June 2007
- Gravekeeper's Deck - By Cam
Who likes
Gravekeeper's? I do...Not as much as Dragons but I
realize these are cool too. So I have made a deck of
these, ofcourse I've tried to use as few staples and
crap as possible because I only have so many Heavy
Storms, Sangans, Call of the Haunteds, etc. and I
build so many decks. As such this may not be the
most competetive Gravekeeper's Deck because I don't
just have 1 deck, but I think it's pretty good:
40 Cards
Monsters: 19
Gravekeeper's Assailant x3
Gravekeeper's Cannonholder
Gravekeeper's Chief x2
Gravekeeper's Commandant x3
Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier x3
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Mystic Tomato x3
Magic Cards: 14
Heavy Storm
Magical Dimension x3
My Body as a Shield x3
Mystical Space Typhoon
Necrovalley x3
Smashing Ground x2
Snatch Steal
Trap Cards: 7
Magician's Circle x3
Rite of Spirit x3
Torrential Tribute
Pretty focused eh? Beatdown's the name of the game,
use the Spies, Tomatoes, Chiefs, Circles and Rites
to swarm the field, and back up the swarm with 3 My
Body as a Shield, 3 Magical Dimension and a couple
of Smashing Grounds for some backup removal. Some
people wonder how many Commandants and Necrovalleys
to run, I say why? I've seen people put 3
Commandants in and only 2 Necrovalleys and back it
up with the fact that if they were topdecking they'd
rather have the beatstick than the Field Spell. SO
WHAT! If you're not topdecking and your opponent
just blew through both of your Necrovalleys with MST
and Heavy Storm you're screwed because your
Gravekeeper's don'y work anymore.
For me the decision was simple, the Gravekeeper's
are Tier 1 with Necrovalley out, and crap when it's
not. It's because of this reliance on the Field
Spell that Gravekeeper's hardly ever Top 8 at major
events, so it's easy to see that you want the best
chance of getting it and as quickly as possible.
Then when it's gone, you want another one PRONTO! So
3 Commandants and 3 Necrovalleys is really the only
way to do this. Try it out, there are a lot of cards
ran in 3's so there are only 18 different cards in
this deck. It's also relatively cheap, the only
cards you might have trouble with are the
Necrovalleys, Chiefs, Spies and Circles. Once you've
got those under your belt you're laughing.
Send your questions, comments, etc. to cjrwaud@cogeco.ca.
Please no hate mail, I'm really a nice guy once you
get to know me.