August 2007
This Tip Was Made For Tippin -
That Guy We
meet again in a third article. My previous two were
more towards winning and the elements of it. This
one is that and a little more.
I'm sure most of you have gotten the news of the new
ban list. Snatch, Ring, Metamorphosis gone, Breaker,
MOF, back, everybody's happy. Now people are
fighting over which decks will kill this next
format. Which is the next rogue deck to make it big
in a SJC?
There are many decks coming to mainstream due to the
release of some amazing cards. Trooper-Monarch now
becomes Apprentice-Monarch. Zombies, Gravekeeper's,
Crystal Beasts, and possibly Gemini or Normal
Monsters make the big screen. Lockdown Burn becomes
the next big thing with Marshmallon. There are far
more decks to beat this format. Yu-Gi-Oh is rising,
but at the same time is dying due to the release of
all these great cards. To keep it alive, we must
focus on a bigger circle of decks so we can want
more and not be content. Not to say I'm working for
UDE and want you to spend money on 3 Crystal Seers
(looking for just 1) or go buy all the structure
decks to collect 2 cards from each you need, no.
Yu-Gi-Oh's plants and trees are the duelists. If we
don't buy (create oxygen), the human (Yu-Gi-Oh) will
die. I know it's a gay example but when you think
about it, it works. So where is this going, you ask?
I dunno...just kiddin. If you don't want your
precious game to die, then send me a bagillion
zillion billion yen. Or just find more decks to play
so we can make this game more diverse than what it's
going to be. I've built a deck here, (yes finally, a
deck by That Guy!) which is sure to catch much
attention because of how it moves and what it does.
It's a long forgotten deck and it will make it big
because it is similar to Lockdown Burn but it wins
in different ways.
Exodia, Obliterate
Exodia the Forbidden One
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Des Lacooda x3
Emissary of the Afterlife x3
Spirit Reaper
Dekoichi the Battle Chant Locomotive x3
Dark Mimic Lv 1 x3
Upstart Goblin x3
Level Limit Area - B
Card Destruction
Swords of Revealing Light
Nightmare Steel Cage x2
Monster Reincarnation x2
Messenger of Peace x2
Gravity Bind
Jar of Greed x3
Backup Soldier x2
Mask of Restrict x2
This deck is very fast at thinning, as you can see.
6 flip monsters, 6 draw 1 cards already = a 28 card
deck. I'm surprised many people overlook Des Lacooda
in an Exodia Deck. Stealth Bird gets its recognition
because it spells or gravity bind lock while it
flips up and down for 1000. Des Lacooda is the draw
version. Stop em with Gravity Bind or something and
keep flipping it up. I always net 2-3 cards for each
one. Saying I only get out 1 with the minimum,
that's a 26 card deck. Card Destruction can be used
when you have 7 ish cards in hand with Back Up
Soldier or Monster Reincarnation for the effect
Exodia. Thats in the 10s. So if you can last that
long with the proper stall cards, Exodia is in, and
they're out. Mask of Restrict is ani-Monarch/Demise
or whatever. Messenger, Bind, Level Limit, Steel
Cage, and Swords are all good stall. Reaper and the
new Marshmallon stall attacks. Monster Reincarnation
and Backup are for dead or discarded Exodia pieces.
Emissary and Sangan search the pieces and there you
have it. Ram em into something if you have to.
So that does it. Exodia may make a big return if
people can get the money for him. there are plenty
other decks that may make big returns. Gravekeeper's
included, so don't rule anything out, even Harpies.
Email me at or my AIM:
Until Next Time...