JULY 2008
Cheap and Different - Dark Gaia Deck
Hello again Pojo!
Just thought I'd share my thoughts on an amazingly
underused card from GLAS, Evil Hero Dark Gaia.
First of all, the Deck.
Monsters: 22
3x Evil Hero Malicious Edge (Basically a much better
version of Bladedge for those of you out of the
3x Caius the Shadow Monarch
3x Evil Hero Infernal Gainer
1x Snipe Hunter
1x Sangan
3x Fossil Tusker
2x Beta the Magnet Warrior(Ah, nostalgic...)
2x Legendary Jujitsu Master
2x Giant Soldier of Stone
1x Morphing Jar
1x Treeborn Frog
Spells: 12
3x Dark Fusion
3x Dark Calling
1x Heavy Storm
2x Giant Trunade
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Brain Control
1x Premature Buriel
1x Megamorph
1x Scapegoat
1x Card Destruction
Traps: 3
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Return from the Different Dimension
1x Torrential Tribute
Fusion Deck:
3x Evil Hero Dark Gaia
So the monster line up looks pretty odd right off
the bat just because Rock Monsters aren't really in
at the moment. Fossil Tusker and Beta both have high
attack points so can be used to attack or used as
fusion material. Jujitsu Master and GSoS both defend
but it is perfectly acceptable to fuse them to
something like Malicious Edge or Caius. Morphing Jar
can win games all by itself in this deck a floating
Frog is always a good thing in a deck with few back
field cards. Malicious Edge is actually a very good
monster but his main purpose is to be fused. Caius,
while again very good, is more fusion material.
Sangan should pretty much always try to search out
Morphing Jar. Snipe Hunter is useful if you have
some of the sacrifice monsters and no way of getting
them out but really that shouldn't be too hard. The
real trick card if Evil Hero Infernal Gainer, a
surprisingly powerful effect in a 1600 Atk package.
Best case scenario he makes a Dark Gaia attack twice
and then returns in your 2nd Standby phase to either
do it again for a different monster or to become
tribute fodder for a Caius/Malicious.
The spells include some staples, the fusion spells
and Giant Trunade(Which counts as a staple in this
deck and some would argue in this hyper-aggressive
format.) Megamorph makes a surprise appearance here
A)Because with a bad hand you could lose some
Lifepoints early on and B)Doubling Dark Gaia's
attack = Game. (When you fuse for Dark Gaia the Atk
he gets becomes his origional Atk)
The traps are Torrential which pretty much acts as a
1 turn stall, Magic Cylinder which is better than
its rivals in this deck build and Return from the
Different Dimension which is very just an incredibly
powerful card.
The idea is simple enough, Dark Fuse + Trunade/Storm+
either Infernal Gainer or Dark Calling and its
usually game. This deck normally either wins big or
loses big. The deck has a few good points and a few
bad points but more importantly than that its fun to
play with and its different.
A few things that might improve the deck:
Replace all the tribute monsters with 8 Stars and
add in 3 copies of Trade-In(Seeing as how you can
just Dark Calling them from the graveyard anyway)
The only hitch here is finding 8 Star rock monsters
with high attack. Lava Golem is an ideal 8 Star
Fiend though.
Add in thing suck as Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms or the Wicked Dreadroot +
as many draw cards/temporary stall cards as you can
and let rip with some truly powerful Dark Gaia's.
Armageddon Knight will put a high atk monster into
your graveyard for Dark Calling whilst also thinning
the deck.
Still, even on a budget the deck is formidable
enough and the best part is that no one will see it
If you have any thoughts/complaints my email address