April 2008
Deck Fix 3- RFG Monarchs
So I have been following the meta-game pretty
closely, and while I don't
really expect to beat DAD decks and Magical
Explosion or Tundo-type
decks if they get the right draw going, I at least
want to have fun when
I am not playing some person with a lot of money and
a fondness for
Solitaire. So here is my RFP Monarch deck, but I
need help because
while it works sometimes, it lacks consistency.
Monsters 20
3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
1 Dark Magician of Chaos
2 Cyber Valley
1 D.D. Warrior Lady
1 Marshmallon
3 D.D. Survivor
2 D.D. Scout Plane
2 Apprentice Magician
2 Crystal Seer
1 Marshmallon
1 Snipe Hunter
Spells 13
3 Dimensional Fissure
2 Enemy Controller
1 Brain Control
1 Giant Trunade
1 Magical Mallet
2 Reinforcements of the Army
1 Mystical space Typhoon
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Dimension Fusion
Traps 7
1 Mirror Force
2 Macro Cosmos
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Dark Bribe
1 Return from a Different Dimension
Side Deck
3 Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
2 Solemn Judgment
2 Divine Wrath
2 Hero's Rule 2
1 Prime Material Dragon
3 Chain Energy
3 Curse of Darkness
I cannot afford Destiny Draw or Allure of Darkness,
so I have not made
this deck as dark as I otherwise would have. Keeping
that in mind and
the speed of the current metagame, I get draw from a
more traditional
Apprentice Magician engine, using Crystal Seer and
some Old Vindictive
for destruction. I also use Morphing Jar, Cyber
Valley and Magical
Mallet in case I have a dead hand, which is my most
common problem,
To get a lot of RFP, I have the 3 Dimensional
Fissures and 2 Macro
Cosmos. I thought about 3 Banishers, but I find that
they just don't
last very long in this meta against level 3s and 4s:
All the D.D.
warrior-types, Elemental Hero Stratos, 2 of the Six
Samurai, Strike
Ninja, Asura Priest, Bazoo, Cannon Soldier, Des
Wombat, Gladiator Beast
Laquari, etc. Banisher is great if you have some
stall, esp
Level-limiter Area B, Swords of Revealing Light, and
Gravity Bind, since
it ca attack under them all, but frankly I have been
playing around with
Remove From Play Burn and it is not the easiest deck
to make effective.
I prefer Giant Trunade because often I don't need a
whole lot of time to
win. Just have to get the back field clear for one
or two good hits.
Plus, I don't lose my Macros or Dimensional
Fissures, I just reset
them. With Dimensional Fissures, I can even Trunade
and reset them
immediately. The 2 Dark Bribes give me some
protection, but I have
considered going to some other form of spell/trap
denial because I am
tired of giving my opponent's draw in this format.
That is even worse
than giving them life points!
I also have succeeded a few times in getting the
DMoC/CyberValley/Dimension Fusion going, to get some
draw and clear the
field and hit big, though obviously without the
range of effect possible
with a Tundo-style deck. However, that is not a main
object for me,
more of a pleasant side effect.
The side deck is oriented towards hurting DAD and
Spell-driven draw
engines. If I hit a Curse of Darkness and/or Chain
Energy, I can do
serious damage to someone dependent on Spell cards,
and The Prime
Material I keep for both anti-burn and to gain life
from using Curse of
Darkness. The counter-traps give me draw power for
Options: I had thought about putting in two
Threatening Roars, to slow
down opponents, as speed is still not my strong
suit, but then I seem to
draw too many dead hands. I also was wondering if I
really need the
Dark Bribes, or if I should go with Solemn Judgment
or even Cold Wave
for more control as I am actually pretty
monster-heavy or even with no
counter protection at all. There just seem to be a
lot of Solemn/Dark
Bribe heavy decks these days. Also, what about Hand
Destruction for
this deck?
Hey Chris, thanks for sending in your deck! It seems
like the dek that you're currently running has a mix
of control and brutal, quick strikes, and I do agree
with you, I playtested with this build for a little
bit, and I did notice some inconsistency. I'll do my
best to help you with this build, as these were some
of the changes that I saw that could help.
Here's what I took out:
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch: Normally, I'd be
all over this card as a definite yes since it can
possibly wipe a good card from the hand of any good
deck. The truth is that I wanted to fit not only
this copy, but two more in, but I just couldn't find
the room.
Cyber Valley: Another good card for RFG decks, but
in this build, I wanted to make it aggressive, and I
wanted to make sure that you had as few dead draws
as possible. Since there is no "Valley Dupe" combo
in this deck, I decided to take them out all
Apprentice Magician/Crystal Seer: A cool choice,
since these aren't ran as often as they were. the
problem that I had was that in the duels that I
needed a monster with an okay attack stat to finish
with (Sangan or Exiled Force, for example) I drew
into one of these. Defensive tactics are good, but I
feel as if the
Apprentice Engine is too slow to tak on DAD right
Magical Mallet: In this deck, Mallet definitely has
it's advantages. Give back multiple copies of
Dimensional Fissure or Cosmos and draw new cards.
