From: David Hails
Subject: The New format has saved yu gi oh?-
The new list has saved yu gi oh. Well for the time
being anyway, as now
everyone isnt playing the same old deck. Chaos has
gone leaving a hole for a
lot of CC duelists who couldnt think of an original
deck. Snatch means that
certain cards are better (phonix improves as do most
tributes). people are
experimenting with different deck ideas than they
would have before as they
arent certain what the "best" deck now is. The
current banlist has allowed
my current deck to be usable and indeed quite good,
if a little
unreliable... but most importantly its fun and it
can beat decent decks (GK,
Dark world, burn, Cyber dragons, Otk's). It may seem
very random until you
realise WHY its random...
Monsters (18)
3X Nimble momongas
Sacred phoenix of nephtys
Hand of nephtys
Horus The black flame dragon lv6
Exiled force
Treeborn frog
Dark magician of chaos
Breaker the magical warrior
D.D. Warrior lady
Magician of faith
Spirit reaper
Cyber dragon
Fusilier dragon the duel mode beast
Injection Fairy Lily
Magic (16)
Graceful charity
2X Reasoning
Monster gate
2X Smashing ground
Brain control
Enemy controller
Premature burial
Nobleman of crossout
Pot of Avarice
Book of moon
Trap (5)
2X sakeretsu armour
Mirror force
Torrential tribute
Ring of destruction
Call of the haunted
As you may have guessed the monsters are all over
the place to prevent the
opponent guessign right for reasoning, this deck is
all abotu swarming the
opponent with highlevel monsters. Its best win was
attacking game with 3
nimble momongas and a treeborn. But this deck is
proof that you can run an
original (well compared to most at the moment
especially in last format) and
indded fun deck and win. This is only possible in
this format as chaos has
gone, but watch out for those bottomless trap holes,
that are inevitably
going to come back into peoples decks.
Cheers for looking