JULY 2008
Why Should You Play Yugioh?- Stevoswain
Why should you, I, or anyone play yugioh? As
the writers of the Yugioh Abridged series state so
often: "It's a children's card game!" However,
I would like to state that this game (as many others
in the genre) is much more than a game.
At the roots, any card game is built on strategizing
and thinking. With that information, I present
to you the first reason to play Yugioh. Yugioh
promotes the use of the brain! Yes, this is
true, and, with the dwindling population of people
who use their brains on a daily basis, brain
exercises are a good thing. Whether one is
making a simple decision over what card to attack
with to end a duel or a more complex decision like
what to add from the side deck on the 2nd match of a
SJC Match... Yugioh players must think to get ahead.
Furthermore, with the wide variety of cards
available, there is a gigantic pool of cards and
strategies to choose from, and, therefore, cards and
strategies to think about. While the card game
itself promotes strategy, it is necessary to play
Yugioh against other people to use and develop these
strategies, and this leads us to reason number two.
Having trouble making friends? Unsightly back hair
causing people to shy away from you? Never
fear, people will play Yugioh with you regardless!
(Unless you are a jerk, then most people will ignore
you). Playing Yugioh is a great way for people
of all ages to connect. While some may view it
as a little creepy for a forty-year old man to play
Yugioh by himself, this same person takes on a
completely different meaning when that man is simply
playing with his children or taking the community
lead to give kids something to do other than get in
trouble. Families can play, college students
can take a load off (because college life is
extremely difficult!), and kids can be kids.
I'm almost twenty, and I recently picked the game
back up so that I can play with my brother whenever
I'm back in town. Simply put, Yugioh allows
people, who would otherwise have nothing in common,
to connect. While the aforementioned reasons
are enough to end this article, most lists go as far
as three reasons; so, without further ado, the last
reason in the triad.
Yugioh breeds creativity! Whether it is
finding some new way to use a card or coming up with
a new OTK combo, Yugioh is even more fun when new
strategies and deck types are born. This may
go back into the first reason a little; however, I
am giving it a separate paragraph because it needs
to be addressed. In a society where instant
gratification and reoccuring trends run amok,
creativity is key to keeping flames burning in
everyone. I'm not stating that Yugioh will be
the key that causes kids to figure out how to probe
the depths of the ocean or anything, but I am saying
that creativity can go a long way in making one
realize things that they have never thought of
before. Those ideas and concepts may or may
not be related to Yugioh, but in today's fickle
society, anything new is pretty golden.
Well, there you have it. You should play
Yugioh for at least those reasons. And if Yugioh
isn't your type of game, there are a wide variety of
strategy games that you can choose from. I
hope I have swayed some people to play with this
article. If you have any questions, comments,
or ideas feel free to email me. They can be
related to Yugioh or just games in general.
Until then, this is Stevoswain, signing out.