However, you have the chance of drawing those very
same cards off of Mallet's effect, so I decided to
go with a different version of getting rid of
unwanted cards.
Reinforcement of the Army: I removed one copy
because we only have 4 target cards: 3 D.D. Survivor
and 1 D.D. Warrior Lady. There is a possibility that
the extra ROTA could get stuck in your hand when you
need to draw into something else that would be
useful at that time.
Mystical Space Typhoon: I must be nuts by cutting
this card....or am I? Don't get me wrong, MST is
awesome, and it's uses are far reaching, but it's
rarely used in a game winning push. Put yourself in
this scenario: I'm running a removal deck, and my
opponent knows it. It's mid-game, and my opponent
and I are real close in card advantage. I've got a
face down Solemn Judgement and Dimensional Fissure
in the backfield, and my opponent has Torrential
Tribute, Fires of
Doomsday and Enemy Controller face down. He also
knows that I run solemn, and that since I have
already played Trunade, that there is no way I can
clear his backfield to make a push for damage. In
these types of situations, I upgraded MST into it's
larger counterpart, and swept the game. I did the
exact same thing for this deck.
Dimension Fusion: Nice OTK card, but not what we're
looking for in this deck. We want a clear shot at
our opponents, and we don't want to go through the
trouble of having to clear the field of all the
monsters we just removed from the game.
Dark Bribe: I agree with you. There are better forms
of spell/trap negation, and giving a DAD player a
card for negating an Allure or something is just
Return from the Different Dimension: Due to our new
negating cards I put in, we want to watch our life
points, so I had to nix this card.
Here's what I added:
Gravekeeper's Spy- Oh, the good old days when this
thing was in every single deck imaginable. In here,
it adds stability and a good swarm engine to make
early game pushes. I included 3.
D.D. Crow- It stops every card that uses the
graveyard, it fits the theme of the deck, and it
shuts down the biggest threats in this format except
for Gladiator Beasts. I added 2.
Cyber Dragon- Our old friend makes a comeback in
this deck as a beatstick and an excellent special
summon, so long as you meet the requirements. I used
the maximum number allowed.
Heavy Storm- The bigger cousin of MST I was talking
about earlier. This card will win you games in this
deck, but only play it if you're going for the kill,
or if you lured your opponent into a pro storm.
Card Destruction: I chose this card over magical
mallet because I won't draw the same cards that was
making my hand a dead one, unless I draw into
another copy of a useless card. It's a gamble, but
it can reward you greatly.
Solemn Judgement: A removal deck's best friend,
it'll stop anything for half of your life points. A
worthy investment, especially in this DAD driven
Trap Dustshoot/Mind Crush- Hand Control is very
important, and these two cards can and probably will
wreck your opponent every single time you play them.
-1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
-2 Cyber Valley
-2 Apprentice Engine
-2 Crystal Seer
-1 Magical Mallet
-1 Reinforcement of the Army
-1 Mystical Space Typhoon
-1 Dimension Fusion
-2 Dark Bribe
-1 Return from the Different Dimension
+3 Gravekeeper's Spy
+2 D.D. Crow
+2 Cyber Dragon
+1 Heavy Storm
+1 Card Destruction
+3 Solemn Judgement
+1 Trap Dustshoot
+1 Mind Crush
Here's the finished deck:
RFP Monarchs- 41 Cards
Monsters: (21)
Caius the Shadow Monarch x3
Dark Magician of Chaos
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
D.D. Survivor x3
D.D. Scout Plane x2
Spirit Reaper
Snipe Hunter
D.D. Crow x2
Cyber Dragon x2
D.D. Warrior Lady
Morphing Jar
Spells: (11)
Dimensional Fissure x3
Enemy Controller x2
Brain Control
Giant Trunade
Lightning Vortex
Heavy Storm
Reinforcement of the Army
Card Destruction
Traps: (9)
Mirror Force
Macro Cosmos x2
Torrential Tribute
Solemn Judgement x3
Trap Dustshoot
Mind Crush
The object for this particular build is similar to
any other RFG deck; take out as many graveyard
options as you can in order to cripple your
opponent. Card Destruction can turn bad hands into
good ones, Trap Dustshoot and Mind Crush keep you
informed of your opponents hand, hit or miss, and
Crow stops TundOTK, Explosion OTK, OhmTK, DAD, DDT,
and anything else that focuses on the graveyard. And
to answer a question from your e-mail, I don't
believe that Hand Destruction should be in the final
build, because your opponent can profit from it just
as well as you can.
As for the side deck, that would be completely up to
you and what your meta is like in the area you live.
Here's what I'd put in the side for my meta if I
were running this deck:
Kinetic Soldier x2
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord x3
Dark Bribe x3
Divine Wrath x2
Mobius the Frost Monarch x2
Waboku x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
hope these changes have helped you, and good luck
with this build! I will always write a reply to any
and all deck fixes, so be sure to keep them coming!!
Email to PDtamer02@hotmail.com