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Trading Card Game Tips from fans
May 2008
Welcome back to my second entry into online Yu-Gi-Oh. My last article featured my personal zombie deck and what each of the "non-staples that I include in my deck and why I chose certain ones. Over more decktesting and an UDE ruling reversal of Zombie Master I had to fix my deck just a tiny bit. Here are the corrections and updates.
Monsters: 19
1x Il Blud
Magic: 17
1x Monster Reborn Traps: 6
1x Mind Crush***
The deck comes out to 42 cards
which is one more than what I wanted
Armageddon Knight: Because of the rulings change I was forced to look for a way to burn through getting monsters in my grave faster and more effeciently. Thanks to this guy I can now deck thin and get my grave full at the same time. To me this is the equivelient of Stratos for my Zombies. Not only can it get a Zombie, it can push in my Disc Commander or Sangan for abuse with limit reverse which is also a new addition!
Destiny Hero Disc-Commander: This was a hard choice to put in as it bumped my monsters past 18 which I felt was a comfortable number to deal with especially with all the revival in the deck. This can be abused with Limit Reverse for revival. Be careful though if you decide to follow because it can and most likely will trigger a memo for your opponent when they see it in the grave for later use. Although...You can also let them burn their monster reborn and chain Limit Reverse to make them waste a card and give yourself a +2.
Card Destruction: Another addition due to the rulings change effective before SJC Saint Louis. Burns your opponents hand like Morphing Jar, gets cards into the grave for zombie masters effect, and helps you with extra options which is the most important thing when playing.
Mind Crush: I do not have crush
card and Trap Dustshoot has a stipulation where your
opponent must have 4 cards. While thats great turn
1-3 late game hands can be down to 1-2 cards. Mind
Crush can let you get to know exactly what to get.
Your opponent searches with stratos for a D-Draw?
burn them with this (CAUTION: Can backfire hardcore
so watch yourself). This also can be used well when
your opponent draws, checks his
Limit Reverse: New addition and a much welcomed one! While I do play this at one it is VERY helpful to create advantage. While it can only target Disc Commander and Sangan (it can target spirit reaper but he dies because of him being targeted when he hits the field) it is a very useful card. Chain this to their summoning, draw 2 or search then torrential. Activate in endphase, draw 2 then turn to defense mode on main phase or summon sangan, sacrifice for Ryu Kokki/Il Blud/Dmoc and let the good times roll.
If anyone has any questions please feel free to write me at Wrath886@yahoo.com. Please make your topic Yu-Gi-Oh Pojo and I will read and respond to it! I appreciating you the reader taking time to read this and I look forward to writing again.
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