From: axgamad
Subject: Kamikaze Burn / axgamad
Hey guys.
since I'm not getting any "vox populi" I dont know
which do you prefer, my decks or my talks, so i
decided to do a bit of both in 1 tip. So here's a
deck me and Patrick did a while back and some other
Kamikaze burn
2* Thesalos the Firestorm Monarch
2* Cyber Dragon
3* Reflect Bounder
3* Des Wombat
2* Dice Jar
3* Nimble Momonga
1* Magician of Faith
1* Mask of Darkness
1* Sangan
1* Graceful Charity
1* Premature Burial
1* Book of Moon
2* Dark Snake Sindrome
1* Mystical Space Typhoon
1* Heavy Storm
2* Lightning Vortex
2* Soul Reversal
3* Curse of Darkness
1* Ring of Destruction
1* Barel behind the Door
1* Magic Cylinder
1* Ceasefire
3* Sakuretsu Armor
2* Bottomless Trap Hole
1* Call of the Haunted
1* Toriental Tribute
1* Gravity Bind
For those of you that didn't get it the deck is
dedicated to doung a lot of burn, to either player.
That's what Dice Jar, Dark Snake Sindrome and Curse
of Darknes are here for. Des Wombat is here to
protect us from the mentioned damage. We would also
have an OTK here if we added a Limiter Removal, but
I'll build a dedicated deck soon. And nothing is
better than a lot of damage form a Reflect Bounder,
Magic Cylinder and Ceasefire.
On to part two:
I wanted to say something about manners. I didn't
find "Manners in dueling" on upperdeck so check it
out in your manual. An important thing is to be
patient, especialy with young players. They may be
stubborn, not know the rules etc., so don't lose
your nerve. And if you dissagree with someone about
the rules, and you don't have a judge nearby, start
a discussion, not an argument. Ask a more
experienced player or consult the internet (the
official site was in my last tip). And have your
rulebook with you at all times. There are so-called
"good" players that haven't even read it. You'll
feel better not arguing, and others will, and that's
what maners are about, no? The stuff in the manual
(handshakes, asking to tuch cards) is important on
big tournament with strangers, but on your local
tournament, amongst friends, they are not as
And: Good Tip #1
Read your cards CAREFULLY.
When you get a card read it, don't overlook it
becaue you know what it does. For example, I didn't
realise that Dice Jar was a flip until I was told,
and reading Armed Changer I realised what it was
realy for (equipp it to your opponent's monsrter and
let them destroy).
Good Tip #2
"Respect your elders"
Sure, old people made this up, but it is good
advice. No, I don't mean respect an old man for no
apparent reason, but when a more experienced person
(player) tells you something, take it into acount
instead pushing your own stubborn way.
That's it for now, I hope you enjoyed reading, I did
writing it. Next time an OTK deck:
Alright, bye.