From: 7 妀克饿 []
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 11:24 PM
Subject: Good Burn Deck - Brad Clark
Well, first, there is my cards. With my deck there
are 22 monsters which are as follows:
Raging Flame Sprite (x3)
Infernal Flame Emperor
Blazing Inpachi
Flame Ruler
UFO Turtle
Yamata Dragon
Familiar-Possesed - Hitta (x3)
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
Ultimate Baseball Kid (x3)
Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective (x3) Des Koala
Tenkabito Shien Great Angus Battle Footballer
I have 15 Magic Cards which are as follows:
Rush Recklessly (x2)
Heavy Storm
Axe of Despair
Lightning Vortex
Spell Absorption
Mystical Space Typhoon
Swords of Revealing Light
Malevolent Nuzzler
Level Limit - Area B
Nightmare's Steelcage (x2)
Premature Burial
Molten Destruction
And I have 11 Trap Cards which are as followed:
Backfire (x2)
Fairy's Hand Mirror (x2)
Enchanted Javelin
Trap Hole
Spell Shield Type-8
Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai
Magic Cylinder
Draining Shield
Ok, now that we got that out of the way it is time
to explain the deck.
I bet the first thing that comes to your mind is
When you look at this deck, it seems more like a
fire in general deck, not a burn deck. And you are
partially right. But with the right combo's it can
become a good burn deck, with alternatives. Let me
Basically, a quick summary of my deck (Which I will
explain more about later) is this deck is oriented
toward a burn deck but if you get forced into a
position that your burn cards wont work then you
have option two, use your burn cards to get your
other cards out on the field to attack and destroy
the opponent.
And first, to the burn part. Well, there are several
primary points to this deck. well, hopefully all of
you guys know what Level limit area B is, but for
those who don't, I'll tell you. Basically, it means
that any monster that is higher than a level three
is put into and can't declare an attack (obviously,
because they are in defense position). This is when
you play cards such as Raging Flame Sprite and
Ultimate Baseball Kid. Well, Raging Flame Sprite has
100 attack and 200 defense with three stars, seems
like a lame card, right. Well, it has an effect, it
can attack your opponents life points directly, and
with Level limit Area B they cant destroy you unless
they have a level 3 or lower monster on their field.
So thats 100 damage to their life points per turn,
sounding better now, isn't it. But it gets better.
It's part two of its effect is that each time it
successfully hits your opponents life points
directly it gains 1000 attack points. And with three
of these on the Field with Level Limit Area B on the
field you can do 300 damage to their life points one
turn, 3300 the next turn, 6600 the next turn, and
the next turn 9900 damage and that can take them out
fairly quickly. And if you have backfire on the
field and somehow they got a level 3 monster that
can destroy it you can still inflict 500 points of
damage to their life points and with both backfires
thats 1000 per fire monster that they destroy.
And now onto the Amazing Baseball Kid. Its effect is
that for each fire monster on your side of the field
(excluding this card) its attack goes up by 1000 and
he has a base attack of 500. So if you get three of
these plus maybe one or two other monsters with no
effect but high attack or defense like Battle
Footballer and Blazing Inpachi this can make the
Amazing Baseball Kids attack go up to 3500 or even
4500 life points and if you add molten destruction
to them you have potentially three monsters on your
field that have 5000 attack each.
And with backfire, for precautionary action of
course, you have a fairly decent chance of winning.
But say you only had one baseball kid and one other
monster on the field you can use premature burial on
another monster to summon onto the field which
automatically ups Baseball Kids attack to 2500 which
seems to be a pretty good attack.
And just a little side note you can use Des Koala
when they have anywhere from 4-6 cards in their hand
and, when flipped, you can take away 400 of your
opponents life points per card in their hand which
is an additional 1600-2400 life points. And, upon
your choice, you can have as many of these in your
deck as you choose but I just choose one of them.
Now, I bet you are saying wow, this deck seems
pretty good, but what are the rest of the cards
for?. Well, as many know, no strategy is perfect or
surefire, so they are part of plan B, so to speak.
They don't need much explaining, because they are
kind of self explanatory. Basically, you just need a
little bit of common sense and you will be able to
keep up staying alive. And because of spell
absorption it keeps your life points at a good level
you should be able to stay alive and beat your
opponent. Cards like Lightning Vortex and Heavy
Storm are some examples of things you can do to
defeat your opponent. And Axe of Despair and
Malevolent Nuzzler can be used to help your flame
sprites or baseball kids to keep them alive until
they get stronger.
I hope my tips will help any duelist or aspiring
duelist to become a better duelist and mostly enjoy
the game. Any questions, comments, Mistakes (If any)
or possible ways to improve my deck can be sent to
me via email at
-Brad Clark