Hey, this is That Guy
coming at ya with another meaningful,
tear-jerking article that will surely have
you asking for more as you give a standing
ovation while the critics rave about it.
Anyways, today, I'm gonna teach the people
who want to create the next best thing, how
to do so.
There's 3 steps in creating a good rogue
1. The idea has to be original
One day, little Jimmy woke up and stated he
was going to create a Gladiator Beasts deck.
After posting his deck on the Pojo message
boards, he received flames and soon found
out that the idea had been broken by some
dude in glasses at this thing called an Es,
Jay, See. What's the lesson here? Well, you
gotta be informed about the current
metagame. And the idea of using a rogue deck
is to have the element of surprise behind
you. So this is why you have to be original.
This portion could've been the last 2
sentences only, but hey, we all need a good
laugh once in awhile(If you didn't laugh,
you are a cruel and heartless person who
wouldn't feel anything if your dog dropped
dead in front of you).
2. You can't devote yourself to the strategy
Hey, with this deck, Venominaga will be so
easy to get out! Now if someone could just
burn all those Heraklinos and DADs, this
would work. The thing about a rogue deck is
it needs tech to fight the meta. Paul
Levitin (dude with glasses from above
paragraph) teched 3 Shadow-Imprisoning
Mirrors in a DAD heavy arena and it paid
off. You can't say your strategy is going to
go unharmed and your opponent will just sit
there while you draw out your needed pieces.
You need some way of holding off the meta,
and cards that hit all of the top dogs. In
this case, Bottomless Trap Hole and Solemn
Judgment works divine.
3. You can't stray too far from your deck's
Opposite from the above, you can't just
devote your entire deck to fighting the
meta, otherwise, you'd have no win condition
=/. A good rogue deck is built to do what
the initial strategy is, and also defend
itself from opponent's forces. I mean, when
was the last time you saw a deck that was x3
BTH, x3 D-Prisons, x3 Solemn Judgment, x3
Legendary Juitsu Master, x3 D.D. Crow, etc.
etc. Paul's Gladiators still got Heraklinos
off, Jerome's Fairies still did what they
were built to do while stopping the
opponent, Jon Moore's Samurais still stumped
DAD with Shogun. The key is strategy, and
combining proper defense with it.
Hopefully, this article helped you, and if
it didn't, sorry for wasting a small portion
of your life even though you've spent more
time on the internet when you could be
outside, enjoying life, and not grow up to
be some 40 year old virgin who lives in his
mom's basement...I mean, it's not
fair...jus...just leave me alone. I'm just
kidding, I'm not even in College yet :p
Anyways, yall can reach me at
bamoon518@yahoo.com or AIM me at
Thatguytotheleft. And I can't use my
signature "Until Next Time" 'cause someone
stole it so here's my new slogan
This is ThatGuy reporting live on Channel I
don't exist.
This article is brought to you by the FBI.
Yes, when they aren't on duty, they're doing
what you the reader do best, playing Yu-Gi-Oh!