leg Of The Forbidden One
Sacred Phoenix Of Nephthys
Snatch Steal
Swords Of Revealing Light
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Torrential Tribute
Treeborn Frog
Twin-Headed Behemoth
United We Stand
NEW! - D. D. Assailant, Drop Off, Graceful Charity,
Last Will, Level Limit - Area B, Mask of Darkness,
Mirror Force, Pot of Avarice, Treeborn Frog
III. Semi-Limited Cards
You can ONLY use two of the following cards in the
Deck & Side Deck combined:
Apprentice Magician
Creature Swap
Deck Devastation Virus
Emergency Provisions
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Gravity Bind
Magician Of Faith
Manticore Of Darkness
Nobleman Of Crossout
Reflect Bounder
Reinforcement Of The Army
Upstart Goblin
NEW! - Apprentice Magician, Deck Devastation Virus,
Magician of Faith, Nobleman of Crossout, Reflect
NEW! - The following cards are no longer Limited:
Abyss Soldier, Book of Taiyou
That does it for this article.
I know that some of you might think: ‘Why won’t you
create decks that use this Banned List?’
Well, that’s because I want to be really sure about
this list. I don’t know if this will be the official
Banned List, so I’ll just wait til’ April 1st and
then I’m going to continue the Deck Analysis
To give you an idea what to expect after April 1st:
- Amazoness Deck
- Dark Magician Deck
- Elemental Hero Deck
- Armed Dragon Deck
- Horus the Black Flame Dragon Deck
- Harpie Deck
- Light Deck
This’ll be enough for now I think.
I hope you will all ‘vote’ in this poll and I’m
looking forward to your mails.
To mail me your votes, opinions or anything else,
mail to
‘Til next time,