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Trading Card Game Tips from fans
March 2008
Hello again, everyone! I’m Daniel, and welcome back to my deck garage. Finally, after so many articles, I’m now going back to deck fixes starting with this article. Now everyone, before I get to the deck fix for this article, I need to tell all of you something as usual.
I want to let all of you know that I know it took me a while to write this article. The reason is that this article is very long, and I had to spend a lot of time writing it.
Anyway, that’s everything I want to talk about for now. I will save the rest of the things for the end of this article. Okay, today’s deck fix comes from Brandon Yokeley as I mentioned in my last article. I also mentioned that he sent me a Fox Fire deck for me to fix in that article as well. Anyway, before I fix the deck, I need to give all of you the e-mail he sent me as I do for all my deck fixes. So here it is: (Note – This is a deck that is under the ban list from September 1st, 2007.)
Hello, Daniel! I’m Brandon Yokeley. I’ve been playing the Yu-gi-oh TCG for a couple of years now, ever since the first pack was in stores, Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon. I play different decks, from old fashioned fiends to burn and still, but over the years, I’ve come across 1 card that I think is the head and shoulders above the rest of the cards. You may laugh at this, but it’s Fox Fire.
Yes, I know it’s a weak monster, but I made a deck around this guy, centered on bringing it back over and over, causing burn damage along the way. The main cards in my deck are Solar Flare Dragon, Fox Fire, and The Dark Door. Backfire doesn’t hunt the deck’s combo either.
The reason I want you to fix my deck is because it’s not that effective against spin cards like Raiza the Storm Monarch or Phoenix Wing Winged Beast. They hunt this deck. Like I said earlier, the deck is built around Fox Fire coming back from the graveyard, and Solar Flare Dragon can’t burn if Fox Fire isn’t on the field.
My deck doesn’t have a fusion deck or a side deck with it, but it would be cool if you could think of one to go with the deck. So here is my deck:
Foxtail Inferno – Main Deck: 40 cards
Monsters: 20
2 Fox Fire 3 Solar Flare Dragon 3 UFO Turtle 1 Serpentine Princess 1 Homunculus the Alchemic Being 3 Dreamsprite 1 Magician of Faith 1 Sangan 2 Harpie Lady 3 1 D.D. Warrior Lady 1 Patrician of Darkness
Spells: 14
1 Lighting Vortex 1 Foolish Burial 3 Back to Square One 1 Hammer Shot 1 Swords of Revealing Light 1 Premature Burial 1 Metalsilver Armor 1 Enemy Controller 1 Reload 1 Book of Moon 2 The Dark Door
Traps: 6
1 Dust Tornado 1 Shift 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Ultimate Offering 2 Backfire
Thanks if you do a deck fix on this deck. I’d really like your opinion on my deck. This is a low budget deck, and I don’t have all of the cards for this deck yet. Plus, if you could e-mail me, that would be great. You don’t have to put it on Pojo.com if you don’t want to. Goodbye.
Sincerely, Brandon Yokeley
Okay, everyone! That was the e-mail he sent me. Now everyone, for this deck fix, I’m going to start fixing the deck by removing cards from of the deck that don’t make sense or are useless. Also, after I fix the deck, I will tell all of you about what I will do for my next article as well as a few other things as motioned earlier.
First let’s look at the monster cards in the deck. Now, I’m going to take the following monster cards out of the deck:
1) 1 Serpentine Princess2) 1 Homunculus the Alchemic Being3) 3 Dreamsprite4) 2 Harpie Lady 35) 1 Patrician of Darkness6) 1 Magician of Faith
The only reason I’m taking these cards out of this deck is because they have nothing to do with the theme of the deck, which is burn, or don’t help the deck at all. Plus, Magician of Faith was banned on March 1st’s ban list.
Let’s move on to the spell cards in the deck now. Again, I’m removing the following spell cards from the deck:
1) 1 Metalsilver Armor2) 1 Foolish Burial3) 3 Back to Square One4) 1 Reload
Okay, now that I took out some spell cards from the deck, here are the reasons why I took them out:
a) Metalsilver Armor – I feel that this card should be taken out because with the monsters in the deck having weak stats, your opponent will have an easy time taking out the monster equipped with this card.
b) Foolish Burial – There are no monsters in the deck you want in the graveyard. Plus, it’s a waste of space in the deck.
c) Back to Square One – If you happened to go to www.metagame.com over the past week or so, you will understand that spin cards are losing their power since there are now a lot of cards you would rather destroy than return to the top of your opponent’s deck. This card is one of those spin cards. Plus, its discard cost will hunt you then help you. So it should be dropped.
d) Reload – This card will only allow you to trade in your hand for another one from your deck. Plus, sometimes this card can just give you the same dead cards from before.
