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Trading Card Game Tips from fans
March 2008
Hey Pojoers, it is
me, CaptainFalcon once again, and i decided to
build another deck to show you. I call it my
Blue Thunder Phoenix Beatdown deck, because it
involves Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys and Blue
Thunder T -45 to kill your opponent. I recently
aquired the two phoenix's and knew that I could
make a deck out of them.
So, without
further ado, i give you:
Blue Thunder Phoenix
Monsters: 18
x2 Sacred Phoenix (
of course!!)
x3 Blue Thunder T
-45 ( definitely!!)
x2 Exiled Force
x1 Spirit Reaper
x2 Apprentice
x1 Raiza the Storm
x1 Neo-Spacian Grand
x2 Destiny Hero -
x2 Majestic Mech -
x1 Treeborn Frog
x1 D. D. Warrior
Spells: 13
x1 Limiter Removal
x1 Brain Control
x1 Creature Swap
x2 Lightning Vortex
x1 Smashing Ground
x1 Monster Reborn
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Premature Burial
x2 Trade - In
x1 Mystical Space
x1 Soul Exchange
x3 Secret Barrel
x2 Generation Shift
x1 Magic Cylinder
x1 Torrential
x2 Forced Back
So, there you
have it. I liked the idea of making a deck with
the phoenix in it, so i did. I added the blue
thunders just so i can get the extra +1 monster
token to attack with. I like swarming the field
with pheonix's and then going with the blue
thunders ftw!!.
How I do it is,
you have one phoenix on the field. You play a
generation shift to destroy that phoenix and add
another one to your hand. If you are lucky, you
might be able to sak for the second phoenix.
Next turn, the first phoenix comes back. You
summon a blue thunder t -45. Equip it with a
limiter removal and pown your opponent.
So, if you are
lucky, you may have two 2400 atk phoenix's, and
1 3400 atk blue thunder ( meaning it is equipped
with limiter removal. )
I would say that
it is a very close game. It has a twist of burn,
with the secret barrels, and all that. Believe
me, those barrels can save you.
So, If you have
any suggestions or comments, or even decks you
would like me to give a little advice on, please
email me at
dougkrivanek@yahoo.com .
P.S. Daily Chuck Norris Joke!!
Norris doesn't sleep. He waits.
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