Hello, this is pwii. Once,
I was making a turbo burn deck, and
discovered that mirror burn would be more
appropriate. So, without further blah
blahing, I give you this:
blast sphere x3
des koala x3
lava golem x3
reflect bounder x3
burning land x3
dark room of nightmare x3
dark snake syndrome x3
messenger of peace x3
swords of revealing light
the dark door x3
dimension wall x3
magic cylinder
mirror force
ojama trio
secret barrel x3
zoma spirit x3
win asap by reflecting all
your opponent's attacks.
good against aggro, but
not so much against control
blast sphere is an almost-must for every
burn deck. reflect bounder is inedibally
good too. des koala adds some speed, while
lava golem gives you A) high attacks to
reflect, and B) burn really good. Des koala
is here for defense mainly.
Burning land, snake syndrome, and dron all
speed it up a lot. Once I get them out, I
win in just a few turns. Messenger of peace
is for backup in case I can't reflect, but I
can always blast it away when I get back on
my feet. The same thing with swords. The
dark door is one of my best cards, allowing
me to slow down the duel, while still
magic cylinder, D.D. wall, and zoma spirit
all reflect major damage. Ojama trio combos
with secret barrel, but is also used with
lava golem when you're opp. doesn't have
enough monsters to sac.
I'm answering all my mail
mondays, thursdays, and sometimes saturdays
and wednesdays. All because of my evil