Okay, now that I’m done taking out spell cards in the deck, let’s move on to taking trap cards out of the deck. Here are the trap cards I’m removing from the deck:
1) 1 Shift2) 1 Ultimate Offering3) 1 Call of the Haunted
Again, now that the trap cards are out of the deck, here are the reasons why I’ve taken them out:
a) Shift – I don’t know what this card does. Plus, I don’t think it will help the deck.
b) Ultimate Offering – Paying 500 life points for an extra normal summon or set may hunt your life points rather than help you win. Also, there are no tribute monsters in the deck, and it’s a dead draw half the time.
c) Call of the Haunted – This card is banned.
Okay, everyone! I’m done taking cards out of the deck. Now, let’s move on to adding cards into the deck. Before I do that, here’s a summary about what cards I took out of the deck:
-1 Serpentine Princess -1 Homunculus the Alchemic Being -3 Dreamsprite -2 Harpie Lady 3 -1 Patrician of Darkness -1 Magician of Faith -1 Metalsilver Armor -1 Foolish Burial -3 Back to Square One -1 Reload -1 Shift -1 Ultimate Offering -1 Call of the Haunted
Okay, now that the summary of what cards I took out of the deck is done, let’s add some cards in the deck to make the card count 40 cards again. Now everyone, I will try to keep the card count as close to 40 cards as possible. Anyway, let’s add in some monster cards in the deck first. As earlier, here is a list of monster cards I’m adding into the deck:
1) 1 Snipe Hunter2) 1 Marshmallon3) 1 Spirit Reaper4) 1 Morphing Jar5) 2 Raging Fire Sprite6) 2 Mask of Darkness7) 2 Royal Firestorm Guards
Okay, now that I have listed what monster cards I’ve added to the deck, here are the reasons why I’ve added them to the deck:
a) Snipe Hunter – You will be able to discard dead cards in your hand for a chance at destroying cards on your opponent’s side of field if you happen to be lucky with the dice rolls.
b) Marshmallon – It can be used to stall your opponent if you don’t happen to have any useful cards in your hand at the moment.
c) Spirit Reaper – See Marshmallon, but it can be destroyed easily.
d) Morphing Jar – It can be used to discard a hand full of dead cards for new, useful cards you may need at the moment.
e) Raging Fire Spirit – If you happen to stall your opponent long enough with Level Limit – Area B, Messenger of Piece, or Gravity Bind, [which I will be adding to the deck later,] you will be able to attack your opponent’s life points directly with this card. Plus, if you happen to get it to a high ATK level, you may be able to win the game with it on its next directly attack.
f) Mask of Darkness – I think that by including this card in the deck, you will be able to recover destroyed or used trap cards in your graveyard so that you can use them again.
g) Royal Firestorm Guards – It can shuffle back destroyed Pyro-type monsters into your deck, AND allow you to draw 2 cards just by normal summoning this card.
Okay, now that I’m done talking about what monster cards I’ve added to the deck, let’s move on to the spell cards I will be adding to the deck. Here are the spell cards I’m adding to the deck:
1) 1 Level Limit – Area B2) 1 Card of Safe Return3) 1 Monster Reborn4) 3 Wave-Motion Cannon5) 1 Dark Room of Nightmare6) 1 Heavy Storm7) 1 Messenger of Peace
Okay, now that I have listed what spell cards I’ve added to the deck, here are the reasons why I’ve added them to the deck like earlier:
a) Level Limit – Area B – I feel this deck could use some stalling power. That way, it will have a better chance of winning. Since this card is one of them, it’s good to include it in the deck.
b) Card of Safe Return – This card was included in the deck since you may want something else other than burn damage when Fox Fire comes back from the graveyard when it’s destroyed by battle. By adding Card of Safe Return, you will be able to draw extra cards when Fox Fire returns to the field as long as Card of Safe Return is face-up on the field.
