-----Original Message-----
From: C G []
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:07 PM
Subject: saku no more! -DMC
Another equally bad pun would be "Saku, the way its
going you'd think its Sake!" If you don't get either
of those... don't worry about it.
So, sick of sakuretsu armor? Widespread ruin maybe?
say no more... i got a cure!
Actually its an old (old) card. However, do to
advances in the game its been forgotten by many,
never seeing much play when it came out anyway, and
newer players might not have seen it! It was a rare
originally in Pharohs Servant, and common in DB1(I
tihnk it was DB1... could be 2... i'd check if i had
a common one...) so its not exactly hard to get,
maybe 10 cents at your local hobby shop... cheaper
than what it kills!
I, of course, am talking about Nobleman of
Extermination. It targets one face down spell or
trap card, removes it from play, and then if it is a
trap card both players remove all copies of that
trap card from both decks (like Its more played
brother Nobleman of Crossout and flip effects).
I've read a little about people thinking to use it,
and i don't see why they don't!
*removes traps and copies from game
*you can play it on your own cards (thats a pro?
*breaks certain combos
*breaks any cheezy netdecker who thinks ripping a
SJC deck is the best!
*normal spell
*can be chained (if chainable) and if it flips up
(call of the haunted) it is not removed, nor are
copies *negateable
Now, looking at the recent sjc decks myself every
deck has 2-3 sakus, and most had 2 widespread and 2
bottomless trap hole and what wasn't maindecked was
sidedecked. lookign at my local tournaments i see
the same, and my local tournaments contain 7 of the
top 10 ranked players in my state, including 1-4 (I
live in a small state with only one big city, and
thats where i live and play :))
most of the time you will be pretty sure what
nobleman is going to hit, people get that grin when
they play saku, so don't worry abotu a chain, and
half the time the opponent won't chain even if they
can (because they don't think to, i killed off 3
royal decrees once... why he used 3 i still don't
know...). Now, if you really want to be absolutely
sure you get hte right card... use it on yourself,
set your one saku and noble it, causign the opponent
to lose theirs.
Not as thrifty, but it works if you wanna play
really safe.
think of it this way, you play nobleman, remove 3
sakus from play, thats 3 monsters you save, or 3
less targets for your mobius so you cna kill off
more important traps. 1 for 3, or 1 for 2, or at the
very least, 1 for 1. rarely does it fizzle.
Lastly.... i cannot believe looking over those
decklists that no one going in thought "i should
take out my sakus and throw in a nobleman..." I
mean, if you plan to play without them ahead of time
you're really well off when you nuke them!
Anyway.... its a thought anyway, try it, have fun,
etc etc.
DMC out I welcome emails, especially
since i made that account just for yu-gi-oh related