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Trading Card Game Tips from fans
May 2008
Hello everyone! This is my
first deck submission to any form of online website
for publication online so I hope you all like the
upcoming thoughts I have on the meta and how to work
with certain strategys! I am a person who tries to
work on deck fixes of my own deck atleast 2 times a
day thinking of new strategys and old/new tech that
works for todays game! Monsters: 18
1x Dark Magician of Chaos 2x Ryu Kokki 3x D.D. Crow*** 1x Plague Wolf 1x Spirit Reaper 1x Morphing Jar*** 2x Goblin Zombie 3x Zombie Master 3x Pyramid Turtule
Magic: 17
1x Monster Reborn 1x Premature Burial 3x Book of Life 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 2x Lightning Vortex 1x Brain Control 1x Giant Trunade 2x My Body as a Shield***
Traps: 6
1x Mirror Force 1x Torrential Tribute 1x Malevolent Catastrophe*** 3x Divine Wrath***
So from your own views what do you see with this deck? Does anything exactly stand out for choices? Well if you can't I will help you out. If you noticed I have highlighted my tech cards with asterisks. As you can see they haven't been played seriously in quite a while. What does this give you in a deck though? Its always good to suprise your opponent with certain cards but what REALLY do you get from them being in the deck?
Morphing Jar - This is a card I decided to throw in because when you over extend in zombies sometimes you aren't prepared and you fall into a trap. While you would like to avoid this at all costs sometimes as you know no matter how good your deck is, you will get bad starting hands or horrible luck when summoning. Morphing Jar takes care of all of that. If you topdeck into morphing jar while over extending thats great! You can hold it and wait for things to either get ugly or you have something to protect it for a turn to flip it! Bad starting hand? Set Morphing Jar with 2 in the backrow at max(3 telegraphs it very easily to your opponent and they will more than likely make the read).
Another thing Morphing jar does in the starting hand is it can sometimes ruin your opponents stacking. I can't tell you the number of times my opponent has started off with Reinforcement > Stratos > Disc Commander, sets one in the back then ends or attacks depending on who went first. Morphing Jar can ruin their stacked hand and take out a CCV (Crush Card Virus), Premature, ect and devistate their optimal starting hand.
D.D. Crow: Maindecking D.D. Crow has become more so non-tech but it still qualifies in my book. Outright good it gets is to stop your opponents monster reborns, premature burials, Book of Lifes (in a mirror match), and most importantly stoping the DAD decks 3 needed darks.
My Body as a Shield: Wow...Oldschool. I haven't seen one of these maindecked in a while in any Shonen Jump (I may have missed one and/or forgotten one so sorry if so!) but it is something that can be abused in a Zombie Deck. Think about it...Summon a monster and your opponent torrentials, well just flip/play My Body as a Shield and your opponents card is wasted and you keep your field presence (which for zombies is paramount for success/winning). Also works against Mirror Force, Lightning Vortex, ect. Another great GREAT GREAT reason for My Body as a Shield is Crush Card Virus. Yeah, My Body negates crush card virus completely and no, they cannot check your hand, no they cannot check your face downs, no 3 turns. Nothing. I am not 100% sure on one thing which I will post in my next article is that if you have no cards (1500+) on the field if you can activate it to negate it. I will get back to you with this ruling soon :) promise.
Divine Wrath: Yes sir! Divine Wrath is the bread and butter for stopping meta decks right now and it has seen almost no play. People are willing to discard for Phoenix Wing Wind Blast and Raigeki break but refuse to use Divine Wrath? It dosen't make sense to me. Divine Wrath stops just about every card in a DAD deck with the exception of 1-4 monsters. Stratos, Grepher, Armageddon, Sangan, Malicious, D.D. Crow, LaDD(on the chain), Dark Armed Dragon, Snipe Hunter, and a bunch more in a DAD deck. I mainly started running this because of Caius though. He would always remove my zombies from play and I would be left looking at my book of lifes in anger. Divine Wrath also helps you dump your tributes into the grave where they are needed for all the Zombie Ressurection.
Malevolent Catastrophe: This is something I haven't been able to test out too much lately as I have been busy but when I have gotten it out it has broken open games for me. Set Pyramid Turtle, Goblin Zombie, Spirit Reaper, Morphing Jar, ect and Catastrophe then watch as you explode their backfield next turn. Just played heavy on one card? If you have this leave it as your single backrow and i'm more than posative you can catch your opponents off guard when they think your mass S/T removal is gone. For morphing Jar you will have to guage the situation on field and in hand wisely. If you feel your opponent sniffed out your jar by setting 2 before attacking then use catastrophe unless you can't spare losing your face downs. If they didn't sniff out the Jar then hey, they are going to lose alot more than you and you will have extreme card presence.
The rest of the deck as you can see is very standard for the meta zombie deck. Someone may be saying "No creature swap?" well its because I would like to keep the chainability going for now in this fast paced meta. While it is amazing to flip a turtle, summon a turtle, swap turtle for what they have then ram into each other is an amazing +2 (or +3 depending on how you view things) it just isn't needed as with the cards we have and brain control effective.
This has been my first article and I sure hope you enjoyed it. If anyone has any questions please feel free to write me at Wrath886@yahoo.com. Please make your topic sentance state atleast one of four titles or it will most likely be deleted. Titles: Deck Fix, Disagreement/Agreement, Ruling or Other. I thank you for those who took the time to read my article and I hope to hear from you all again! Thanks!
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