April 2007
Horus Vs Armed Dragon?
-Mike Howard
ok i notice that
there is a lot of contraversy on who is better and i
know of some combos that make it seem that one is
better than the other but here are the things you
have to look at when deciding who is better. there
are 3 levels of horus and 4 levels of armed dragon.
1-horus 4 vs. armed 3
bad- Horus 4 has a 1600 atk so he can hardly be
searched in a deck where as armed 3 can with its
1200 atk. however armed 3 has to live a turn for his
effect to kick in to bring out 5 but with his attack
being the way it is he hardly lives that long.
good- well they both can of coarse be lvled up by
the magic card "level up"
with out having to tribute so thats pretty decent.
Horus however does a little better here. Horus 4
can't be stolen by your opponent if he is face up.
-gasp!- and if that isn't a good effect than his
second effect of when he destroys a monster he can
bring out lvl 6 at the end of the turn. {whoa} not
bad for a lvl 4 with a 1600 atk
ok so horus doesn't have to wait to bring out his
cousin and his atk is somewhat decent enough that he
can kill something for effect 2 to be any good.
horus- 1 armed dragon- 0
horus 6 vs. armed 5
bad- well horus 6 has a 2300 versus a 2400 weilded
by armed 5 and armed 5 has 100 more defence that
horus but other than that i can't think of anything
bad for them.
good- well horus 6 is immune to any spell cards.
{whoa} even ones that don't specifically designate.
=O armed 5 however can destroy a monster with his
effect, you have to discard a monster from you hand
and destroy a monster with an atk equal to or less
than the atk of THE SENT MONSTER. {ex. say i discard
a blue eyes white dragon, i can destroy a monster
with 3000 atk or less on my opponents side of the
field} hm.. not bad at all.. oh and armed 5 can
still atk after doing his ability. =D crazy good!
they both can lvl up if they destroy a monster as a
result of battle. {so armed 5's effect does not
count} they can be normal summoned.
uh oh horus- 1 armed dragon- 1
horus 8 vs armed 7
bad- well armed 7's defence is 1000 so if it gets
switched to defence position its a gonner. x.x where
as horus is running with a 1800. can't be normal
summoned or special summoned.
good- well horus 8 can now negate any magic card he
wants! jeez! {remember though, it isn't automatic so
you have to remember to use it} and he boasts a 3000
atk. not bad governor. well armed 7 can destroy all
face up monsters with the an atk lower than the sent
monster. {same effect as 5 but all monsters!}
whoa um.. hard to decide.. o.o hm.. i got it!
horus- 2 armed dragon- 2 xD
armed dragon lvl 10
well hes actually not as good as you think.
bad- he has to be in your hand to summon him. you
can't level up 7 to get 10 out. you have to have a
lvl 7 on the field to summon him. can't be normal
summoned or special summoned from the graveyard.
good- well he has a 3000 atk now and a 2000 def. not
bad. he can now destroy all face up monster by you
discarding any card from your hand. but that is
pretty much it. =/
well i can't really decide who wins. its up to you
to decide. the rarity of finding armed 10 hinders
you and lvl 7 armed dragon and lvl 8 horus aren't
that hard to find. the only thing you need to look
for in the horus set is lvl 6 and armed 10 for the
armed dragon set.
i got some tips you may like to try-
horus+Royal decree/jinzo- this is a truly painful
combo i've used and it
most of the time fatal. this combo hinders your
opponent from using magic and trap cards but be
careful with it. a card effect can still destroy
horus thus leaving you open to attack because royal
decree and jinzo stop you from using traps.
Armed dragon 7/10+ Swords of revealing light- having
trouble with all their monsters being face down? why
don't you flip them all up with swords and then
throw a card to destroy them. xD
note!- you cannot use the card "level modulation" to
bring back horus 8 and armed 7/10 unless they were
summoned corectly. ex you summoned them by using the
previous levels effect. so you cannot summon them
with it if you discarded it.
that is all i have to say guys. have any
questions/suggestions e-mail me at wizard_raven@hotmail.com