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Trading Card Game Tips from fans
May 2008
Hey, it's PDtamer03, and instead of doing a deck fix
today, I'm going to be giving you a decklist that
I've been working on for a little bit now. By
the time you read this, SJC St. Louis will be either
underway or done, and this is the deck that I've
made for this event.
Van'Dalgyon Circle: 40 Cards
Monsters (20):
Card Trooper x1
D.D. Crow x1
Destiny Hero - Disk Commander x1
Destiny Hero - Fear Monger x1
Destiny Hero - Malicious x2
Elemental Hero Stratos x1
Gravekeeper's Spy x3
Light and Darkness Dragon x2
Marshmallon x1
Morphing Jar x1
Raiza the Storm Monarch x1
Sangan x1
Snipe Hunter x1
Spirit Reaper x1
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord x2
Spells (11):
Allure of Darkness x2
Brain Control x1
Destiny Draw x3
Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reborn x1
Premature Burial x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Scapegoat x1
Traps (9):
Crush Card Virus x1
Divine Wrath x2
Mind Crush x1
Solemn Judgement x3
Torrential Tribute x1
Trap Dustshoot x1
One of my teammates took a version of this deck to a
DAD infested regional in St. Louis before the
emergency ban, and Top 4'd with it.
Van'Dalgyon is so unexpected in this type of a deck,
and it's effects are so killer, that if you get one
to the field, victory is sure to follow soon after.
Other than the Vandy part of this build, it's a
standard PC deck, without a majority of the
monarchs. I feel that GK Spies are going to
see a dramatic increase in play, and they fit right
at home in this deck. I'll be posting my
tournament results on pojo.com after I come back
from the SJC.
Any questions/comments/decklists can be sent to
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