February 2006
5-Headed-CyberDark Dragon
I have figured out a way to make devastating use of
CyberDark Dragon. The strategy includes the
following cards:
Cyberdark Dragon and the other CyberDarks
Overload Fusion
5-Headed Dragon
3 non-effect dragons of the same name that have
either 2 or 1 star.
2 other non-effect dragons of the same name that
have either 2 or 1 star.
2 The League of Uniform Nomenclatures.
Ok, first, you get all the CyberDark cards in the
graveyard (except the fusion). Next, play 1 of the
level 2 or lower dragons and PROTECT THAT! On your
next turn, (Unless you special summon this) summon
the other level 2 or lower dragon. Then, use both of
your The League of Uniform Nomenclatures. Boom, 5
dragons. Fuse them with Polymerization and bring out
5-Headed dragon. Attack relentlessly with it, even
if you don’t win, you want it destroyed. Now, use
Overload Fusion and bring out CyberDark Dragon.
(After 5-headed Dragon is destroyed) Equip that to
CyberDark, and you have a killer card right there.
6000 atk and 5800 def is not too shabby. (Actually,
6500 atk, so there, they can’t spring a Thein, the
Great Sphinx on you. Play something to destroy all
their monsters and then play Giant Trunade to leave
them helpless. KABOOM! You win.
Sure, people could still counter this in numerous
ways, but it makes an awesome match ending play, am
I right?