JUNE 2008
Deck Garage - PenguinJr
This is a notice to inform you of the community that
I will soon begin to accept decks for fixing. I
think that i will be able to offer valuable
contributions to your deck. All you have to do is
send me your decklist, a short paragraph on what
your deck theme is, the problem with your decks and
what you would like me to do with them. Here's the
format i would like you to send your decklists to me
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
Fusion Deck:
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
(Don't bother to write down this list if you have no
fusion monsters)
Side Deck:
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
3 Put Name Here
(You don't have to have a side deck but if you want
me to make you a side deck, you must specify that in
the email along with the description of your deck.)
I would like it if you didn't double space between
different cards in your deck. Please make the first
letter of every word in the card name a capital
letter. Please put the no. a same card in front of
the card even if there is only one of that card.
Please mail to penguinjr@live.com with
the following subject:
Pojo Garage - Your Deck Name - Your Name
I will send the fixes for your deck as quick as I
can so please don't spam my email account.