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Trading Card Game Tips from fans
March 2008 yugioh: newbie friendly? (READ THIS NEWBIES )--pwii
hi, i'm back
with another article. this one actually doesnt
feature a deck! its me simply screaming how the
trading card game of duel monsters
(competitively) squashes someones dreams of
being the best.
take for
example "bob". bob got into yugioh because of
the TV show. he bought a structure deck, and a
few booster backs. he hasnt heard of
abbreviations like ladd, mof, ECT. if you asked
him about the metagame he would say 'gesuentight'.
at his school, he knows some people who like the
game too. he plays them, and eventually gets to
the top. now the others arent that good of
players either. so when he sees a flyer for a
yugioh tournament with prizes, he thinks he can
dominate it easily. but he's utterly flattened
by everyone there. so now, he can A) talk to the
people there and try to learn more about the
metagame and such, B) go back to dominating his
freinds, C) get depressed and give up the game
altogether. problem is, a lot of people will do
B or C. I was pretty bad when I started. but
then I saw the forword in my sister's pojo's
guide to neopets. I saw that pojo also did
yugioh. so I went to pojo.com. I loved the CotDs.
I kept reading them for a while, learning more
and more about the metagame, but I still had a
few problems: Everyone on the site it seemed was
a competitive player. I loved the game, but I
didnt want to spend more then $15.00 on.
especially because I had nobody to duel, (except
sometimes by little brother). Back then, I didnt
know about the tips section, so I thought that I
would never get on the CotD team or be able to
write articles like tebzu, dark paladin, mofox,
ECT. I actually wrote articles just in case I
ever got to be a 'featured writer'. But I'm
getting off subject. if I had never read that
forword or came here, I might've given up on the
game completely. so on behalf of all newbie's
that might read this: dont give up. read as much
as you can on the site, and ask Qs at every
turn. and contribute. just doing that gave me so
much happyness, and I hope it does for you too.
and if it doesnt, and you want to play, get the
video game. you could even request duels over
wi-fi with all sorts of people. I guess what I'm
trying to say is, read as much on here as you
can. you might even get to be as good as me
if there's
anything AT ALL, E-mail me at
iizduhdude@yahoo.com. I love it.
this has got to be the longest article I've ever
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