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Trading Card Game Tips from fans
One-Turn-Kill Decks are an interesting deck choice that are harder to come by nowadays. Unless you're playing Traditional, you've noticed that most of the OTK combos have their critical pieces banned, or restricted to make it less likely to pull off. Cyber-Stein OTKs are still allowed, and can be very effective when they work. People include cards like Magical Mallet and Reload to get to these pieces faster, but are completely helpless if it doesn't work.
This is an example of an OTK Deck that doesn't need to pull of its combo to win. It can win perfectly fine on its own, it just cuts games short about 1/3rd of the time when it does form its combo. Behold, the Spellcaster OTK Deck:
40 Cards
Monsters x17 Apprentice Magician x2 Breaker the Magical Warrior Cannon Soldier Dark Magician Dark Magician of Chaos Magician of Faith x2 Old-Vindictive Magician Sangan Skilled Dark Magician x3 Spirit Reaper x2 Tsukuyomi
Magic Cards x17 Dedication Through Light and Darkness x2 Dimension Fusion x2 Graceful Charity Heavy Storm Magical Dimension x3 Mass Driver x2 Mystical Space Typhoon Nobleman of Crossout Premature Burial Snatch Steal Spell Economics x2
Trap Cards x6 Call of the Haunted Mirror Force Sakuretsu Armor x3 Torrential Tribute
You've probably figured out the OTK cards by now, but don't worry if you haven't. Here they are: - Dark Magician of Chaos - Dimension Fusion - Spell Economics - Cannon Soldier or Mass Driver
Now it comes together, once you get Dark Magician of Chaos out, you can launch it with Mass Driver or Cannon Soldier. Then bring it back with Dimension Fusion, but have Spell Economics active on the field so you don't have to pay anything. Now, when Dark Magician of Chaos is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned you get to bring back a Spell Card from your Graveyard, use this effect to get back Dimension Fusion and repeatedly launch DMoC until you win.
This combo won't come together all the time, so don't worry about it. This deck can not only hold its own without the combo, it can win without it too. It's basically a Dark Magician Deck with a few cards in it that can end the game abruptly when they come together, but most of them won't become dead weight either.
Spell Economics might, but it can be set for a bluff and to bait out a M/T destroyer, or used as discard bait for Graceful Charity. Dark Magician of Chaos is a great monster on its own, negating graveyard-activated effects such as Sangan and Mystic Tomato. Also not filling the opponent's grave with Lights and Darks in a Chaos match-up. Mass Driver and Cannon Soldier can be great game enders when the opponent's LP are low. And Dimension Fusion is a great way to get back DMoC when the opponent thought they were safe, even if you're not launching it.
When you play this deck, focus on getting Dark Magician out first. There are multiple ways to do that, Skilled Dark Magician and Magical Dimension work the best. Once you do, you may or may not have Dedication Through Light and Darkness with you. If you do, great! If you don't, oh well. Use Dark Magician to smash the opponent over the head. When you do draw Dedication, wait until the opponent uses a piece of monster removal on Dark Magician, and if he survives your turn, set Dedication at the second Main Phase. Wait 'till your opponent uses a card to either kill Dark Magician or your face-down Dedication to activate it. Special Summon the DMoC and get back a Spell. Don't worry about the OTK cards, just play this deck like a regular Dark Magician/DMoC Deck until the combo comes together on its own.
This is a safe way to build an OTK Deck. It doesn't rely on killing the opponent in one turn to win, so when it doesn't work it still has just as much chance of winning as a regular theme deck. OTK Decks usually suffer the weakness of bad luck, and this deck covers that weakness. Even with a bad opening hand it can recover and win, so if you like OTK decks, give this one a try. Thank you for reading this post.
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