April 2008
Hello, people. Sorry the last article
only covered two cards, but, as I said, I was
strapped for time. Now I'm back with two more cards
but a little more about these than the others. Here
Mecha-Dog Marron
Level 4 / Light / Machine / 1000 / 1000
Effect: When this card on the field is destroyed and
sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, inflict
1000 points of damage to both players' Life Points.
When this card on the field is destroyed and sent to
the Graveyard except as a result of battle, inflict
1000 points of damage to your opponent's Life
At first glance, it sounds bad, but let's think
about it. With so many people relying on Dimension
Fusion / Return from the Different Dimension, your
opponent's Life Points will be pretty low when they
swing for whatever. If this thing is face down and
they attack into it, their Life Points should be low
enough so that that 1000 points of damage should
kill them. If your Life Points are above 1000, then
that should be game for them. If they kill it with
some effect, that's even better. Unless you Tribute
it or send it to the Graveyard for something, your
opponent takes 1000 no matter what. I like that.
Level 4 / Water / Plant / 1700 / 500
Effect: Remove 2 WATER monsters in your Graveyard
from play to Special Summon 1 "Lekunga Token"
(Plant-Type/WATER/2 Stars/ATK 700/DEF 700) in Attack
Position on your side of the field.
Bells should be going off as this being a Water
remove-from-play engine. The tokens can be used for
Spiritual Water Art - Aoi, making it a virtually
free card. The tokens can be free Tributes. It works
with Big Wave Small Wave to get multiple big
monsters on the field, provided that you clear the
field, of course. I'll let you figure out the uses
for it. I'll work on a low-budget deck for it and
see what anyone may say about it.
That's all I have for now. Now just combine this
article with the other short one, and you have one
of decent length. Have fun. Questions, comments,
suggestions, requests, praise, and even deck fixes
can be sent to darkdestructionv30 (at) yahoo (dot)
Until next time....