c) Monster Reborn – By adding this card into the deck, you will be able to special summon any monster out of either player’s graveyard. Plus, you can get the key monsters back onto the field from the graveyard.
d) Wave-Motion Cannon – This card can do extra burn damage to your opponent. Plus, your opponent will be forced to use a spell/trap removal on it just to get it off the field.
e) Dark Room of Nightmare – This card can inflect extra damage to your opponent if you happen to do burn damage to your opponent through card effects. It’s a good card in this deck anyway.
f) Heavy Storm – This card can destroy every spell and/or trap card on the field. It’s useful in case you happen to face an opponent who uses spell/trap cards a lot during the duel.
g) Messenger of Peace – Like I said earlier, this deck could use some stall cards in it. Messenger of Peace is one of them; so it makes sense to include it.
Again, now that I’m done talking about what spell cards I’ve added to the deck, let’s move on to the trap cards I will be adding to the deck. Here are the trap cards I’m adding to the deck:
1) 1 Mirror Force2) 1 Dust Tornado3) 1 Gravity Bind4) 2 Dark Blade
Like earlier, now that I have listed what trap cards I’ve added to the deck, here are the reasons why I’ve added them to the deck:
a) Mirror Force – It can be used to stop your opponent’s monsters from attacking for a turn. Plus, this card destroys the monster cards that are in Attack Position when it resolves. Mirror Force is very useful in this deck.
b) Dust Tornado – An extra copy of this card is very useful since by the time you draw your single copy, you will lost the duel. By raising Dust Tornado to 2 copies, you will increase your chances of drawing this card.
c) Gravity Bind – This card is another stall card in the deck. Again, it is used to stop your opponent from attacking for a while.
d) Dark Blade – This card can be used to protect your stall cards from being destroyed by cards like Heavy Storm. Plus, it can be used to protect your monsters from being targeted by spell and trap cards.
Okay everyone! I’ve finished talking about what cards I’ve added to the deck. So here is a summary about what cards I’ve added to the deck:
+1 Snipe Hunter +1 Marshmallon +1 Spirit Reaper +1 Morphing Jar +2 Raging Fire Sprite +2 Mask of Darkness +2 Royal Firestorm Guards +1 Level Limit – Area B +1 Card of Safe Return +1 Monster Reborn +3 Wave-Motion Cannon +1 Dark Room of Nightmare +1 Heavy Storm +1 Messenger of Peace +1 Mirror Force +1 Dust Tornado +1 Gravity Bind +2 Dark Blade
Also, now that the summary of what cards I’ve added to the deck is done, here is the final deck list for the deck:
Brandon’s Foxtail Inferno Deck – Daniel’s Fix – Main Deck: 45 cards
Monsters: 20
2 Fox Fire 3 Solar Flare Dragon 3 UFO Turtle 1 Sangan 1 D.D. Warrior Lady 1 Snipe Hunter 1 Marshmallon 1 Spirit Reaper 1 Morphing Jar 2 Raging Fire Sprite 2 Mask of Darkness 2 Royal Firestorm Guards
Spells: 17
1 Lighting Vortex 1 Hammer Shot 1 Swords of Revealing Light 1 Premature Burial 1 Enemy Controller 1 Book of Moon 2 The Dark Door 1 Level Limit – Area B 1 Card of Safe Return 1 Monster Reborn 3 Wave-Motion Cannon 1 Dark Room of Nightmare 1 Heavy Storm 1 Messenger of Peace
Traps: 8
1 Dust Tornado 2 Backfire 1 Mirror Force 1 Dust Tornado 1 Gravity Bind 2 Dark Blade
Okay everyone! I’m now finish with the deck fix for this article. As earlier, I have a few things to say before I leave.
First, I want all of you to know that this article will be the last article I am writing for a while. Since I am busy these days and I am not getting a lot of e-mails lately, I feel that I should quit writing articles for a while. Okay?
Last, if you want to send an e-mail to me about anything related to my deck fixes or the Yu-gi-oh TCG, feel free to e-mail me at Kids6@Worldnet.att.net. I will be happy to read your e-mails.
Okay everyone, that’s it for this article. Like I said earlier, I may not be writing any more articles for a while, or forever. However, I will try to write another article for April if I get a chance. Until then, just think of me not writing any more articles. Okay? Anyway, goodbye and enjoy the card game.
- Daniel
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